Need to trim inches quickly



  • madtownjeremy
    +1 all the low-carb advice. That's literally going to be the only REAL way to do this. If you want to get hardcore about it, look up "protein sparing modified fast", which is basically a thousand cals or so a day, ALL good protein (doesn't even have to be very lean). I think they used this plus a few caveats for the Atkins induction phase back when that was all the rage.

    It's certainly not fun and you'll only want to push this for the three weeks you've got, but if you're disciplined enough and really want results without mummification gimmicks, the PSMF is a pretty good way to go.

    ...and seriously, don't listen to the 'aint gonna happen' people above. It's totally doable...just not for certain people because a crash diet like this doesn't allow Cheetos and diet soda.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    lipo suction....or look for a good seamtress to let it out.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    Soup and laxatives.
    Not a good idea. Laxatives can be dangerous
  • TrinaHouse
    TrinaHouse Posts: 9 Member
    wraps can also temporarily make you gain inches. I did.

    shapewear or a proper corset and someone strong to tie you in.

    GAIN inches?!?!?! That's no bueno!
  • TrinaHouse
    TrinaHouse Posts: 9 Member
    +1 all the low-carb advice. That's literally going to be the only REAL way to do this. If you want to get hardcore about it, look up "protein sparing modified fast", which is basically a thousand cals or so a day, ALL good protein (doesn't even have to be very lean). I think they used this plus a few caveats for the Atkins induction phase back when that was all the rage.

    It's certainly not fun and you'll only want to push this for the three weeks you've got, but if you're disciplined enough and really want results without mummification gimmicks, the PSMF is a pretty good way to go.

    ...and seriously, don't listen to the 'aint gonna happen' people above. It's totally doable...just not for certain people because a crash diet like this doesn't allow Cheetos and diet soda.

    Great thanks! I haven't heard of this but I will definitely check it out!!! :-)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    1) get the dress tailored
    2) spanx if you can wear them with the dress
    3) low carb the week before - stay around 100 - 120g. It will be water weight and temporary, but should help you lose some water weight.
    4) keep sodium down for a few days before and try to get a good amount of potassium

    You will not lose that much fat in that time period, but you should be able to lose some inches.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    GAIN inches?!?!?! That's no bueno!

    they call it toxic bloat. I wasn't told about it until after I saw the results and they go on to say that people who experience this bloat have the best results 72 hours later... 72 hours pass and there was no change from before. /shrug
  • Ballistyx
    Ballistyx Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not going to say it's impossible to lose 3 inches in three weeks, but the odds are definitely not in your favor. As everyone else suggests I recommend looking into low-carb dieting as it'll probably give you your best shot at losing as much as possible by then. The only things to keep in mind really are that everybody is different; some people (like me) can lose weight very quickly on a low carb diet. On the other hand I know of some people who can't lose weight on a low-carb diet no matter how hard they try.

    The other thing to keep in mind is that on an average sized person, 10lbs of fat = 1 inch around the waistline. It varies from person to person obviously but on average that measurement holds true. So if you want to lose 3 inches you're looking at about 30lbs you need to lose in 21 days. I'm not going to say it's impossible (anything is if you put your mind to it). It's just that the odds are not really in your favor. The amount of strain you'd be putting your body under to sustain losing almost 1.5lbs a day wouldn't be healthy either.

    You may want to consider maybe just picking up a new dress though. Although you could take the dress you bought to a seamstress, chances are that they're not going to be able to let it out three inches. Depending on the number of panels and how the individual panels are cut and sewn together there's probably only room for an inch or two at best. Depending on the material the dress is made out of itself; sometimes if you let out a garment the material will retain the stitch marks too. On cottons, wools, and other non-delicate fabrics you can usually get the marks out by ironing the heck out of it with an iron. On delicate fabrics? As they say in Brooklyn: fuhgedaboutit!

    You may find that if the seamstress is a miracle worker and can do the work (and I'm talking about an experienced seamstress that knows their craft), you may find that it'd be less expensive just to buy a new dress.

    Besides the crash diet, letting the dress out (or outright buying another one), there is another option here that everyone is glossing over...

    You may want to talk to your husband and see if you both can postpone the ceremony for another month (giving you seven weeks to lose the weight). Granted it won't be exactly on your ten year anniversary, but think of it this way: You've been together for 10 years now, what's another month? Besides; he'll make out good in this regard since you'll be less stressed out the days leading up to the event too (like the saying goes: If the wife isn't happy, the husband isn't either. :) ).
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Agree with the other comments.

    To lose size around your mid section quickly I would say go with STRICT diet incorporating no sugar, no processed foods, no starchy carbs, no wheat. If you really want it, you will do it. EAT plenty of non-starchy veggies and lean protein, drink lots of water.

    Do 20-30 minutes HIIT 5 times a week. There's no impact on a stationery bike, so that might be the best option. Pick your intervals, but one minute hard, one minute easier might be something to aim for...

    Also, invest in a corset or similar shape wear.

    Best of luck!
  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    You could try a juice fast (if you have or could buy a juicer). Or low carb.
  • stella_jones2k5
  • stella_jones2k5
    Where do you get these body wraps from?

    I actually have a friend that sells them here in TX. They're called It Works. You can also buy them from the website
  • MarshmallowLegs
    MarshmallowLegs Posts: 51 Member
    cinnamon honey cleanse
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    A knife.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    Get the dress tailored.

    Weddings are stressful as is. Fitting into the dress would be the last thing you want to think about.
    It's supposed to be a happy occasion :)

    Congratulations by the way!
  • TrinaHouse
    TrinaHouse Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not going to say it's impossible to lose 3 inches in three weeks, but the odds are definitely not in your favor. As everyone else suggests I recommend looking into low-carb dieting as it'll probably give you your best shot at losing as much as possible by then. The only things to keep in mind really are that everybody is different; some people (like me) can lose weight very quickly on a low carb diet. On the other hand I know of some people who can't lose weight on a low-carb diet no matter how hard they try.

    The other thing to keep in mind is that on an average sized person, 10lbs of fat = 1 inch around the waistline. It varies from person to person obviously but on average that measurement holds true. So if you want to lose 3 inches you're looking at about 30lbs you need to lose in 21 days. I'm not going to say it's impossible (anything is if you put your mind to it). It's just that the odds are not really in your favor. The amount of strain you'd be putting your body under to sustain losing almost 1.5lbs a day wouldn't be healthy either.

    You may want to consider maybe just picking up a new dress though. Although you could take the dress you bought to a seamstress, chances are that they're not going to be able to let it out three inches. Depending on the number of panels and how the individual panels are cut and sewn together there's probably only room for an inch or two at best. Depending on the material the dress is made out of itself; sometimes if you let out a garment the material will retain the stitch marks too. On cottons, wools, and other non-delicate fabrics you can usually get the marks out by ironing the heck out of it with an iron. On delicate fabrics? As they say in Brooklyn: fuhgedaboutit!

    You may find that if the seamstress is a miracle worker and can do the work (and I'm talking about an experienced seamstress that knows their craft), you may find that it'd be less expensive just to buy a new dress.

    Besides the crash diet, letting the dress out (or outright buying another one), there is another option here that everyone is glossing over...

    You may want to talk to your husband and see if you both can postpone the ceremony for another month (giving you seven weeks to lose the weight). Granted it won't be exactly on your ten year anniversary, but think of it this way: You've been together for 10 years now, what's another month? Besides; he'll make out good in this regard since you'll be less stressed out the days leading up to the event too (like the saying goes: If the wife isn't happy, the husband isn't either. :) ).

    Thanks for taking the time to respond! Since posting this, I have tried on the dress again and either it wasn't as bad as I thought or I have already lost some!!!
  • TrinaHouse
    TrinaHouse Posts: 9 Member
    Where do you get these body wraps from?

    I actually have a friend that sells them here in TX. They're called It Works. You can also buy them from the website

    Yeah I have a friend that sells the same ones. Have you tried them?
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Just wondering if the inches are dropping off???
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    There is NO way to do it quickly. It takes time, work and dedication.