How often do you weigh?

I weigh myself daily. I am a nurse and I have a scale in my office staring at me every second of the day. I know it's not healthy. I also know not to put too much stock in what it says from day to day. I am only going to record and "count" a once weekly weight. I have set this day to Mondays...but only because that's when I started the diet. Just curious how others track their weight. :bigsmile:


  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    i know i shouldnt... but daily for me too.
  • I weigh every shows me if I am working hard enough in the day to day but I only record my weight once a week on fridays. :) I know some think it is obsessive to weigh every day but I would hate to get to the end of the week and know that I wasted a whole week and went no keeps my focused on my day to day. :)
  • I weigh AND measure every Wednesday. Sometimes the scale will take a break but your body will lose inches. Both measurements of my losses keep me motivated! :-)
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I weigh myself daily, and logged weekly when I was actively losing - I am at maintenance now. Now I only log if there is a change in he weekly numbers.

    I find it interesting to see how my weight changes throughout the week - usually varies within +- 1 lb day to day.
  • Pvestin
    Pvestin Posts: 19 Member
    Usually everyday, same time same place. I used to be a once a week person, but since weighing once a day I have determined my weight can fluctuate 5 lbs. It is actually mentally better for me to weigh everyday and see the trend rather than once a week and the once a week weigh in being the day I am 4lbs up.

    I also take measurements and gauge my body fat. Those are 1 x a month because it is slower to see results and less fluctuation. Body fat is my real goal.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I log once a week, usually. I was weighing in every Friday but I'm suddenly so fascinated by weight flucation that it may become every day. I'm logging the daily elsewhere and building a sweet sweet graph. I don't take it to heart (Oh, I lifted, scale went up. Oh I had a lot of sodium, scale went up. Oh I'm bloated, scale it up.) but it's really very very interesting. To me, at least.
  • Rcknrbn68
    Rcknrbn68 Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh in daily. HOWEVER, I take the entire week and average the weight. That way, I'm including both the higher and lower weights and feel that I'm getting a more "true" weight record.
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    I weigh every day. My official weigh in is on saturdaysSaturdays at my weight watchers meeting. It doesn't bother me if my weight fluctuates daily. I do it because seeing the number in the morning motivates me to eat right right and to exercise.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Once a week. :)
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    I weigh myself daily. I am a nurse and I have a scale in my office staring at me every second of the day. I know it's not healthy. I also know not to put too much stock in what it says from day to day. I am only going to record and "count" a once weekly weight. I have set this day to Mondays...but only because that's when I started the diet. Just curious how others track their weight. :bigsmile:

    Since I've started, I've weighed myself every day as well. I record every time I lose. That way, when I come in at a slightly higher weight on a subsequent day, I'm more motivated to work hard in my workout, and keep to the dieting goals.
  • addean1
    addean1 Posts: 119 Member
    Every day- there are ups and downs, and I only log the lowest weight, after the low number, it usually goes back up for a few days, but eventually it goes back down.
  • I weigh everyday. It's almost a game. I am excited to see the scale move as I lose. When I get the courage to start p90x again I will need to weigh in less and measure more but I don't know if I can.
  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45
    I also weigh daily, but take my daily amounts with a grain of salt and only record them on a weekly basis (Saturday),

    I don't use my daily amounts to make sure I am losing, but mainly so that I can see what is normal for my body
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    Every day. If you're at maintenance or close to goal, fluctuating between one or two pounds is normal. It's interesting to see the pattern/correlation of what you ate and what causes the fluctuate. I don't think it's unhealthy, I read an article that tested people who weigh daily lost more than the test group who only did weekly.
  • brc912
    brc912 Posts: 43 Member
    When I started I weighed weekly, but I recently started weighing daily. I find that it helps keep me motivated for that day. I record the weight regardless of if it went up or down. I take pictures and measurements on the 15th of every month. That is where I see the greatest results. Nothing better for me than comparing my before pictures with my current photos on the 15th of every month.

    I would like to gauge body fat. How do you record it accurately?
  • BadassCrossfitMama
    BadassCrossfitMama Posts: 110 Member
    I weigh daily or every 2 days or so but I only count Wednesdays, In July I will start recording Monday's for a challenge group.
  • jimbo2180
    jimbo2180 Posts: 66 Member
    Wednesday usually, once every week or so. just purely out of interest.
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    I weigh first thing every Saturday morning, unless TOM has come to visit. Then I put it off for a week.
  • LaVonda47
    LaVonda47 Posts: 17
    I weigh myself daily also. I only record my weight once a month. My weight goes up and down alot depending on the sodium intake. I know when I'm retaining water. So I have to increase my water intake a lot of times. Sometimes I feel disappointed but I know that I'm losing inches.
  • shrimpydoo
    shrimpydoo Posts: 112 Member
    I used to be obsessed with the scales when attempting to lose weight in the past. But this time, I'm doing it all differently because this IS the time. The last time. Instead, I focus on making all the right choices, I focus on making sure I get my exercise in, and I focus on drinking my water. I track this, not my weight, as these are my daily goals. In fact, I don't have a scale at home anymore except for a little kitchen scale which I use to do 'quality control' on portions. I get weighed on Wednesday at TOPS and for the most part, my weigh in pretty much mirrors the successes I've realized with my weekly choices. I like this much better because it helps me remain so aware of everything I've done...on the things I can control. All good!