Need some help here.... has anyone ever said what the ---k its too hard or its not working or what's the use and just felt like giving up? I am there again..... haven't logged my food in 3 days and have been binging again. Don't know what's wrong with me. In tears today and just oh I don't know just need a little help......


  • activefatgirl
    activefatgirl Posts: 107 Member
    Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. You took the time to ask for help.... take the same time to use the notes on your food journal to put in everything you are eating. Don't worry about the calories or making sure you journal with in your allowable calories, just keep track of what you are putting in your mouth.

    I promised myself I would take this one day at a time. Yesterday was BAD, and I mean BAD! But that was yesterday and today is a new day for me.

    Don't give up, we are all here on MFP to help each other get to their goals. You Got this!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    You have to be patient, log everything, learn how many calories are in the food you eat, and plan your day. Remind yourself that you are beginning a healthy lifestyle, not another diet. Thousands of other people have changed their lives and so can you! Don't dwell on it when you stumble. Just turn the page and go on.

    These things have helped me:
    - I plan my meals ahead of time and make sure to eat every meal so I'm never hungry (which makes me vulnerable to junk food). I keep some healthy snacks at home instead (mostly apples).
    - I can't control myself with junk food and sweets, so I don't keep them in the house.
    - Drink water. I bought a 32 oz sport bottle (sold everywhere, at groceries and drugstores) and fill it with filtered water and lemon slices. The water curbs my hunger.
    - Set up another activity for stress. For me, it's walking. For you, it could be another exercise you enjoy, like Zumba or really anything.

    Keep at it one day at a time! You can totally do this!
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    Just keep moving forward. Don't give up- you've come far and will go further- all you have to do is commit to yourself. You are stronger than you think.
  • kelx5
    kelx5 Posts: 1
    I've totally been there! I've learned to not just throw in the towel because I had one (or two or three) bad days. Deep breath, start again, and remember I have NOT erased all my progress with a few days of poor choices ....... back on track!
  • c2hrist3a
    c2hrist3a Posts: 67 Member
    Are you kidding me? I have been maintainin for three months because I've just been worn out from it all. I can relate. Started back hard this week. Fortunately, I did not gain, but just maintained. Time to continue on.

    There has to be more to it for you than just weigt loss. Improved health, outlook on life, and energy level await you if you keep going. You can do this--we can do this.

    Get back on the bike. Friend me if you want. :)
  • Erica_in_ND
    Erica_in_ND Posts: 3 Member
    Just keep inputting your food, even on the bad days. I had a *horrible* day yesterday and ate 2900 calories! Ahhhhh! Yes! But I logged it and vowed that today would be a better day. You can do the same! Scratch it off as "you're human" and try try again! It's the best we can do. *hug*
  • nurseangy1
    nurseangy1 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't reward yourself or punish yourself with food. Don't weigh yourself. Give up soda (diet and all!! --worst thing you can drink in my opinion). Figure out what your binge triggers are, and think about ways to cope with them, rather than punishing/comforting yourself by eating. (example, at work, when I used to get stressed I would go back to the break room and eat anything I could find. Now I pack myself a bunch of healthy, low cal snacks, and water, and I munch on them all day long, and don't go to the break room at all!!!) : )

    Find things that inspire you to push harder and be more active. Every time I am on a work out and feel like I can't go any further, I think about the little boy that was sports illustrated kid of the year last year, he is only 10 years old, and for the past couple years has pushed his brother (who has cerebral palsy) in a stroller, pulled him in a blow up boat and pulled him in a bike trailer to do triathlons together. If he can do that, I should be able to do whatever I set my mind to also!!!


    Have you thought about purchasing a fitbit one? LOVE mine!!! it's a great investment for your health and it works well with MFP!!!

    Hope that helps!!!

  • RideOn66
    RideOn66 Posts: 12 Member
    HollisGrant hit the nail on the head. I have a major sweet tooth. I'm a junk food junkie. When I see a bag of nacho cheese Dorito's, I have to eat them. I can't stop at just a few either. I eat almost the entire bag. i can't stop. So, i don't keep any of that stuff in the house. To take my mind off it I get active. I joined a boxing club. After class I am so pumped that I don't want to eat anything. I have to force myself to eat a banana or a protein bar. The classes are so hard however that there is no way I can do a class every night. I'm 46 years old. So, on nights when I don't do a class, I go outside and do yard work or jog or anything to keep my mind off eating.
    I also drink lot's and lot's of water. The pounds aren't falling off in bunches but they are coming off. Plus, I look and feel so much better. I'm starting to get compliments from friends on how good I'm looking. That really helps to motivate me. Just be strong and be patient. You'll get there.
  • Babsaz
    Babsaz Posts: 1
    Every day is a fresh start. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Clean Slate. Seriously.

    Women in western culture (at least) have a pass/fail mentality. "If I over eat today, I am a total failure." F- that. It didn't work out today. Tomorrow is a clean slate. Stop talking yourself into failure, and take it one day at a time.

    OH! and acknowledge even the tiny victories. "I chose almonds as a snack instead of chips." or even "I logged honestly today." We don't do enough of that either! I actually keep a folder in my email specifically for when someone says something nice about me, or gives me positive feed back. When I'm feeling crappy, I go through it.
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    Look at your numbers - nutrition.

    My son told me I was binging (while not hungry) because I had gone too low on protein. I think he was right. (Don't tell him that.)

    When you log everything, you can see protein, sugar, sodium levels, intake trends.... everything.

    I have not yet been wildly successful, but I have learned much about my own trends. You can too!

    Hang in there. We all fall off the wagon. Just keep piling back in the wagon.
  • kadase
    kadase Posts: 9 Member
    Do your best to log each day no matter how bad it may have been. As other posters have suggested, to reap the change you're seeking it has to be a life long commitment to better your health and not simply a diet. We are not perfect and we will slip up but the idea is to see improvement over time and give yourself the opportunity to succeed. Do not berate yourself. Acknowledge where you went wrong and do better at the next opportunity which is your next meal.
    Do not give up!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    You didn't put the weight on in one day...its not going to go away in one day!!! Keep moving hour at a time if needed. I'm living proof that not giving up works. My numbers speak for themselves
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Yes, I've had my share of melt downs.
    Losing weight is more mental than physical
    if you ask me. I even deactivated my last
    mfp account because I was frustrated so
    bad with things. What ever you do, don't give
    up. You would throw out all your accomplish-
    ments so far. Just give yourself this time to
    reboot. In a cpl days maybe you can retry the
    logging again and treat the off days as a mini
    vacation. I know you can get your mojo back, u
    care enough that you posted here your concern.