Plateau Since December --- Need help please

Alright. Here it is.

SW: 227.6
GW: 150-ish
CW: 191-195
Have not lost anything since December.
Been going between 195 to 191 since than.
My lowest was 187.6

I am currently do the TDEE/BMR method, trying to watch my carbs (and yes, when you read my diary you will find I struggle hard with it) and trying to each more healthy foods (yes, a struggle as well). When I first started I was eating whatever I wanted as long as it was in my macros and was losing well. Currently doing Slim in 6 and also have done 30 Day Shred (in which I saw not one lb change).

I am pretty much completely stalled right now. For awhile I was losing inches instead of pounds but I have been nearly stalled completely for a few weeks. I've come to far to give up but I just don't know what else to do. Someone help?


  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    I am not a professional of anything, but I have read that sometimes you need to really change your exercise routine as well as the time of day you do it. Also change the food around. Try HIIT and see if that helps.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    The Slim in 6 program is new to me, I'm a week in so that is switching that up a bit. Little less cardio and a little more strength
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    Can you make your diary public? You'll need to go to your settings and change it.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Eat less.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    Can you make your diary public? You'll need to go to your settings and change it.

    Sorry about that - I thought it was! It should be now!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    From another thread....








  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    From another thread....









    OMG... so much awesomeness. And truth.
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! I haven't looked at your diary and I know that nutrition is a struggle not just for you but for a lot of people. First of all I would suggest for now just eating a clean diet, fresh fruits, vegetables as well as lean meats. Continue with your current fitness regimen of Slim in 6 and see how that goes. It's good that you changed the routine up. There are quite a few people who have had success with that program. I would focus on nutrition now, staying away from processed foods because the sodium is high which will hinder your weight loss, weigh yourself once a week and go from there. Good luck and i hope this helps. Feel free to add me as a friend and I can help you through your journey of living a healthier lifestyle. :smile:
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    Alright hun, here's my opinion and please note that it is just an opinion! You are still at a high enough weight that it won't hurt to have a bigger deficit. When you have a lot to lose, it's not going to harm you to create a larger deficit and lose weight more quickly. I know what everyone says about TDEE, but I also know it didn't work for me. Maybe we calculated wrong, I don't know! But what I do know is that I can't seem to lose if I eat over 1400 calories and that is supposed to be my BMR! Go figure. So, I would suggest that you maybe try 1500 or 1600 calories.

    I noticed you're not logging exercise. It could be because you're set to your TDEE (minus whatever percentage you're using) and that's fine, but if that's not the case and you're not exercising, moving a bit more should help!

    You do eat a lot of processed foods and sweets. No judgement here, I struggle with the exact same thing! But I also noticed your diary isn't set to track sugar. If you're using the app, you can see it anyway and I'm hoping that's the case becuase this is a number you should be paying close attention to. If a lot of your sugars come from fruit, dairy and veggies, that's great. But if you're getting a lot of your sugar from sweets and treats and carbs, which I think you are after looking at your diary, that could be the problem.

    Your diary for today looks pretty well balanced, but if you want to enjoy a sweet treat during the day, maybe pick a less sugary cereal for breakfast. It's not about saying "NO!" to foods, it's about balance. Sugar and carbs cause your body to release insulin which is the fat storing hormone. If you cut back on your sugar intake, I really think it will make a huge difference in your weight loss success!

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I wanted to add...

    How's your water intake? I see that you're not tracking it. I know it sounds silly, but I believe water has a much bigger impact on weight loss than you would think. I find it easier to track if I place 4 rubber bands on my 16 oz Tarvis cup. Every time I fill it up, I take off a band. My goal is always to have a band-free cup by the end of the work day and that way the water I drink with dinner and before bed is a bonus!
  • I would agree with what Lisa above said. Eating more whole foods, good carbs and good protein are the way to go. I have tried weightloss before with excercise and the gym and would always get to my dreaded number and stop losing. The difference between then and now is all the processed foods. I seldom eat bread,pasta and I got rid of cereal. I think they were my kiss of death. This time around I would say I follow the South Beach Diet "more or less (I use that term loosely)". I surely have bad habits still, which I am working on, but I broke my platuae by losing most the breads and cereals and watching sodium which is a must for me nowadays. Good luck!
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I wanted to add...

    How's your water intake? I see that you're not tracking it. I know it sounds silly, but I believe water has a much bigger impact on weight loss than you would think. I find it easier to track if I place 4 rubber bands on my 16 oz Tarvis cup. Every time I fill it up, I take off a band. My goal is always to have a band-free cup by the end of the work day and that way the water I drink with dinner and before bed is a bonus!

    Thank you for this advice and your other post. I do drink a LOT of water. About 80-100oz a day if not more. I've nearly cut out all pop (I was a HUGE diet coke person, now I am down to half a pop a day at lunch so it's a big deal). Your info is great, I'll keep it in mind and thank you for the lack of judgements!
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    Looking at your diary, one of the things that I noticed is your protein intake is way too low. Aim for at least 100 - 125 grams a day. It will also help you feel more satisfied. Drink plenty of water and make sure you are getting at least 7 hrs of sleep. It will reset and rejuvenate your body. Also, don't eat below 1200 calories -- it does not help your weight loss, it will actually hinder it. Try to do some cardio and some strength training -- variety is always good. Good luck and feel free to add me if you need an encouraging friend.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I wanted to add...

    How's your water intake? I see that you're not tracking it. I know it sounds silly, but I believe water has a much bigger impact on weight loss than you would think. I find it easier to track if I place 4 rubber bands on my 16 oz Tarvis cup. Every time I fill it up, I take off a band. My goal is always to have a band-free cup by the end of the work day and that way the water I drink with dinner and before bed is a bonus!

    Thank you for this advice and your other post. I do drink a LOT of water. About 80-100oz a day if not more. I've nearly cut out all pop (I was a HUGE diet coke person, now I am down to half a pop a day at lunch so it's a big deal). Your info is great, I'll keep it in mind and thank you for the lack of judgements!

    You're more than welcome! Congrats on cutting out the soda!
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    Looking at your diary, one of the things that I noticed is your protein intake is way too low. Aim for at least 100 - 125 grams a day. It will also help you feel more satisfied. Drink plenty of water and make sure you are getting at least 7 hrs of sleep. It will reset and rejuvenate your body. Also, don't eat below 1200 calories -- it does not help your weight loss, it will actually hinder it. Try to do some cardio and some strength training -- variety is always good. Good luck and feel free to add me if you need an encouraging friend.

    ^THIS! Protein!!! I beat my last plateau by upping the protein and it really helped with all the cravings. It's a great way to feel satisfied for longer and it's also great for repairing muscles after a good workout :)
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Should include your height and age as well.

    When was the last time your recalculated your BMR/ TDEE? It goes down as you lose weight.
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    As someone else stated, it might be a good idea to try a bigger deficit. Here is a link to another forum post where the OP provided a really good article deficits/TDEE/etc:

    - and even though it's a fairly long article, I would suggest reading it when you have some time. In a nut shell, it basically explains that the reason for TDEE and a determined deficit is because we don't want to lose lean muscle mass as we lose weight (which can happen if your deficit is too large). However, with bigger people who have more weight to lose (like myself), we have a higher amount of body fat and thus a smaller risk of losing lean muscle mass when eating at a large deficit, so if you have a lot to lose or are at a high weight, a larger deficit than you would get using TDEE may be beneficial. Just my 2 cents - check out the article if you have some time. Hope it's helpful!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I don't know your current weight but a friend of mine said I should drink half my weight in water (105oz for me) and that got me through a two week long plateau. I haven't looked at your diary but how often do you eat? Sometimes several small meals work better than three larger meals for certain people. Again I agree about the protein, if you need to add shakes. They can be filling and some contain very little sugar.

    I also agree about changing up the exercise. Keep in mind if you are lifting you will be adding muscle so your weight loss will reflect that but you should be losing inches.

    Most important, don't give up.
  • shayleac
    shayleac Posts: 76 Member
    I think you should extend your deficit, maybe try 1600 per day.
    Eat more protein to make sure you are feeling fuller.
    Exercise more exessively for the next week, and switch up your routine.
    Drink lots of water (as you have been)
    As well, you should track your sodium intake. You should stay below 2500mg.

    This helped me get passed my plateau.
  • bump