Can someone explain this to me

Okay about 2 weeks ago i was 255.5 and i got on the scale today and it said 267.8 my heart sank into my stomach the only thing i have been doing differently is not walking as often because of the heat why did my weight shot up like this my eating habits havent changed even though they weren't the best i never over did it i stayed away from junk and i havent had any sodas only juices like the Lipton ice tea with raspberry or green tea so how did this happen can anyone help me or has this happen to anyone before and overcame it


  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    I am so sorry this happened. That must be devastating :( Maybe try more intense workouts other than walking?
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Ok don't panic yet. Do you wear the same clothes every time you weigh? What kind of scale do you have? I had to throw out my old, inaccurate scale and get a new battery powered thing that analyzes my body fat percentage and hydration levels. Also, how much straight up water are you drinking in a day, or are you just doing the Lipton thing? If it's been really hot your body could be holding to excess water.
  • aalhasan
    aalhasan Posts: 104
    count your calories. Also, never categorize foods as healthy based on what they sound like. For instance, Lipton green tea is healthy but has lots of sugars and is relatively high in calories.
    Log in everything and you should see a difference.
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    Juice and bottled teas have a lot of sugar. The only way to tell it you are eating less is to track your food and weigh your portions. Walking less due to heat would add to the problem. Sorry, but you have to eat less and move more to lose weight.
  • Cassandra973
    Cassandra973 Posts: 14 Member
    No i usually weigh myself with my under clothes on and it could be my scale because it always said different numbers compared to my friends scale at their homes but idk who's scale is accurate honestly
  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    I agree with chandanista. It's not time to panic yet, and it could be due to a lot of things. It's hard to tell without seeing your food journal, but my suggestion would be to make sure you're accurately logging your food. Unless your intake was enormous, I doubt you put on 12 pounds of fat in two weeks. Water weight? Possibly. Also, losing weight is 90% about food, and not so much about exercise. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. You do need to exercise for your health, however, so keep up the walking and whatever else you can do for exercise. I also purchased a more accurate digital scale, and when I weigh myself it is first thing in the morning, before my shower or breakfast, and without clothes so that I can be sure it's not anything that can vary except me. In fact, though, pictures and measurements are a more accurate reading of how you're doing. And the feel of your clothes. Don't get discouraged. I speak from experience. I weigh only a little less than I did two years ago, but I'm two sizes smaller thanks to good exercise and healthier eating.
  • Cassandra973
    Cassandra973 Posts: 14 Member
    yeah you're right thanks
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Sounds like your scale is borked, tbh.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Is your scale on the same spot it usually is, like on hardwood, tile, or some other hard surface? Maybe batteries are low?
  • Cassandra973
    Cassandra973 Posts: 14 Member
    yeah i know my eating habits arent the greatest but im learning to eat better as the time goes
    I agree with chandanista. It's not time to panic yet, and it could be due to a lot of things. It's hard to tell without seeing your food journal, but my suggestion would be to make sure you're accurately logging your food. Unless your intake was enormous, I doubt you put on 12 pounds of fat in two weeks. Water weight? Possibly. Also, losing weight is 90% about food, and not so much about exercise. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. You do need to exercise for your health, however, so keep up the walking and whatever else you can do for exercise. I also purchased a more accurate digital scale, and when I weigh myself it is first thing in the morning, before my shower or breakfast, and without clothes so that I can be sure it's not anything that can vary except me. In fact, though, pictures and measurements are a more accurate reading of how you're doing. And the feel of your clothes. Don't get discouraged. I speak from experience. I weigh only a little less than I did two years ago, but I'm two sizes smaller thanks to good exercise and healthier eating.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I'm so sorry. Couple of things....this could have something to do with salt. So watch what you're taking in. As far as a Lipton Green tea....are you using bags or the pre-made stuff? Because unless you're using the bags and drinking it hot or drinking the diet, it's not awesome for you. 70 Calories per serving and there are at least 2 in a bottle. You really need to watch liquid calories.

    Also....what are you weighing conditions like? I weight myself the same way every time....get up, use bathroom, weigh naked. If I just "spot check" in the middle of the day, I never log and I never take it seriously. Waste like feces and urine do have a weight. So I only weight myself after I've gone to the bathroom and while naked because if I don't, my scale will fluctuate within 5-6 pounds all week long/
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I don't trust your scale either. Mine did was 12 pounds off at the most. I bought a new one.
  • Jarice12
    Jarice12 Posts: 135 Member
    Okay about 2 weeks ago i was 255.5 and i got on the scale today and it said 267.8 my heart sank into my stomach the only thing i have been doing differently is not walking as often because of the heat why did my weight shot up like this my eating habits havent changed even though they weren't the best i never over did it i stayed away from junk and i havent had any sodas only juices like the Lipton ice tea with raspberry or green tea so how did this happen can anyone help me or has this happen to anyone before and overcame it
    You probably haven't gained over 12 pounds in 2 weeks. A good portion of it is probably water retention; increase your plain water intake. However, do count your calories and increase your activity. Staying away from junk is great but the pounds will shed faster if you burn calories as well. If it's too hot outside, get some vids and do them or turn on your fav music and just dance for an hour. Either way, get moving!

    Oh, and test your scale with some hand weights if you have them; it may be off.
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    Are you accurately tracking your food? I found that my estimates of portion sizes were way off and I really started losing weight once I used a food scale.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    12 lbs gained in two weeks

    means eating at a surplus of 3000 calories on top of maintenance calories for 14 days = 42000 extra calories

    I really doubt this is what happened, so let's try not to panic.

    now for some suggestions:

    *buy yourself a food scale if you dont already have one
    *start tracking sodium in your food diary
    *weigh yourself first thing in the morning with same outfit
    *make sure your scale is on hard floor and in the same spot every time, take 2-3 readings for accuracy
    *take this week to measure and log everything, to see if you were off before the weight spike
    *drink more water

    I suspect you might have been eating at maintenance without realizing it.

    I would also pay attention to your exercise calorie burns, if they aren't measure properly, you could be thinking, yeah, i burn about 500 calories in exercise everyday and eat them all back, so try only logging in half your exercise calories
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Okay about 2 weeks ago i was 255.5 and i got on the scale today and it said 267.8 my heart sank into my stomach the only thing i have been doing differently is not walking as often because of the heat why did my weight shot up like this my eating habits havent changed even though they weren't the best i never over did it i stayed away from junk and i havent had any sodas only juices like the Lipton ice tea with raspberry or green tea so how did this happen can anyone help me or has this happen to anyone before and overcame it

    People can give you all the advice, but unless you open your diary and be honest so they can see what you have actually ate, it means nothing. I find a lot of people say I have put on weight, but in fact they are not really honest in what they are eating and have eaten (myself included). I can tell you exactly how my scale will react, once I stray away from weighing my food, lowering my sodium and logging everything that I have eaten.
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    Im not trusting the scale either. If its an older one like mine I have to make sure it is on the 0 every time because it gets moved so easliy. 1 week I thought I lost 5 lbs in 1 week. I went back and checked my scale and sure enough it got moved under the 0 so now I am super careful when I step on that it is on the 0 perfectly.
  • sawiemken
    sawiemken Posts: 39 Member
    when I want to get rid of water gain I drink a ton of water and I lose more weight. I try to run/exercise for 2-3 weeks then for one week I eat real healthy and no exercising to get the scale moving again. I'm not suggesting that but it works for me. I do suggest at least a gallon of water a day. More if you can get it in.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    Is it close to your menstrual cycle? Sometimes there is a lot of water weight gain just prior to that time of the month. Are you weighing at the same time of day? Weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs morning to evening. There are a lot of variables. Scales that fluctuate are you using the same scale? Have you had any cheat days?
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    You might need to have your thyroid checked.