Thoughts while it rains

It rained in San Antonio the other day which for the last ten years doesn't happen much. It allowed me to do something I use to do when I was little. See, San Antonio is far from flat. Everything is built in between the top to bottom of some hill, some sloops lasting miles curving into other slopes. So water, hours after it rains can be seen flowing down the street often traveling from houses miles away. I, before I hit my teens would get something like a dum dum wrapper and throw it in the stream and follow it as it flowed down the street several blocks, than down an ally, back around a church past a high school and than into a drainage ditch where it's journey continued beyond my sight. Of course the 32 year old me isn't following candy wrappers anymore, but my 8 year old daughter asked why there was still water on the road even though it hadn't rained for since morning and wondered where it is coming from. I walked her through how I would follow that candy wrapper and it how every once in while watch it slow to a stop as the road leveled it would sit there as water passed it but slowly edging it towards the next slope than in an instance be sucked into the flow once more. How long it would take was never constant, but water, given enough time can travel miles. Sometimes only minutes sometimes hours. Friends would race sometimes, the difference would be so great between one wrapper and another it was mind boggling. So i explained The water she was seeing was once a mile up the road. It flowed down our side street stopping and collecting at the four way stop 3 blocks north than spilling over flowing around the block than curving down our street. It had a story to tell she only had to look and it even had a story that was beyond our sight. It poured down a block and than stopping at a busy intersection where it pools and than veers to the left. That conversation made me think of weight loss. At least my journey. Some times I'm heading down a hill and losing weight, sometimes it seems like its stopped even though Im inching to a new edge. You never know how long it takes to get down a stream. Sometimes things must pass you by in order to move forward. And just because you reached the end of your goals doesn't mean the journey has to be over. It often goes beyond sight and keeps going if your willing to ride it out and find out where it leads


  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Don't give up ride it out
  • Great analogy
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Great analogy
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    A sacrifice you make today
    Will never ever be gone
    A sacrifice you make today
    Will soon be passed on

    A sacrifice you make today
    Will stay in many hearts
    A sacrifice you make today
    Help many play their parts

    A sacrifice you make today
    Will never be forgotten
    A sacrifice you make today
    Will never be mistaken

    A sacrifice you make today
    May even change history
    A sacrifice you make today
    May be kept in someone’s memory

    A sacrifice you make today
    Might light someone’s day up
    A sacrifice you make today
    Might fill someone’s dry cup

    A sacrifice you make today
    Will always be treasured
    A sacrifice you make today
    Will always be remembered
    Anders Lim