Leslie Sansone's walk @ home

Can someone please tell me how to log this in my exercise log on here??

Thank you so much!!


  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I log her workouts as 'Walking 4 mph, very brisk pace'. Most of her walks are 15 minutes per mile so that usually works for me. There are a number of walking options in the database.
  • tgufwade75
    I log her workouts under low impact aerobics.
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I have her walking for weightloss dvd...and since you are walking a 12 min mile in that, I put it under 5.0 mph and do all five miles which for me adds up to be around 599 cals burned (which means that much more cals i can eat! :) ) I don't know what her other DVD's are like, but another friend of mine uses them, and she put it under 5.0mph walking, too.
    Time out the miles and see how fast you actually would have to have been going (based on an internet search or something) and then put that for walking.

    Good luck!
    I really LOVE her dvd's and I have lost quite a bit of weight using just that and mfp! :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I added exercise to database as Leslie Sansome 5mile walk ( or something like that!) but I used aerobics to create it :)
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I added exercise to database as Leslie Sansome 5mile walk ( or something like that!) but I used aerobics to create it :)

    I have looked for that under the exercise database, and I can not find it at all. I wonder if you added it to your own database but not to the sites database (you can do that under food, so I wonder if you can do that for exercising.) But I do thank you for adding it. Don't you just love leslie Sansone?!? :)
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I :heart: Leslie Sansone! :happy:

    I log it based on what DVD I'm doing. I'm currently really digging her Walk Slim: 4 Really Big Miles; I log that as high impact aerobics since it's very fast paced and she gets into jogging. I log most of the rest of her DVD as walking, like at 4MPH or 5MPH. The only DVD I'm still not sure how I should log is my all time favorite, Walk & Kick-LOVE IT! Anyone else done that one? If so, how do you guys log that one?
  • DannielleKirkland
    The video I have, my Mama gave me when she was trying Nutrasystem, it came with her package. Its like 35 minutes and its two miles. I really enjoyed it a lot. I may have to look for her other videos!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I love all her videos, too and I have a lot of them. They are so easy to fit into your day. I haven't tried the Walk & Kick, though I have a couple of the ones that include jogging.
    I just got her Walk Strong 2 mile dd and really am liking the strength intervals.

    (Another oldie but goodie--I also love Richard Simmons' videos!