Looking for supportive friends

I'm new to the message boards, but I've been using MFP for quite awhile now. I am 70 lbs down from my highest weight of 250 lbs. It's taken me 5 years to lose 70 lbs with on and off dieting and exercise. Now, I am ready to commit and lose the last 30 lbs or so. My ultimate goal is to be 150 and reevaluate from there. I am 32, 5'4" and currently 181 lbs.
I'm a Mom, a full time desk worker, and I have a business on the side. I'm a very busy person at this point in my life. I make time for exercise by walking on my breaks at work, and working out before I pick my daughter up from childcare. This week I'm also going to try a bootcamp class, which is terrifying for me. I'm currently working on the C25K program on Week 5.
I would love to have some more friends on here that will support me. I will also try to be a supportive friend as well. Moms that work full time would be great because I know you understand my life. However, any friend at all would be great too.


  • miss_Presh
    Well I'm not a mom but Id love to give support and receive it as well. I've been on my fitness journey for awhile now, but have been very serious about it these past almost 2months now :) feel free to add me, anyone!
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    In a mom of two and this site has really helped me!! Feel free to add me!!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Im pretty new and a mom of two teenagers and the wife of a husband who works a ton of hours.. oh and I work full time... so I feel your pain!!! feel free to add me!!! :happy:
  • Say_Tia
    Say_Tia Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! I'm not a mom, but I know what having a busy life and trying to lose/maintain your weight is like.