Do you workout more than once a day?



  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    Morning is for cardio
    Evening is for weights
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    Treadmill 30 mins in the morning
    250 squats in the office about 11
    M/w/f weights...t/th-elliptical at 2 for 45 mins
    Sometimes 45 mins elliptical on m/w/f at 4 (and sometimes not!)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    There are days when I am active all day long. I will be walking to get everywhere (so that could be an hour of walking), I will be dancing that day for one or two rehearsals (so that can be 2 or 4 hours), and then I still stop by the gym to do my 30 minutes of weight training. And play with my kids at the park, later.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I workout 6 days a week as well; as of late, I have combined two programs into my early morning session, the P90X upper body workouts and the RushFit workouts. :smile:

  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I'm at the gym three mornings a week for Boot Camp (1 hour) + I sometimes do another 15 or 20 minutes of weights and core on my own. I run at lunch four days a week, and do long runs on Saturdays. And I do yoga once or twice a week.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    This may not be what you have in mind, but...

    In the morning, if I want my Diet Coke to go with breakfast, I have to walk to the corner store for it, one to three miles depending on which store I choose (if I'm feeling pretty good and it's not too beastly hot, I'll run to the close one and walk back).

    At work, I park about a mile and a half away from my building, so that's another brisk walk one way and a more leisurely walk on the way back. Where I park is right across from the gym at my workplace.

    The walk back after work suffices as a warmup for an actual "workout," which includes one or more of the following depending on my energy level, attention span, and time available:
    - strength training circuit at the gym (I'm still using machines for now while I recover from recent surgery and read up on free weights)
    - cardio machines at the gym (I like the rowing machine and LOVE the adaptive motion trainer)
    - stair climbing at a nearby 6-story building, with push-ups on the bannisters in between floors on the way down (I did this when the gym was closed, and I still really like it sometimes -- 30-40 flights or so is definitely noticeable the day after)

    At home, I may walk back out for another Diet Coke to go with my dinner (this is pretty much the only way I allow myself to have them anymore). A while after dinner, I'll hop on the treadmill and walk/run if I've eaten over my calorie target during the day, or if I just feel like it. We have a pretty decent treadmill from when my kiddo was on the track team in high school.

    If it's the weekend, the walks will be much longer, running is nearly certain, and I may do a Pilates mat series at home instead of going to the gym.

    So that's a whole bunch of "mini workouts" in a day, most of which aren't really workouts but are definitely calorie-burning activity that adds up. It works for me. Taking classes, not so much really. I need exercise to be a normal-ish part of my day, or else I'll let other things crowd it out.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I have a question for those who run, walk, or otherwise workout at lunch: When do you eat? and... How long is your lunch break? Mine is only 30 minutes...if I was to workout then, I would be all sweaty and then not get to eat. Plus the fact that it would take half the time just to get to wherever I was going to workout. Do you just go back to work all sweaty?
  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108
    I do 4 to 5 miles of the Leslie Sansone Walk DVD's 2 days a week, Zumba 1 day a week and now started to do Step aerobics 2 days a week. I do not work out on the weekends, those are my rest days.
  • davideickelmann
    davideickelmann Posts: 87 Member
    I go to the gym every morning during the week at 430 AM (7 and 9 AM on Sat/Sun) to lift and then try to make time to do some cardio in the afternoon a few days a week.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    AM hit cardio then workout in the evening m-f
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Im doing the jillian michaels 30 day slimdown so workout 6 days a week plus three 30 min kettleblell circuits a week. I do the jillian workout either when my kids are etaing breakfast or when napping then kettlebell in the evening or when the kids are quiet. I like doing 2 separate workout sessions a day and usually look forwards to it
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Well, its gotten complicated. :grumble: I now have heavy days, light days, rest days, and off days. I classify them more by the heartrate and sweat levels than by volume of training.

    Once a week I go fullbore. Gym at 530am, walk at lunch, and insanity in the evening. That's a heavy day because the am and pm workouts are hardcore. Calorie burn for the day is over 2000.
    About 2 to 3 times I skip the gym and sub a 45 to 60 min bike ride in the am. Walk at lunch and insanity in the evening makes it still a fairly heavy day that I call light. About 1300 to 1600 cals.
    A rest day means only a sedate 45 min bike ride and lunchtime walk. I burn some cals but don't push myself. Less than 1000 cals.
    An off day usually means i still walk at lunch. 200 to 300 cals.
    Lately on weekends I've dumped the insanity split and just done a multi hour bike ride at medium high pace. 2000 to 3000 cals in a single ride. :ohwell:

    Btw I usually fast during the day so my 30min lunch is devoted to my walk which is very light. I go with someone you guarantees it will be a light walk. If he's not there that day i throw in jogging intervals and walk faster which is more of a 500 cal walk but that's not often. If I eat that day I usually bring protein powder in my thermos for the afternoon. If I feel I must have food I sneak out for a chicken wrap. If I workout hard during the fast portion of the day I take amino acids.

    When I was "on program" for insanity and had the 60 day deadline I went away on some business trips and got behind so to make them up I was doing the month 2 workouts twice a day. That was too much and I really felt it in the knees. Once I finished the official prg and got my t shirt I decided to never do 2 insanity workouts in a row ever again. I always have a day in between insanity workouts to let the body rest though I still do other stuff that's less jarring.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Depends on the day. Somedays I do strength in the morning & run after work. Other days it's just one or the other after work. Depends on my schedule
  • lindleywest
    There is about an hour and a half from when I get home after work and when my husband gets home. I will go on the treadmill for about 30-45 min. and then when he gets home we have dinner and then we both work out together for about 45-60 min.
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    we both work out together for about 45-60 min.

  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    I usually just aim for a 40-50 cycle a day, around midday, but more often than not I end up adding a short walk late-afternoon as well.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    Lately i have been doing body beast in the mornings, and les mills combat in the evenings. I work out 5-6 times a week, with 3-4 two a days -- just need to make sure you are getting enough protein, otherwise you will burn out fast
  • pavs100
    pavs100 Posts: 16
    I try to break my workouts down, So i'll workout in the morning, afternoon and sometimes the evening too! In the morning I start with the 20 day shred, then for the other 2 workouts I'll do cardio kick boxing and blogilates :)
  • jennwren77
    jennwren77 Posts: 76 Member
    I have a question for those who run, walk, or otherwise workout at lunch: When do you eat? and... How long is your lunch break? Mine is only 30 minutes...if I was to workout then, I would be all sweaty and then not get to eat. Plus the fact that it would take half the time just to get to wherever I was going to workout. Do you just go back to work all sweaty?

    I also have a 30 minute lunch break. I walk (at a brisk pace) around the neighborhood taking different routes and YES I do come back hot and sweaty LOL. I pack my breakfast, snacks and lunch everyday so I just eat at my desk when I get back. I'm an Accountant and I'm at my desk most of the day so this works for me. It lets me get in some exercise and get away from the office to clear my head.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I have a question for those who run, walk, or otherwise workout at lunch: When do you eat? and... How long is your lunch break? Mine is only 30 minutes...if I was to workout then, I would be all sweaty and then not get to eat. Plus the fact that it would take half the time just to get to wherever I was going to workout. Do you just go back to work all sweaty?

    Technically my lunch is an hour but I often come into work an hour + early or stay a little late so nobody cares if I take a long lunch once a week or so. I've been gone up to two hours at a time for runs. Plus I work for four different attorneys so no one ever knows what I'm up to anyway :)

    I am sweaty when I come back (in the summer anyway) - I use ShowerPill Body Wipes and dry shampoo, if needed. And then I eat lunch at my desk.