Ready to Start the Journey; but need some help

I am new to MFP and the gym. I want to loose about 50-60 pounds and am not sure where to start, which machines to do, things to watch in my diet, ect. This is a very generic questions but am really looking for all kinds of help, any advise or tips would be wonderful. Thanks!!!


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    #1- start logging everything you eat no matter how low in calories. This was my BIG wake up call. I never realized how much I was really eating until I started tracking every bite. You may even want to start his before finding your calorie allowance if you have not done so already.
    As far as the gym- most offer one or two free trainer sessions. It is important to start off slow if you are new to it and build up slowly.
  • emmamc252
    emmamc252 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi there.
    Firstly with the calories, use the tool on here to see what you should be eating to lose the weight you want, its not an exact science but will give you some idea of the calories you need/don't need to be eating.
    Once you've done that try loggin EVERYTHING! literally down to the last grape for a few days and see how you feel with the calorie limit, is it too high or too low for you? it has to be something you can live with.
    I would also REALLY encourage you once you get going to look at the weekly calorie intake. My BIGGEST problem when I started was doing fine in the week and then the weekend I would go out, alcohol calories are shocking, meals out are really shocking and I'd feel like crap for having "wasted" the whole week being good and then "ruining it." THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!! it took me so long to figure this out or at least accept it as true!! its aprox 3500kcals you have to "not eat" to lose a lb of weight! so if you are down 5000kcal but then overeat by 500 1 day its really not a big deal!!! I think this mentality helps you to stick with it and not see it as such a harsh life intrusive thing if that makes sense.
    also find meals you roughly know the calories of and at first WEIGH STUFF!!! portion sizes are such a massive problem. eg I have cereal for breakfast and was logging the calories it said on the box for "1 serving." BUT 1 serving is usually about 35 or 40g of cereal. WEIGH IT!! oh my god its not a lot!! I was having at least twice probably more and not even realising the calorie content. Same for pasta rice etc. My portion sizes were a major problem for me. At first I think weighing stuff or buy some measuring cups and use them so its not too clinical but really get an idea of what "1 serving" on these packets etc means! I promise that's my number 1 tip!!!

    ok onto the gym.
    If you're new to the gym then don't kill yourself, you won't like it and you won't feel good!! I've done inductions and MY GOD!!! some of these people really don't understand that we don't want to be MRS UNIVERSE, or run a marathon, we just want to shape up and lose a few lb!! CARDIO is key to weight loss and in honesty you will tone up with this. unless you have a really low body fat % you aren't going to get a 6 pack no matter how many crunches you do, and your arms will not stop being a bit wobbly because yo lift weights! DO CARDIO!!! it WILL build muscle anyway and it burns calories at the same time!!!
    Next.... CARDIO does not mean run til you pass out!!!! USE THE PULSE/HEART RATE monitors at the gym!!! some machines even have "weight loss programs" that use your heart rate to set the resistance/difficulty levels for you. Your heart rate should not be above 170!! there's no need and you will burn MORE fat and be bale to exercise for longer if you stick to the 160-170 range. If you want to improve your cardio fitness then I think its 170-180 and I do get up to that but stupid high numbers, feeling like you want to die is not the way to go!!! Again with exercise log it on here, log duration and level and you WILL see yourself getting fitter, and losing the lbs.

    the key is to be realistic and set goals that are achievable otherwise you are setting yourself up to fail and failure leads to quitting.
    60lbs is a lot so set short term goals too. I'm so excited this week as i'm like 1 lb away from getting back under 160!! YEY!!!! after that it will be getting under 11 stone!! OH YEAH!!! if all you focus on is that little number that will only appear right at the end of your journey then its going to seem like a VERY long journey and you will get turned off! be proud of the achievements you make!!
    I'm happy to be a friend on here and try and support you as much as you need. I am just starting my weight loss journey again after having my second child so I'm in the same boat as you just having been here and SUCCEEDED before! IT CAN BE DONE!!!
  • ngleesing
    ngleesing Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks soooo much for the post, it was way more than I expected to get:) it is awesome to see this much support, I hope keeping up with this site and with the encouragement of everybody I will FINALLY keep with it and start loosing weight!!! Thanks again guys I already feel more determined knowing their are LOTS of other people with the same problems, tips and encouragement to give