Seeking MFP pals! :)



  • jjjmc
    jjjmc Posts: 3
    Feel free to add!
  • HuneeBunee08
    HuneeBunee08 Posts: 168
    Here to help!! Feel free to add me everyone :-)
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    I'm always happy to find new accountabilibuddies & support-systems!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I don't discriminate & am very honest & supportive. My father's a personal trainer, & I was working for certification when I got pregnant, so I like to think I'm quite knowledgeable!

    Friend me! (This goes for anyone!)
  • sarahanncarson
    sarahanncarson Posts: 50 Member
    I sent you a request. Anyone else want to add me... feel free! I need some support too. I've been slacking lately.
  • JessicaLThomas76
    JessicaLThomas76 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love some support on MFP! Been on here for about a month or so, weight loss isn't happening as fast as I'd like, but I have to take into consideration my age, and medical condition. I love supporting others as well as checking in with those on the same journey as myself! Feel free to send me a friend request as well!
  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45
    Added, also anyone else feel free to add me, been back for nearly a month now and still have a long way til I reach my first goal. The more support the better :)
  • feel free to add me :)
  • renrutb
    renrutb Posts: 11 Member
    Friend request sent. :)
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Request sent... others can add me as well.
  • zx6r_chick
    zx6r_chick Posts: 3 Member
    Please feel free to add me as an MFP
  • I just joined and would love to have some friends on here!
  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! I've sent you a FR! Anyone is free to add me as well. The more friends and motivation the better!
  • momofphive
    momofphive Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me! Accountibility is key :-)
  • DreaMuffin
    DreaMuffin Posts: 63 Member
    sent a friend request and would love to add others as well! please feel free to add me :)
  • chineyLuv
    chineyLuv Posts: 130 Member
    Love the tats girl! I just sent the friend request.
  • 2vayla
    2vayla Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! Sent you FR! You can add me if you would like.
  • britt7786
    britt7786 Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you all so much for your support!

    I logged on this morning and had 60 friends requests! I was sooo excited.

    I am so happy to have this many people willing to help me along the way.

    You are all so awesome and I can not wait to see where my journey takes me.

    I started my new lifestyle at the beginning of the month. My eating habits have changed
    tremendously. I measure everything I eat and keep up with all of my calories on a daily basis.
    I also got a gym membership and I go 6x a week. As of right now, I am only doing cardio.
    I lost 11lbs since I started this adventure. I went to the gym a couple days ago and weighed and
    saw that I gained a couple more lbs back. I was a little discouraged about that, but after reading
    many stories here on MFP, I've realized that is just what happens, weight fluctuates.

    I was weighing myself every single day, though. I guess that's how desperate I have been to
    get down to my goal weight.

    I made a vow to myself to only weigh 1 or 2x a week now. Maybe this way, I won't be disappointed
    so often. LOL.

    I know one thing is for sure though, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

    Thank You all again for your friends requests. I am so happy to know I have made new friends here
    that will support me along the way.

    I can not wait to see all of your amazing transformations!!! I wish you all the best of luck and so glad to call you a friend.

  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    Hey, Girl. I sent you a FR. Good luck. Anyone feel free to add me. I need all the encouragement I can get. :)
  • Cherriv
    Cherriv Posts: 4 Member
    Hi - I just sent you a friend request.
  • tguyettez
    tguyettez Posts: 2
    I will do what I can to offer support. I have lost 24 pounds before joining this site and I have about 8 more pounds until I am comfortable with my weight. I wish you the best of luck and don't give up even when your weight seems to come to a standstill since this too shall pass as long as you continue meeting your calorie intake. Take care and let me know if I can be of help to you.
