Down 70 and Ready to Live - Let's DO THIS TOGETHER!

Ask yourself WHY. Why change, why here, why now? I asked myself WHY 75 pounds ago and since then, I have not stopped answering WHY. I found my "why" and today I push myself to MY extreme to get where I want to be. I am a mother of 3 little ones (a 4 and 5 year old girl and a 1 year old baby boy) and I quickly learned that THEY are my why. Yes I wanted to improve my health, yes I wanted to be strong, powerful, accomplished, but most importantly I wanted to change my life so that I could lead my kids by my example. I needed them to know that fit and healthy is in, and that it is a necessity (not an option). I wanted them to develop themselves by pushing their bodies and developing the confidence that comes with it. As parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents we know that this world is a tough place and I knew that for my children I needed to instill in them the importance of mind over body and that they could be strong in all aspects of their life. I did not just want to just preach it, I wanted them to see me live life and to want to be like me because I make it fun and beautiful (in my own unique way). Finally, I wanted to help them see that real confidence comes from within.

Before I began my journey some days the biggest challenge was being able to even face the day. I was tired, sore all the time, and it hurt to see what I had become. I was taking a turn towards the worse and I was literally spiraling downhill out of control. I knew that something needed to change. Before I started Insanity, I was at the all time lowest point in my life - I was a blessed mommy with beautiful babies but I could not keep up with them, I despised looking in the mirror and I hated who I had become. I ate because I had nothing else that made me "happy", I hurt all over and found discomfort in the simplest of tasks. My health was failing yet I was only in my late 20s. I knew that something had to change, IT HAD TO. I saw myself in my "before" picture and I cried. I knew then that I was pushing and I was NEVER going back. I knew that it was time for something new and I knew it had to start with me. That day I refocused, committed, and pushed even when my body told me I could not push a second longer.

I originally started with Insanity because I saw the advertisement for it and thought, I need disciplined, I need someone to push me to my limit, and a “no-nonsense” workout that helps transform my mind and body. It seemed that it was the perfect fit and it most definitely was. It allowed me the opportunity to "live" again. It taught me discipline unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life. It made me realize that I can do whatever I put my mind to and that no matter what, I was going to succeed. I pushed myself to the limit daily and it transformed not only my body but my mind. I did Insanity, Insanity Asylum, and Chalean Extreme. They are all fantastic and helped me to create the "me" that I dream to be.

The results I have achieved from Beachbody is truly a total transformation: Mind & Body. I am proud that I have lost 70 pounds, I am proud that I have went from a size 18 to a size 12, and I am proud that I am healthier than I have ever been in my life. More so, I am proud that I am someone that others can look up to and strive to succeed because they see me as someone that DID. I am thankful that my mind has been transformed and that I LOVE the new me and all that I can offer to my family. I am thankful that "being dedicated" was not all that I had to do but that I had the Beachbody products to help push me along.

I am a totally new "me". I find extreme comfort in knowing that I can do anything that I put my mind to and that there is no limit to my strength. My body has transformed; however, my mind has transformed even more. I know that I am someone that my children can look up to and strive to be like. I know when I push them to eat right and motivate them to "keep moving" they will do it because they know that it is "what their mommy would do". I am so thankful that I made the first step and decided then that it was time to change, and I have been pushing every sense. I have a long way to go, this is not an easy journey but I plan to push past my goals and go further than I ever thought possible.

"I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say 'because of you, I didn't give up'."

Ask yourself again – WHY? Whatever your WHY is, I want to join you and help you get there. Ask me how I can help you… Let’s start together today. We are in this together and I want to help witness YOUR beautiful, amazing, breathtaking transformation. Please allow me to be a part of this journey.Ask yourself WHY. Why change, why here, why now, why Beachbody? I asked myself WHY 75 pounds ago and since then, I have not stopped answering WHY. I found my "why" and today I push myself to MY extreme to get where I want to be. I am a mother of 3 little ones (a 4 and 5 year old girl and a 1 year old baby boy) and I quickly learned that THEY are my why. Yes I wanted to improve my health, yes I wanted to be strong, powerful, accomplished, but most importantly I wanted to change my life so that I could lead my kids by my example. I needed them to know that fit and healthy is in, and that it is a necessity (not an option). I wanted them to develop themselves by pushing their bodies and developing the confidence that comes with it. As parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents we know that this world is a tough place and I knew that for my children I needed to instill in them the importance of mind over body and that they could be strong in all aspects of their life. I did not just want to just preach it, I wanted them to see me live life and to want to be like me because I make it fun and beautiful (in my own unique way). Finally, I wanted to help them see that real confidence comes from within.

Before I began my journey some days the biggest challenge was being able to even face the day. I was tired, sore all the time, and it hurt to see what I had become. I was taking a turn towards the worse and I was literally spiraling downhill out of control. I knew that something needed to change. Before I started Insanity, I was at the all time lowest point in my life - I was a blessed mommy with beautiful babies but I could not keep up with them, I despised looking in the mirror and I hated who I had become. I ate because I had nothing else that made me "happy", I hurt all over and found discomfort in the simplest of tasks. My health was failing yet I was only in my late 20s. I knew that something had to change, IT HAD TO. I saw myself in my "before" picture and I cried. I knew then that I was pushing and I was NEVER going back. I knew that it was time for something new and I knew it had to start with me. That day I refocused, committed, and pushed even when my body told me I could not push a second longer.

I originally started with Insanity because I saw the advertisement for it and thought, I need disciplined, I need someone to push me to my limit, and a “no-nonsense” workout that helps transform my mind and body. It seemed that it was the perfect fit and it most definitely was. It allowed me the opportunity to "live" again. It taught me discipline unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life. It made me realize that I can do whatever I put my mind to and that no matter what, I was going to succeed. I pushed myself to the limit daily and it transformed not only my body but my mind. I did Insanity, Insanity Asylum, and Chalean Extreme. They are all fantastic and helped me to create the "me" that I dream to be.

The results I have achieved from Beachbody is truly a total transformation: Mind & Body. I am proud that I have lost 70 pounds, I am proud that I have went from a size 18 to a size 12, and I am proud that I am healthier than I have ever been in my life. More so, I am proud that I am someone that others can look up to and strive to succeed because they see me as someone that DID. I am thankful that my mind has been transformed and that I LOVE the new me and all that I can offer to my family. I am thankful that "being dedicated" was not all that I had to do but that I had the Beachbody products to help push me along.

I am a totally new "me". I find extreme comfort in knowing that I can do anything that I put my mind to and that there is no limit to my strength. My body has transformed; however, my mind has transformed even more. I know that I am someone that my children can look up to and strive to be like. I know when I push them to eat right and motivate them to "keep moving" they will do it because they know that it is "what their mommy would do". I am so thankful that I made the first step and decided then that it was time to change, and I have been pushing every sense. I have a long way to go, this is not an easy journey but I plan to push past my goals and go further than I ever thought possible.

"I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say 'because of you, I didn't give up'."

Ask yourself again – WHY? Whatever your WHY is, I want to help you get there. Let’s start together today. We are in this together and I want to help witness YOUR beautiful, amazing, breathtaking transformation. Please allow me to be a part of this journey with you TODAY! I definitely need the support too!!!!! :)



  • rhea420
    rhea420 Posts: 68
    very inspiring! You did awesome!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    You look amazing! :flowerforyou:
  • LisaWixom
    LisaWixom Posts: 30 Member
    You look great! Inspire me to keep going!
  • Debyann
    Debyann Posts: 1 Member
    Awesome job! Very encouraging.

    Thank you for sharing.
  • Hi There: Congratulations on all your success,enlightenment and Power!
    You are a inspiration to your kids, and they will greatly benefit by your journey.
    The best gifft we can give to our kids is to Live Life to It's Fullest.
    Live Big, Dream Big, Acheive the dreams of your heart.
    If you can dream it-You can do it!
    I know your story has inspired me and many others.
    God Bless you!
  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
  • Thank You!! Please add me to your friends list and we can support and encourage eachother. This is a journey for all of us and I am excited to surround myself with people to help get me closer to my goals! :)
  • KristaWeiss
    KristaWeiss Posts: 233 Member
    You look great!!!! Way to go!
  • 126 lost for you Krista - LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME Commitment and AWESOME work!!!!!
  • I realized that the pictures I posted was not very clear the other day. Here they are again - a little easier to see.


    In addition, here are some more pictures. The first one was at my all time HIGHEST - worse picture EVER but you can see a major transformation from that!!



    Finally, these are results from a 60 day challenge that I did a couple months ago (yes these results really were 60 days!)!! :):) I know I still have a ways to go - but I keep pushing daily and I would love to encourage and motivate you to do that same!! I am getting ready to start another challenge (this one 12 weeks) and I cannot WAIT to share the results from that with you too!! Let me know if you want to join me! :)


  • Wow! You look absolutely amazing
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Wow!!! You have been doing wonderful! WTG!! :)
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