Newbie looking for motivational friends in their 40's.

Hi all, I started my weight loss/ healthy lifestyle journey yesterday and found this awesome site today. I'm looking for motivational and positive friends to add. I have about 72 lbs to lose. I have a spunky, fun, and bubbly personality. :smile:


  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Hi, not in my 40's... I'm 31. But friends are always good. :)
  • Hi. We can do it!
  • sandra_stoddard
    sandra_stoddard Posts: 9 Member
    Hi my name is Sandra and I must agree this is a great web site. I lost 45lbs on this site but don't forget to exercise this is very important to your weight loss .: It would be nicer if you had a exercise buddy. I would like to add you .:happy:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    friend request sent!
  • pziehl
    pziehl Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me, I just turned 46 last week. To be at my ideal weight I would need to lose 70 more lbs but I'm shooting for 30 more as my first goal. This site has really kept me motivated and I feel accountable when I have to log my food.
  • dailytammy
    dailytammy Posts: 49 Member
    I am in my 40's feel free to add me
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I'm 46 & have 150# to lose so I'm here for the long haul. I log everything I eat, try to exercise at least 30 minutes/day & my diary is open. I love the support & motivation here! Feel free to add me!
  • jsmom1965
    jsmom1965 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Tina,
    My name is Lisa and I'm 47. Started MFP last spring and have lost about 105 lbs. My tracker only shows 90 lost because I wasnt real sure about how to use MFP and I didnt record initial months loss. Anyway, I need to loose another 40 to be at my "ideal" weight but right now I am looking at a goal of another 20 and then go from there. What I love about MFP is that it holds you accountable but it also gives you the freedom to choose what you eat. For me, it's all about balance and knowing that as long as I track my food and balance out my days, it has really helped keep me going. I have tried them all, the rigid, " you can only eat this or that" type of diets and either gave up or lost a lot but then once I tried eating normally, boom, the weight came back. Feel free to add me.
    Good luck!
  • familyizzy
    familyizzy Posts: 26
    I'm 47 and just started the MFP yesterday too. Add me as a friend. We'll get there together.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 43, not new to MFP, but started over on January 1st. I had 101 pounds to lose when I began this leg of the journey. I am committed to daily logging and making changes that I can live with throughout the remainder of my lifetime. I am a cheerleader by nature and love to surround myself with like-minded people.

    Congrats to you on making the committment to improving your health and level of fitness. I think you will find MFP to be full of supportive, kind, and encouraging/motivational folks.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Hey there...I'm in my 40's also! I'm on her most everyday...feel free to add me if you're looking for motivation!
  • sradams1
    sradams1 Posts: 69 Member
    Hey There! I'm borderline 40 and woudl love some new friends and motivation. Welcome. Oh yeah- you can add me:smile:
  • nolanerinbryon
    nolanerinbryon Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, my name is Heather... I'm 39 yrs old, have 2 kids & live in MN. I've been working on health/fitness since early January and am online & working out everyday. I would welcome additional such thing as too much support! I'll send a friend request...others feel free to add me as well :)
  • nmiller0813
    nmiller0813 Posts: 109
    Hello there! Congrats on making a lifestyle change. MFP is a wonderful tool to help you in those efforts. Endomondo is also good to add in that arena. I was afraid to begin a change due to always being told that it is harder after 40, but what I am finding is that, little changes here and there, are so much easier to accomplish and stick with. I am 51 and I had lost 10 lbs before I started using MFP in January, so my total loss is 42. This is a great way to keep track of what you eat, how you feel and to get some fantastic advice.

    Please feel free to add me and MUCH SUCCESS to you on your new journey!
  • BTlulu
    BTlulu Posts: 9 Member
    Friend request sent :smile:
  • Cathy121314
    Cathy121314 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello -- 42 here, with 50 pounds to lose. That's my first goal - actual number is around 70 - 80.

    I'm looking for friends. I just joined tonight, so feel free to add me! Anyone? Anyone??

    Here's to a great Wednesday!!
  • kiwijo95
    kiwijo95 Posts: 25
    Im 46 and joined at the weekend, looking for friends to share the journey with. Id love to lost about 50lb, but not following any formal diet and excersize plan, Im focussing on making healthy lifestlye changes. New firends most welcome. ;o)
  • Hello... I am 46 with an 60-80lbs goal. I hate to exercise, but have been MAKING myself walk at least 3 times a week around my office complex where I work. It does help to have someone you work with support and walk with you to motivate you! Welcome and good luck to you. Tammy
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    welcome aboard! can add me if you like even though summer time is very busy for me....when I get back to getting on regular, I comment and encourage daily. (with a side of funny posts) :)
  • DavidMc
    DavidMc Posts: 2
    45 years old and 70 pounds to lose here! I started to use this site last year and then gave up on my 'diet'. I came back this week and this time it's no longer a diet but a proper change of lifestyle and habits.
    I'm already feeling better after just a few days. Motivation and encouragement really makes a huge difference (as well as being able to show off any loss!).
    It would be great if you added me.