Has anyone eliminated fruit in their diet?



  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    We don't get fruit in the house very often.. mangos this week because they smelled so incredible (and tasted even better!). But generally if the fruit bowl has anything in it it's just bananas. We always have at least one side of vegetables for dinner, but I prefer 2-3 for a meal for variety. Last night we just had corn.. which is more a starch then a vegetable, but usually we'll have a mixed greens pot, broccoli, or zucchini.. being the most common here... so salad. This week we've also had turnips and beets. I stopped tracking my sugar.. I'm not much a sweets person anyways.. but my coffee creamer usually put me over the limit. I track other stuff now.. my cousin died of a heart attack last year at 40. He's as close as you can be to a brother while being a cousin (my mom's brother married my dad's sister)... he was 40, not overweight, and worked construction. He had his heart attack while roofing a house. My sister had pregnancy complications and now her blood pressure is incredibly high.. it was 110/80 before.. and now it's like 160/100. We seem to be leaning toward some heart problems in the gene pool.. so the stuff that effect the heart more (cholesterol, fat, sodium) and the things I'm concerned about to track.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    I treat myself, but fruits almost all gone

    I AM diabetic, and the pain of the sugar pounding thru my head is something I can do without
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Absolutely not.

    I'm starting to really wish MFP would simply eliminate the sugar column. It's creating entirely too much angst.
    They do let you remove it yourself, through the "settings" tab. I've taken it off my daily reports.

    OP: Unless you have a tendency towards diabetes (family history, other risk factors), you can safely eat all the fruit you like. Personally, too much fruit messes with my digestion, but I typically keep my intake RIGHT at that line. :wink:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Sugar (naturally occurring or otherwise) does spike insulin levels and MAY cause the body to store fat. HOWEVER (before haters jump all over me) I would never cut out fruit from my diet, but I would watch my intake (if I am trying to lose weight). There are way too many health benefits which outweigh the sugar.

    Interesting and true story for you: my friends husband ate roughly 4-6 cups of fruit daily when he was diagnosed with pre-diabetes (to quench a sugar addiction, he replaced refined sugars with naturally occurring ones). He believed that if it was naturally occurring, it could not be bad for him. Wrong. He is diabetic now. So, really, moderation is always the key I think. Has anyone else ever heard of this?

    Are you trying to imply the fruit caused his diabetes?
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Nobody ever got fat eating too many fruits and veggies.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    Sugar (naturally occurring or otherwise) does spike insulin levels and MAY cause the body to store fat. HOWEVER (before haters jump all over me) I would never cut out fruit from my diet, but I would watch my intake (if I am trying to lose weight). There are way too many health benefits which outweigh the sugar.

    Interesting and true story for you: my friends husband ate roughly 4-6 cups of fruit daily when he was diagnosed with pre-diabetes (to quench a sugar addiction, he replaced refined sugars with naturally occurring ones). He believed that if it was naturally occurring, it could not be bad for him. Wrong. He is diabetic now. So, really, moderation is always the key I think. Has anyone else ever heard of this?

    Are you trying to imply the fruit caused his diabetes?

    just no.
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    I have reduced fruit and replaced it with vegetables. Same benefits, but less sugar and calories. I don't think fruit is bad at all, I just prefer to reduce my sugar intake where I can.
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Sigh. MODERATION. If you are eating an entire watermelon every day, probably not a good thing. If you have some fruit every day, probably a good thing. Its your body, do what you want. As for me, I eat anything...IN MODERATION. If this is going to be a lifestyle change for you vs a temporary diet, you will need to learn how to eat like a normal human. Its doable, its good for you. Just my two cents.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    If you are diabetic, then one serving of fruit a day is the max.
    If you are exercising (burning carbs), then you need more fruit.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Sugar (naturally occurring or otherwise) does spike insulin levels and MAY cause the body to store fat. HOWEVER (before haters jump all over me) I would never cut out fruit from my diet, but I would watch my intake (if I am trying to lose weight). There are way too many health benefits which outweigh the sugar.
    Concern of fat storage only happens if there is an excess of calories.
    Interesting and true story for you: my friends husband ate roughly 4-6 cups of fruit daily when he was diagnosed with pre-diabetes (to quench a sugar addiction, he replaced refined sugars with naturally occurring ones). He believed that if it was naturally occurring, it could not be bad for him. Wrong. He is diabetic now. So, really, moderation is always the key I think. Has anyone else ever heard of this?
    Sugar whether from refined or natural sources is broken down to it's simplest form and absorbed in the body (glycogen). If your friends' husband has a history of diabetes in his family, it may have been unavoidable.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    I am not a fruit lover anyway so I have plenty of vegetables to replace it.
    Generally I don't eat any or much. I go through phases.
  • JSA17
    JSA17 Posts: 81 Member
    I completely eliminated fruit out of my diet and the first week I lost 6.5lbs

    Everyone is different though! I myself love fruit and the sweetness that comes along with it but I've quickly learned to substitute that sugar craving with sweetener instead of fruit. It does the same thing (for me anyway). I guarantee you'll see results just by eliminating or even just cutting down on your fruits :)
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Natural sugar.... low gycemic index.... not to worry... unless you overdo it !! :wink: Stay active.. sugar is fuel to burn...:smile: Eat your veggies to help neutralize and balance the intake.:drinker: :bigsmile:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I could never give up fruit! But it does put me over my carbs sometimes. I just make sure that the type fruit I'm eating has awesome health benefits (berries, apples, even calorie-laden mangoes!) so that I'm getting a lot of bang for my buck.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    No, I have not cut back on fruit. In fact, since I started losing weight, I have dramatically increased the amount I eat. All the weight I have lost has been while using fruit for snacks a LOT!
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Nobody ever got fat eating too many fruits and veggies.

  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    Sugar (naturally occurring or otherwise) does spike insulin levels and MAY cause the body to store fat. HOWEVER (before haters jump all over me) I would never cut out fruit from my diet, but I would watch my intake (if I am trying to lose weight). There are way too many health benefits which outweigh the sugar.

    Interesting and true story for you: my friends husband ate roughly 4-6 cups of fruit daily when he was diagnosed with pre-diabetes (to quench a sugar addiction, he replaced refined sugars with naturally occurring ones). He believed that if it was naturally occurring, it could not be bad for him. Wrong. He is diabetic now. So, really, moderation is always the key I think. Has anyone else ever heard of this?

    Are you trying to imply the fruit caused his diabetes?

    Not trying to imply at all, why? Ninerbuff made a great observation about possible family history, and therefore the entire diabetic situation may been unavoidable to begin with. I had never heard about this before the other day.
  • elainemorris1982
    elainemorris1982 Posts: 104 Member
    definitely not. Its natural sugars
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    There's no reason to be concerned about sugar unless you have a medical condition that warrants it. I track sodium instead of sugar because that's more important to me. Eating fruit is generally a good thing.
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    No, No one ever got fat by eating fruit.