So discouraged.....



  • Kimberly I am new on the site, but I wanted to tell you to keep your head up. You could be retaining water weight. Keep a positive attitude and tell yourself that Next week is going to be a better weigh in. Are you eating foods with lots of salt? That can increase your blood pressure and retain water. Eventually you will drop the weight and be able to get off the blood pressure medications. I am sending a huge hug your way. It is going to be okay :)
  • Based on the information you provided, a health care provider is definitely the best course of action. Your body shouldn't be responding to exercise and a low calorie diet that way unless there is an underlying health issue. But keep in mind, a lot of factors go into how your body responds to all of this. High stress (such as in your personal or professional life), lack of sleep and the more extreme medical issues can all hinder weight loss goals and your body's metabolism.

    Also, don't let the short-term weight gain stop your long-term goals. I recently picked up with a healthier lifestyle and increased exercise and to my dismay, I actually gained weight in my first two weeks. I was literally in tears because all of the hard work I had put in had failed miserably. Thank goodness I have the support of loved ones and all of them told me to stick with it. I took a 3-day break from logging in, let my system reboot a little and started fresh this morning with the wonderful surprise that I lost weight over the weekend! It was only 0.2 lbs from my previous weight, but it was a loss nonetheless! I have also decided to stop weighing myself everyday, but every Monday morning instead. So now I get to start the week positive as opposed to dealing with the ups and downs of daily weight fluctuations.

    Just keep in mind that anytime you make a change, whether it is drastic or slow going, your body takes time to adjust. Sometimes it will respond by putting on water weight, or if you cut too many calories - the minute you eat in overabundance your body clings to the fat in anticipation of future "starvation." For now, I would suggest doing a little research on how you can reach your calorie goals by eating less hearty food so you can counteract the feeling of constantly being full. Try high protein items and lots of veggies, like carrots. Also, mix up your diet, don't try the same low calorie items every week. Try new recipes and have fun with the healthier lifestyle. I know it sounds corny, but the more positive you are about your new lifestyle, the more positive things that will come your way. In the meantime, take things slow and let your health care provider guide you through the initial transitions as they diagnose any underlying medical issues.

    Good luck to you and stick with it! Don't let anything stand in your way of reaching your goals!
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    3 possibilities

    1) water retention fluctuation.
    It could be you retained less than normal amount at your previous weigh in and had a lot of fluid at your last weigh in.
    One meal high in sodium will do that. Hormonal cycle will do that.

    2) you did not log every single bite/nut/sample that you put into your mouth. (watch UK show "secret eaters" on youtube).

    3). You are one of the miracle people that are able to turn air into calories. Imagine how advantageous that ability would be in the past, in times of war and starvation -- where all the people would starve, except the exceptional ones who could get fat without eating extra food. If this makes no sense to you what so ever, than there are only 2 possibilities.
  • Hello love! I will apologize in advance, because I did not read everyone elses comments 1st.

    This site has already factored in what you need to do to get to exactly where you want to be in a healthy fashion. Not eating the calories given can send your body into metabolic distress (aka starvation mode.) Over time, this can lead to major metabolic damage!! Metabolic damage is a nightmare! TRUST ME I'VE BEEN THROUGH IT. IT TOOK ME 2 YEARS TO GET OUT OF IT. You will work 20 times harder to lose weight and it wont happen. I compete in fitness competitions now. I eat anywhere from 1500-2500 calories and im fit! You have to build your matabolism back up! no hours upon hours on the tredmill. a good 45 minutes every day is just fine, This must also go hand in hand with a clean eating lifestyle. You can not gym off a bad diet!!! it look me 2 years to figure out that YOU CAN FIND A CLEAN RECIPE FOR ANYTHING YOU CRAVE!!! PIZZA, ICE CREAM, CAKE, COOKIES, BROWNIES, ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! it's 90% diet, 10% gym!

  • Thanks for the very encouraging words...i am going to continue and try to find foods less in sodium...also...i have not been tested for diabetes...although i did have gestational diabetes while pregnant with my son (he's 4 now). Going to keep my head held high and hope for the best....
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    It's a short period of time, you can't draw much in the way of conclusions from it. I'm glad you're consulting with a doctor and if you can afford it, I highly recommend some sessions with a nutritionist as well. What you eat is just as important as how many calories you eat.

    And yes, a food scale. Definitely.

    There are better days ahead, this is just a rought spot.