Which P90X or Insanity? not sure which to try.

I am 30years old have gone from 140lb at the begining of April to 132 now by gradually building my fitness with 30 Day Shred/ Burn Fat Boost Metabolism and 6 Week 6 Pack (yes I like Jillian Michaels I much prefer some one to tell me I wont shift the weight unless i get off my fat *kitten* than some cheese ball cheerleader).
I am currently doing 6W6P and 30DS every day to build up my stamina but I keep looking into Insanity and P90X and fancy upping my game.
Which is the best in your own opinions? I don't do diets because I eat healthy fresh home cooked meals which I plan Prep and portion. I find when I diet or have to stick to a nutritional routine I end up binge eating so I am purely looking at these for an exercise point of view.
Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated. xx:smile:


  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    Hi There,
    I have done both and both are great programs.
    I prefer the P90X program. I find it a more well rounded program with resistance training, cardio and yoga.
    Insanity is almost pure cardio with the exception of a few push-ups.

    Good luck!
  • skelton82
    skelton82 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks I ve been looking at both and the P90X looks more appealing and after watching the Insanity Fit test I think I would die I am no where near that kind of cardio fit yet (I know if I applied myself I could build up to it but to be honest the hi impact jumping exercises scare me I had tendonitis earlier this year and dont want to undo all the home physio) I am going to see if I can get hold of the P90X and give it a good go. x m
  • hammbone55
    hammbone55 Posts: 73
    I have P90X and I do like it very much...except the PLYO and the YOGA. LOL so I pretty much use it for the strength workouts and use other things (treadmill, kickboxing, biking, etc.... for my cardio). I too have been checking out Insanity, but can't justify paying that much for the set. I got the P90X for dirt cheap and I can't remember where. I got it used, but it was only like $50 and it came with everything.
  • skelton82
    skelton82 Posts: 25 Member
    Cool think I am going to save some pennies then and get the P90X it looks the better of the two for me and should give me time to finish off this phase of 30DS and 6W6P as well as my Butt Lift challenge.
    I have never really been an active person certainly not since my teens but recently losing the first stages of fat and building stamina and a little muscle I am really excited to see what my full potential could be. plus its seriously helping my head space as well.
  • jceli1977
    jceli1977 Posts: 4
    I am starting P90x today for the first time! Everyone Pray for me! lol
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    I have done the Jillian DVD's you mentioned as well as Insanity and P90X twice. If you are looking for a challenge after you've completed Jillian workouts, I would recommend P90X. After you complete P90X then I would recommend Insanity. Insanity really is in a league of its own and it's better to start out with the lesser of the two evils, which is P90X! lol
  • mkshortall
    mkshortall Posts: 38 Member
    I have also done both and seems like P90X would be a good way for you to go. Watch out for buying it on ebay etc just to make sure its a full copy...I got burned and wasted money trying to be cheap! Add me if you want for some motivation...
  • latinpr
    latinpr Posts: 33 Member
    I've done P90X a few years ago and started Insanity 3 weeks ago. They are 2 completely different programs. P90X is much better at strength training and is much more well rounded. Insanity is 95% cardio and Plyo.
    They are both the best programs for what they are. It all depends on what you are looking to do. You want to lose overall fat content, go with Insanity. You want to balance out and get bigger muscles while losing a little bit of fat, go with P90X.

    Word of warning though. Insanity is much, much harder than P90X because it's nonstop from begnning to end and it's very intense. That being said, it's also only 45 minutes compared to the 1.25 - 1.5 hours of P90X.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I love Insanity, but I also lift on my off days. I don't do it the full 6 days a week like the program wants, but still got great results, just not on the scale. Sounds like both would be a great choice, I chose Inanity because I didn't want to have anymore equipment around my house.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I think both are great programs. The people above explained the difference really well. I'm hooked on P90X :). It is such a good avenue for fat loss. Feel free to add me if you'd like some support. I'm three rounds in and 65 pounds down.
  • skelton82
    skelton82 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and opinions. I think I am going to get ready for P90X after this phase of JM workouts.
    I have NEVER done anything like this before and am so excited about seeing my full fitness potential develop. So I am setting myself a target from the beginning of September to end of November and I hope to be going through my first P90X experience. :) !!!