New here!

LeesaD113 Posts: 11
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I'm new here and just wanted to stop in to introduce myself. I'm a SAHM of 2 boys who are 3 and 1. I have either been pregnant or nursing for the past 4 years. I'm still nursing my youngest, but its really winding down. I have about 25 lbs I want to lose before my husband and I go on vacation to Mexico for our 5th anniversary this coming July. I want a smokin' hot body like I had when we met! I know... wishful thinking, but I'm going to work my butt off trying. I started a modified version of C25K on Sunday (I also went out and jogged/walked yesterday). My diet has been horrible with drinking way too much pop and eating way too much fast food. I'm working very hard to change that, too. It obviously isn't perfect yet, but its much better over the past few days than it has been. I'm just looking for support and motivation. This looks like an awesome site for just that!


  • rebel14
    rebel14 Posts: 33
    What is C25K ?
  • C25K is Couch to 5K...
  • rebel14
    rebel14 Posts: 33
    Thanks, I had never heard the term. Good luck !!!
  • Are people friendly here?
  • I am new also, just started 3 days ago. Good luck to you.
  • DiveGal
    DiveGal Posts: 11
    I am new here as well. Started Friday and, hopefully I don't jinx myself, have lost about 5 lbs. Never have had that kind of result before, but then I've never stuck as closely to a calorie count before either. I decided that I was going to go back to WW's online, but someone told me about this site and how awesome the food database is. It has been so easy to use that I enter my stuff and I'm done in the time it takes me to decide what to eat! I hope you find as much luck with it as I have.

    I haven't seen anyone not friendly on the boards yet, but haven't spent a lot of time there. Now, to the important thing - getting your smokin hot body back is NOT wishful thinking! If it was - well let's just say then that I must live in a fantasy land because I am 51 and I plan to get back to my post wedding weight. People say to me - now hon, do you think that's realistic? Well.....YESSSSS I DO! There are plenty of skinny old ladies running around here, why can't I be one? And I bought a mustang for my 50 birthday, so I plan on "looking like I own it!" LOL!!

    Good luck!

  • I've been on here a week now. I started last Monday and lost 2 lbs last week. Once I got it in my mind that I wanted to loose some weight and tone up I went all out for it. I stopped the soda and haven't had one since I started. I drink water and unsweet tea now. I really watch my calories, but with you nursing you may need to keep a few. I too wish I could have the body I had when I met my husband, but I will never be that small again. I have more muscle now.

    Good Luck to you! You can add me as a friend if ya want. Any and all support is a huge help.
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