Why am I starving?

So Ive noticed during certain weeks of the month, Im easily satiated at 1300 caloires. Then other times, I am STARVING LIKE A BEAR. No matter how much protein or good carbs I eat, on some days I am so hungry that I literally eat 2500 calories and am not full. My acitivity level is consistent throughout the month, its ljust my natural appetite varies. Why is this? Do our bodies burn more calories during certain times of the month?


  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    A week before that TOM, I eat like a bear! I crave chocolate.
  • mickey2168
    mickey2168 Posts: 20 Member
    I notice that before my TOM and the day after I am really hungry too!
  • kaddydaddy
    kaddydaddy Posts: 60 Member
    Are you consistent with your water intake?
  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member
    I dunno if you mean you TOM or not, but for about 2 days before and the first 2 of my TOM im exactly like you described, I could chew the hind leg off an alpaca quite easily! And I crave chocolate and salt. Last week it felt like I spent all day staring into my pantry...
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    Balance your carbs with adequate protein and healthy fat or even more protein than carbs per day and see if that helps.

    Cravings and strange unexplained hunger are usually always hormone imbalances and/or blood sugar issues. You can control those things by increasing protein, decreasing carbs (like under 100-150 per day) and adding healthy fat and fiber.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    ...Why are you consuming 1300 when it clearly isn't the best option for you?

    Are you eating according to your activity level? Could stop the desire to 'binge.'

  • linalovekitty
    hormones possibly, but more likely it the food you're eating. for example if you eat fairy clean you wont have random cravings. But if I go and eat something like a brownie im so much more hungry later in the day....this has to do of course with your blood sugar spiking and then dropping i.e cravings. eat clean and your craving will go away:)

    this is no craving. this is primal, starvation hunger. the kind youd feel if you hadnt eaten in a week.

    Its actually not my TOM, its always the week afterward that I have this hunger. I do my best to manage it, and if I absolutely have to cheat I go for protein, like a cheeseburger, rather than sweets or starches. But thats probably also bc I crave red meat like a dinosaur
  • linalovekitty
    ...Why are you consuming 1300 when it clearly isn't the best option for you?

    Are you eating according to your activity level? Could stop the desire to 'binge.'


    I am eating according to my acitivity level which is mostly sedentary. I avoid exercise during diets bc I tend to require more calories than I need to lose if I exercise. I workout when I maintain and am able to eat more
  • linalovekitty
    ...Why are you consuming 1300 when it clearly isn't the best option for you?

    Are you eating according to your activity level? Could stop the desire to 'binge.'


    bc IM totally unclear as to how many calories I should be consuming. My fitbit tells me I burn anywhere from 1800-2100 cals/day depending on activity level. Im pretty sedentary.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Try Reducing your deficit then. Go with 250 or 300 less than what your fitbit tells you you've burned for the day, instead of 500-800 less.
  • linalovekitty
    Try Reducing your deficit then. Go with 250 or 300 less than what your fitbit tells you you've burned for the day, instead of 500-800 less.

    but will i still lose?
  • cdyne
    cdyne Posts: 4 Member
    As your body changes, so should your diet.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    ...Why are you consuming 1300 when it clearly isn't the best option for you?

    Are you eating according to your activity level? Could stop the desire to 'binge.'


    While I do not agree that 2500 calories would constitute a binge...I agree that you should calculate your TDEE.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Try Reducing your deficit then. Go with 250 or 300 less than what your fitbit tells you you've burned for the day, instead of 500-800 less.

    but will i still lose?
    Yes. As long as you eat below your TDEE, which you do not need to calculate because that is what the fitbit is doing for you.

    The amount of fat you can lose in a day depends on how much you have. You can't just burn off 2 pounds a week when you only have 20 left to burn, for example. As your body fat % decreases, your deficit needs to decrease as well or you will just start burning off lean body mass with that extra deficit instead of fat.

    So it isn't going to just melt off for you at this point. You need to be patient, get used to eating in the way that will keep you at your goal weight, and there will be no need for a "transition" when you hit your goal.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    This TOM guy sounds like a terrible person

    And he really gets around, too. :happy:
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have this feeling about half way through my cycle. Figure it's due to ovulation. It's possibly a combo of not eating enough at other times, and hormones. Hormone changes don't JUST cause cravings. They can cause hunger, too.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    hormones possibly, but more likely it the food you're eating. for example if you eat fairy clean you wont have random cravings. But if I go and eat something like a brownie im so much more hungry later in the day....this has to do of course with your blood sugar spiking and then dropping i.e cravings. eat clean and your craving will go away:)

    this is no craving. this is primal, starvation hunger. the kind youd feel if you hadnt eaten in a week.

    Its actually not my TOM, its always the week afterward that I have this hunger. I do my best to manage it, and if I absolutely have to cheat I go for protein, like a cheeseburger, rather than sweets or starches. But thats probably also bc I crave red meat like a dinosaur

    Maybe you have low iron levels. Women have a tendency to have less iron, and it can get worse with TOM. I don't know if that would affect hunger, but it sounds like you're craving items with protein and iron in them. Do you take multi-vitamins and eat balanced meals?
  • linalovekitty
    hormones possibly, but more likely it the food you're eating. for example if you eat fairy clean you wont have random cravings. But if I go and eat something like a brownie im so much more hungry later in the day....this has to do of course with your blood sugar spiking and then dropping i.e cravings. eat clean and your craving will go away:)

    this is no craving. this is primal, starvation hunger. the kind youd feel if you hadnt eaten in a week.

    Its actually not my TOM, its always the week afterward that I have this hunger. I do my best to manage it, and if I absolutely have to cheat I go for protein, like a cheeseburger, rather than sweets or starches. But thats probably also bc I crave red meat like a dinosaur

    Maybe you have low iron levels. Women have a tendency to have less iron, and it can get worse with TOM. I don't know if that would affect hunger, but it sounds like you're craving items with protein and iron in them. Do you take multi-vitamins and eat balanced meals?

    yes, I eat very well. all organic,homemade, fresh and whole except the occasional cheat, (which is usually in the form of a BK whopper :) no fries, extra bacon).But typically, I eat meals that look like this : brown rice, flank steak, asparagus or grilled chicken pita (pita is homemade whole wheat high fiber) w raw veggies. any starch I eat is always high fiber and never processed