I should weigh how much? Not likely!



  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Thanks for the web link, StuAblett, I always knew I was "big boned" lol! It is true for some of us "sturdy girls" that at some point we have to realize we will never be a size 2. I'm good with that and proud of my build. I think all of the Dr and Insurance scales are a bunch of whoey for us. Everyone always asks me what my goal weight is and they look at me funny when I say I don't have a goal weight, but I'll know when I hit it. I will just be happy to be fit and healthy.
  • I say I don't have a goal weight, but I'll know when I hit it. I will just be happy to be fit and healthy.

    I like that attitude, that's a great way of looking at it :happy:
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    at 5'0 you should be 100 lbs then for every inch add 5 pounds.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    At the risk of sounding overly pedantic, I would add one more point.

    I am agreement with the general tone of all of the comments, and I also agree (as I stated in an earlier comment) that tools such as the BMI and height/weight tables are poor choices for providing individual guidelines. And, unfortunately, too many doctors and other health professionals are using these tools exclusively for their patients, which is wrong.

    I would only say don't go too far in your reaction to the misuse of BMI, etc, and reject all scientific measures for determining an "ideal" body weight. Getting a reliable measurement of your body composition can be very helpful in setting realistic targets. A conscientious professional (and I consider myself to be one) will take ALL important factors--objective and subjective--into account before making recommendations.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    The nurse at my doctors said that now in UK they are not to use the existing bmi calculator but a different system based on body type & waist measurement but I can't find anything about it anyone know?
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Oops sorry just seen the link, very useful & am surprised to see that I am a large frame which explains why, when I weighed 112lbs at 5'3" my doctor wanted me to gain weight. How I wish for those days!!!!!!
  • First of all congrats ,you are doing really well.But yes that weight has to be wrong. You are nice and tall- what are they thinking?I think the scale may be off because so many people are heavier than before but come on. My sister is your height and if she weighed 156 lbs she'd be way too skinny.My daughters are perfect yet they are told to lose weight. crazy isn't it? You just keep on doing all the good work!!:happy:
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