Hey all of you Insanity Gurus

I just received my Insanity DVD's in the mail today. My first impression: What lovely packaging! My second thought: I am terrified. I know I want to do this, but my goodness, this looks really intense. I feel intimidated already and haven't even started. What is your experience with Insanity, and how do you keep yourself going on this program? Should you be at a specific fitness level before beginning this program?


  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Insanity is awesome! check out my progress pics and blogs about it! =)

    I started it weighing 173/175 I have a few days left of it and I'm at 163 and lost over 20inches over my body =)
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    It's truely addicting. Intimidating, yes, but addicting. A good workout is often intimidating, but don't be afraid to take breaks! Have plenty of water on hand. You'll do fiiiine :)
  • jrsmithne
    jrsmithne Posts: 124
    I Love :heart: Insanity!!!! I just started my second round yesterday. Don’t worry about not keeping up with Shaun T!! Work at your own pace, try to keep the form, and take breaks when you need them, then come back to it!! It is an awesome workout!! I use to be more of a strength type person, but have really come to appreciate cardio and strength combined. I have only lost 6 lbs on the scale, but have lost about 18 inches all over, so don’t get frustrated by that either. Make sure you take a before picture and do your measurements!! He is a great motivator and explains the exercises very well.
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    I'm so excited for you! I am ten days away from finishing my 60 days and I'm pumped! The hardest for me has been sticking with the Nutrition plan consistently...I'll do really well for four or five days and then bad for a few days, etc. but I can still see the definition and my mom was in the dressing room with me two weekends ago and apparently told my sister about the "abs" I've started to develop! Woohoo! The best thing for me is the fact that the people on the videos have to take breaks as well...that keeps me going because I know even if I have to stop and rest for 5-10 seconds most of them have to at some point too! Good luck with it...it really is intense but you'll feel extremely accomplished :)
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I love love insanity. I jus started this past weekend. Well I tried to start a few times but my fiance kept flaking. Now we are both committed and doing the program we are doing great and pushing each other. Don't be intimidated. My fiance hasn't workout in a while, has a bad knee and is a smoker and he still pushes as hard as he can and is getting better and better each day. Do expect to be sore. But it hurs soo good!!
  • Sallyismyname
    Sallyismyname Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you everyone! I am excited... I just watched the fit test DVD. Ummm... Ya! I am going to do it on Monday!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I just received my Insanity DVD's in the mail today. My first impression: What lovely packaging! My second thought: I am terrified. I know I want to do this, but my goodness, this looks really intense. I feel intimidated already and haven't even started.

    It is so natural to feel intimidated by all that hopping around. I finished P90X and was scared out of my mind about Insanity. We used to hit pause during the workouts, then got through them. We used to hit pause at least three time, then only hit pause once. Now we don't hit pause at all. Just do your best and check off those boxes each day.
  • jenny2x
    jenny2x Posts: 7
    My husband talked me into doing Insanity. I've been lifting weights and I feel pretty strong, but this is a whole different beast. My trainer hurt his arm, so he's been out for a while. I need to do something while he's out. I'm starting Monday as well. Good luck!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My husband talked me into doing Insanity. I've been lifting weights and I feel pretty strong, but this is a whole different beast. My trainer hurt his arm, so he's been out for a while. I need to do something while he's out. I'm starting Monday as well. Good luck!

    We're starting a hybrid of P90X (weights) and Insanity next Monday. You both may like that type of program.