common question: to eat calories burned or not to eat?

Need some advice. My net goal is 2710 calories a day. My BMR was 4440. I want to lose 2 or more pounds a week because I'm 5'10 348 lbs. And 27 yr old male. So I can do that untill I get to more core weight. After I work out do I eat my calories burned or should I not do that to ensure that I lose weight. If I'm forgetting something let me know.


  • ryanosgood
    ryanosgood Posts: 28
    This is one of the most common questions out here and the answers will range across the spectrum.

    Personally, I don't tend to eat back the calories gained from a workout. My daily intake is around 2,000 calories and this seems to be enough so that I am not hungry, even with a good workout. Having said that, my weight loss has slowed tremendously in the last couple of weeks - 1.8 pounds - despite the exercise and nutrition, so maybe I am doing it wrong.
  • rojack86
    rojack86 Posts: 5
    that's my problem now. I eat 2700 calories and burn anywhere from 500 to 700 calories a day and my fat loss has slowed down fast. I have lost 30 pounds so far since april 29th. which would be 2 months by the end of this week. I just feel like I hit that plateau too soon considering how heavy I am. I am waiting on a body mass measuring tool that I ordered to see what my fat percentage is since I work construction and weight lift i'm sure there is some muscle under all this but still wouldn't cause me to lock up the brakes on the fat burning. maybe its a thyroid issue too idk.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I think you have your numbers confused because there's no way your BMR is 4444. For that to be true, your Lean Body Mass would have to be 415lbs.
  • kwyze
    kwyze Posts: 21 Member
    I eat my exercise calories back for the most part - I am conscious of the fact that the amount of calorie burn can be overestimated so often I will only eat back 50-75% or so of the "extra" calories earned. I also use a HRM so that it is a bit more accurate.
    I am only 5"1 though with a net target of 1260 so I find my body tends to need the extra when I do a big workout. Doing this I seem to lose at a reasonably steady rate and feel great.
    I guess the thing to remember is that everybody is different. If you are hungry then eat them if you don't feel like you need the extra that day and are "full" then don't worry too much. You need to find what works best for you.
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    I come up with your BMR at this site as 2938
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    You don't need to at this point. A pound of body fat can only release 31.4 calories per day so when you get close to goal if you burn a lot of calories in a day you have to worry about whether there is enough fat to release all the energy needed for the deficit. If it can't get it from fat, it will cause loss of LBM. You still have enough fat mass to cover a big deficit. The diet you came up with should have adequate nutrients without eating more; you just need more energy. The good news is that you have a supply that you want to use up.
  • rojack86
    rojack86 Posts: 5
    I work in construction and I am constantly moving around out there climbing off and on equipment and doing some manual labor, so for my activity level I would times my BMR by 1.55 which is the number for moderately active and that's how I get my large number of 4440 or w.e it is. Then to lose 2 pounds a week I subtract 1000 calories a day. Plus I do my p90x and weight lift as well. I'm not blindly guessing my numbers I put in what they asked and selected the activity level best for me. If I did something wrong I'd like to know what it is
  • rojack86
    rojack86 Posts: 5
    By the way thanks for the inputs so far. I know I'm not getting the weight off in a hurry but I want to be consistent
  • wwwdotcr
    wwwdotcr Posts: 128 Member
    I work in construction and I am constantly moving around out there climbing off and on equipment and doing some manual labor, so for my activity level I would times my BMR by 1.55 which is the number for moderately active and that's how I get my large number of 4440 or w.e it is. Then to lose 2 pounds a week I subtract 1000 calories a day. Plus I do my p90x and weight lift as well. I'm not blindly guessing my numbers I put in what they asked and selected the activity level best for me. If I did something wrong I'd like to know what it is

    To get any accuate BMR you need to get a water displacement or a DEXA test to get your true LBM. Once you have an accurate LBM then you can calculate and accurate TDEE.

    I always go conservative in my TDEE. My base rate is 1600 calories if I sat on my *kitten*. Thus I eat only 1600 cals and "run off" an extra 500 cals every day. Anything else burned is a "bonus".
  • rojack86
    rojack86 Posts: 5
    10 4 chief I am going to see my doc on Friday I will tell him I would like to have that done and where to get it at around here. Thanks