Eating after 7pm



  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Well towards the beginning of my weight loss, I never ate carbs after 3 pm (or fruit) and didn't eat anything after 7 pm. And honestly, I slacked off about a month ago. Am I still losing? Yes. As much as before? Sure, I'm losing how much I'd reasonably expect myself to lose. I really think your body doesn't know the difference between 7 pm and 10 pm. After all I just chowed down quite a few Ritz crackers (not clean eating at ALL, but I always allow myself those- they keep me sane :bigsmile: ) and a bowl of nonfat plain yogurt. Its usually just yogurt at night (dessert), but you can have tons of other healthy things, if you're worried about it going straight to your body.

    Oh and I want a toned tummy, and do believe in clean eating. But the Ritz are just sitting there in the cabinet waiting to be opened! Gahhh, this better not affect the loss of inches on my tummy. -_-
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    It really doesn't matter. I regularly eat most of my cals after 8 pm and as long as I'm under cals I keep losing.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    There is a ton of research.......Google is your friend.

    But people will believe what the they want to no matter what science says.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    @ OP
    Im guessing your co-worker doing that leangains IF. Also there has been studies where says doesnt matter about meal frequency or when you eat your body will still burn it all the same.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    It depends. Are you a Mogwai?

    LoLz ... Gremlins
    I usually eat some coattge cheese and almonds right before bed, so when I wake up I can have fuel to workout first thing when I wake up ... I hare eating or drinking before a workout, it makes me nauseous. ..
  • justagirlgeek
    justagirlgeek Posts: 49 Member
    I eat all of my calories between 8pm and 2am.
    I'm losing just fine. ;)
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    I eat whenever I'm legitimately hungry...not to be confused with booze hungry!! :drinker:
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    see #2 :)

    Posted by Admin Posted on Saturday, January 05, 2013 1 comment

    If your nutrition and weight-loss education comes mostly by way of fad diet books and magazine articles, you will believe 10 myths and to lose weight you need to get them out of your head.
    Fad diets don't work period - So if you believe any of the following you need to change your view to lose weight.
    1. Skipping meals helps you lose weight.
    No it does not! it makes you hungrier as it creates huger cravings and actually causes you to over eat. You need to eat 5 meals a day.
    2. Your metabolism is slower at night.
    Your metabolism doesn't slow down at night.
    This fad diet myth comes from the fact that most people eat a larger proportion of calories in the evening and if your metabolism slows down then when you sleep these calories will turn to fat!
    As your metabolism is not slower at night, it makes no difference when you eat - it's the overall calories consumed that cause the damage not the time of day their eaten that matters.
    3. Carbohydrates cause weight gain.
    This is perhaps the most common fad diet myth. This myth has been promoted by high-protein fad diets on the market.
    Carbohydrates are your body's premier source of fuel. The thing to keep in mind with cards is good and bad ones and eat the good ones is the
    Replace carbs with high sugar content (simple carbs) i.e biscuits and sweets with complex carbs: Fruit, vegetables whole-grain brown rice and cereal.
    Not eating carbs will make you sluggish and irritable.
    4. Lose weight is hard and a chore.
    Well many fad diets are! As they deprive you of foods you love, their therefore hard to stick with.
    Fact is we were never designed to be on fad diets. Dieting is all about balance and you can include any foods you love, but if there sugary or fat foods then you just need to eat them in moderation.
    5. Fat free foods that are calorie free.
    That low-fat label is by no means a license to over indulge
    Many low-fat products are loaded with sugar to as a substitute for the missing fat, which means they are just as high in calories as the sugar is simply turned into fat!
    6. No Snacks
    If you have time to eat 5 meals a day you won't probably want to snack, if it's three times a day a quick snack is a good idea.
    At the end of the day, its total calories consumed in a day that counts not how you eat them.
    A quick snack can help you stop overeating and keep your energy levels high.
    7. Fat is bad for you
    Fats are part of the natural food chain of humans and we all need a certain amount of fat to healthy, but we need good ones.
    Bad fats increase the risk for certain diseases and good fats lower the risk. The key is to make sure your eating the right fats.
    Fats that are actually healthy are referred to as "essential fatty acids." These fats are required for overall health and lower risk of heart disease.
    The reason oily fish is so good is that the essential fatty acids contained actually help your body burn fat more efficiently and protect against disease.
    8. Cholesterol is bad for you
    Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is made by the liver, we all need some blood cholesterol as it's used to build cells and form hormones.
    There is good and bad cholesterol.
    Saturated fats in foods such as meat, cheese, cream, butter help raise LDL (low density lipoprotein) 'bad' cholesterol.
    This then delivers cholesterol to the arteries. HDL (high density lipoprotein) - or 'good' cholesterol - transports cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver.
    Simply avoid this group or eat in moderation
    9. Dairy products make you fat.
    Combined with calorie control, a dairy-rich diet can nearly double body-fat reduction and help you lose weight longer term
    The reason is they contain the hormone calcitriol, which helps conserve calcium for stronger bones while sending a message to fat cells to convert less sugar to fat and burn more body fat.
    10. There is a short cut way to lose weight
    This is the myth promoted by all fad diets you can lose weight quickly and be healthy - No you cant. Our bodies are not designed to crash diet and fad diets sound easy but people end up being disappointed.
    The only way to lose weight is to do it slowly, with a balanced diet.
    Forget fad diets and lose weight the right way.

    Read more:

    number one is complete BS ...five meals has nothing to do with weight loss..and plenty of people do IF - skip breakfast - and have great results.

    I think the article was just meaning that skipping meals isn't a weight loss trick and that the someone (especially someone who doesnt have the best self control) might over eat, so it recommends the 5 times just so they don't get overly hungry then over eat, It doesn't sond to me at all like it was implying 5 meals was required for weight loss....
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Lost 45 lbs in 7 months eating whenever I'm hungry. Definitely don't "close the kitchen" at 7 or whatever. So, count me in for time of day doesn't matter!
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hi -
    It seems like everything I have learned about the rules of dieting were all a myth - am wondering how people feel about eating after 7pm or 8pm -with the idea that when you eat that late if you are not active that the food just sits and you are not burning it off....

    I have recently learned that breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day - my coworker just started the diet where he eats all his food within a 8 hour window... but he'll eat two hamburgers at 10:00 at night... sounds like a bad idea.

    Just curious about how others think about this ( I have no desire to eat late) I think I just need to be re-educated

    Don't believe everything you read. There is so much crap diet advice out there.
    Unless something is peer reviewed and published in a prestigous international sports science or medical publication - I tend to ignore it.
    kind regards,

  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I eat between 10pm and midnight every night. My ticket proves it doesn't do any harm.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    I eat after 7 p.m. every.damn.night.

    yup, dont really have a choice because of work schedule. plus if i ate too early, i would just get hungry again in 4 hrs
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    My doctor said no eating after 8pm. I usually have a protein pudding or shake between 7 and 7:30pm

    get a new DR
    Repped. I wanted to say this but I knew the whole "but he has an MD and you are just a person on the internet" discussion would come up so I didn't reply to her.

    real life has taught me that just because someone is a DR, lawyer, or financial expert does not mean they are a genius, in most instances they are morons....
    In the end, they all use outdated studies anyways.

    This is quite true scientific studies are being done all the time in regards to what is considered healthy. Its amazing when we were kids about the healthy food pyramid now that thing is basically nearly upside down these days.
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    I tend to do better if I don't eat as much at night.. but I don't think that's any hard and fast diet rule. If you're hungry enough, just eat. I think as others have said, the overall amount and content of food is more important than the exact time or distribution.
  • missmarymcmcmc
    missmarymcmcmc Posts: 78 Member
    I believe the coworker is doing intermittent fasting.Its called the 8hr diet. They did a scientific study on this with mice. The mice were allowed to eat any/all for an 8 hr window when they were most active, which for us is usually during the day . Then they had them fast for the next 16 hrs. You can pick any 8 hr window that you wish. The mice that were in this experiment all lost weight.. I've tried this before and it really is a pretty easy diet to stick to, especially if you are like me and don't tend to eat breakfast. I try not to eat breakfast/lunch until really late so that I can eat later in the night. If I wait for breakfast at noon I have until 8pm to eat whatever I want. I believe they lost a lot of their weight because it did stop all the snacking when they were not active.That in itself lowered the calorie count. You can eat all you want at night as long as it is in your 8hr window.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It depends. Are you a Mogwai?


    Best thread of the day
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I believe the coworker is doing intermittent fasting.Its called the 8hr diet. They did a scientific study on this with mice. The mice were allowed to eat any/all for an 8 hr window when they were most active, which for us is usually during the day . Then they had them fast for the next 16 hrs. You can pick any 8 hr window that you wish. The mice that were in this experiment all lost weight.. I've tried this before and it really is a pretty easy diet to stick to, especially if you are like me and don't tend to eat breakfast. I try not to eat breakfast/lunch until really late so that I can eat later in the night. If I wait for breakfast at noon I have until 8pm to eat whatever I want. I believe they lost a lot of their weight because it did stop all the snacking when they were not active.That in itself lowered the calorie count. You can eat all you want at night as long as it is in your 8hr window.

    This sounds like a variation on the intermittent fasting theme, except that you do it every day. Like IF and 5:2, i wonder if it's the regular in/out of ketosis that is the key here?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I believe the coworker is doing intermittent fasting.Its called the 8hr diet. They did a scientific study on this with mice. The mice were allowed to eat any/all for an 8 hr window when they were most active, which for us is usually during the day . Then they had them fast for the next 16 hrs. You can pick any 8 hr window that you wish. The mice that were in this experiment all lost weight.. I've tried this before and it really is a pretty easy diet to stick to, especially if you are like me and don't tend to eat breakfast. I try not to eat breakfast/lunch until really late so that I can eat later in the night. If I wait for breakfast at noon I have until 8pm to eat whatever I want. I believe they lost a lot of their weight because it did stop all the snacking when they were not active.That in itself lowered the calorie count. You can eat all you want at night as long as it is in your 8hr window.

    This sounds like a variation on the intermittent fasting theme, except that you do it every day. Like IF and 5:2, i wonder if it's the regular in/out of ketosis that is the key here?

    It is leangains 16/8 ...16 hour fast followed by six hour eating window..i did 18/6 (18 hour fast/6 hour eating window) for about 8 months and had good results.
  • IForlife
    IForlife Posts: 5
    I only eat between 8pm and 11pm. But I usually stop eating before 10pm, because of acid reflux.
  • katmcq29
    katmcq29 Posts: 54 Member
    My doctor said no eating after 8pm. I usually have a protein pudding or shake between 7 and 7:30pm

    get a new DR
    Repped. I wanted to say this but I knew the whole "but he has an MD and you are just a person on the internet" discussion would come up so I didn't reply to her.

    real life has taught me that just because someone is a DR, lawyer, or financial expert does not mean they are a genius, in most instances they are morons....

    LOL yeah they are def morons for working their assess off to get where they are...