Want to lose 20 lbs... and I need inspiration!!

Hello everyone!!

As a super busy single mom who JUST graduated from school, I NEVER put my health at the top of my importance list. Sure, I'd spend a few days trying to cut down, usually by inhaling packages of 100 calorie shortbreads and pounds of celery. After a few days however, I'd call it quits and eat an entire box of hermits in one sitting.

I knew I needed some structure or I would just fizzle out like every other time I tried to "diet", usually after that one moment when I'd say "ONE bbq bacon cheeseburger won't kill me!" I'd begin the familiar descent into fast-food drudgery, low energy, and feeling out of control. So I'm trying Herbalife with the help of a coach, and it's kept me on track for five whole days! For me, five days is a damn long time too. A DAY feels like a long time... an hour without a french fry? Totally hard!

So yep, I'm an overeater, for certain. I'm also no specimen of athleticism. I've never had a good exercise routine. I've dragged myself to the gym in the past, and aside from reading a book on the treadmill, I really hated most of it. I'd show up, keep my head down as I passed the people who knew what they were doing on those weight machines that reminded me of Spanish Inquisition torture devices. And I'd park my but on a treadmill or bike for 30 solid minutes, then leave as sheepishly as I'd arrived. This is no way to live!

So hello MFP, I hope there are others there like me, who have struggled eternally to feel in control of their eating, and who find losing weight so very, very difficult. I need inspiration and motivation constantly to keep me on track, because left to my own devices I may eek my way down that cookie aisle towards Paul Newman's smiling face.... and goodbye hermits! (seriously, hermits should be illegal)

I've always been 15-20 lbs overweight. My whole dang life. But with Herbalife, my coach, MFP, and my determination (and a yet-to-be-determined exercise routine that even a busy-as-hell single mom with limited child care options can get into... ideas anyone???) I expect success this time, because I feel ready to work for it.

I hope some of you friend me!


  • anndisme2
    anndisme2 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I can relate to just about everything you said! I've also been about 15-20 lbs overweight most of my life, and have had a hard time staying focused. I think I'm FINALLY getting the hang of it, and am determined and excited this time. MFP has been a great tool to keep me focused. Best of luck - you can do it!!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    What are hermits? I'mma gunna have to google them.

    Only you can be your push my love, no one else can do it for you. But you already know that :flowerforyou: