Do you workout more than once a day?

I currently workout 6 days a week one hour each day. Usually this consists of classes ( three strength training classes, two Zumba class and one R.I.P.P.E.D class). I am contemplating on adding in a morning routine before work - one hour each day.. What do you all do?


  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    I do small workouts through-out the day. A short walk here, yoga there, a bit of circuit training in the morning when I wake up. It normally totals up to 700-800 calories. I like it, because working out doesn't seem so daunting. I don't dread it, because I am doing a little bit all day long.

    So if you'd like, try working in a bit of yoga, a walk, or some situps/pushups. I have a short core routine that I enjoy doing. Personally, I don't think more than one CLASS a day is necessary, but it is all up to you and what you want to do!
  • I do small workouts through-out the day. A short walk here, yoga there, a bit of circuit training in the morning when I wake up. It normally totals up to 700-800 calories. I like it, because working out doesn't seem so daunting. I don't dread it, because I am doing a little bit all day long.

    So if you'd like, try working in a bit of yoga, a walk, or some situps/pushups. I have a short core routine that I enjoy doing. Personally, I don't think more than one CLASS a day is necessary, but it is all up to you and what you want to do!

    Thanks ~ It's always great to hear what everyone is up to. Some of the morning classes are Yoga - which may just be a great start to the day!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    When I'm at school, I do a video (like RI 30 or cardio/aerobics) before work, and then I use the gym after work to run or do weights. Sometimes I get a good walk in at PE. While home on vacation, I take the dogs for a walk twice a day and then also do a video or swim. I agree, it would not be as fun if I did all of it at once, but throughout the day it doesn't seem like too much. And it breaks up the day so I don't get bored.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Thanks ~ It's always great to hear what everyone is up to. Some of the morning classes are Yoga - which may just be a great start to the day!

    Morning yoga is wonderful! When I have the extra money, I do the 6 AM hot yoga session. Makes me feel awesome for the rest of the day.
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    Sometimes. When I'm back at my university's gym I may workout on my own in the afternoon, and then I might hit up a yoga or spin class later that evening.

    I usually do this once or twice a week to just mix things up some.
  • TattooedMuffin
    TattooedMuffin Posts: 174 Member
    i found that for me, I feel best and have better results when i started doing 2 workouts a day..

    Cardio in the A.M before breakfast

    Strength Training/Weight lifting in the P.M (usually around 6pm)
  • Eifersucht
    Eifersucht Posts: 34
    I split my workout into two parts. I do 45 minutes in the morning and another 20-30 minutes in the evening.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Lately I have been doing cardio in the morning and strength at night (until I broke my toe by dropping a can of paint on it like an idiot). I was hoping to restart that today but it looks like it's going to be tomorrow since the swelling in my foot isn't down all the way. But I still try to do SOMETHING each morning and each night. I like splitting it up. That way I get that feel good energy throughout the day.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Sort of. I do about an hour of cardio a day, but have been following that up after work with 10-15 minutes in the pool. Great way to unwind!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I do a video after waking up/before breakfast and then either another video or weights later in the day. Usually ends up being 45-55 minutes a day.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    There are several days when I run in the morning and then to some other workout on my lunch break. It may be more cardio. It may be strength.

    When it was cold, I would do my strength work at home and run on lunch.

    Not every day, but several days a week I work out more than once.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Not regularly, but sometimes. You can easily over exert yourself with two-a-days.. at least if you goes ballzdeep at the gym like I do.
  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    just make sure you do not burn out! I've done that before and it resulted in my taking a
    fitness' holiday for over 6 months
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    On days that I don't work I tend to do 2 workouts a day, I try to have one be cardio based and the other toning-a barre workout or some aerobics with weights. When I work I try to get in one workout before going to work that is gentle cardio and sometimes at work I'll do some standing abs or more gentle cardio on my breaks.

    It all depends on how I feel, how much energy I have, how sore I am, how hard I've worked and all that jazz
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Sometimes i do, I generally resistance train3-5 times a week and run 2-3 times a week
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    Sometimes I do a hard workout and an easy workout in the same day -- such as a boot camp or strength training class, and then something light such as a gentle stretch yoga or dance class.
  • Sounds like a heathly way to go (without the burnout) is cardio 1-2 days a week in the morning or a yoga class 1-2 days a week.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I'm going to tomorrow. I work out in the mornings, and am also taking my friend as my guest tomorrow evening. If it goes well I might make it a regular thing. We'll see. She's kind of a flaky workout buddy. :/
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I call them workout sessions I have been doing 8-9 weekly. Usually my longer session in the morning consisting of biking, walking and running. I try to get in at least 3- 20 min sessions at the work gym consisting of walking on treadmill.
    That is it for me. ALWAYS glad when it is over. LOL
  • Insanity!