Looking for other ladies, looking to lose 30 pounds or so!

Hey girls!
I'm Elisabeth, I'm 24 years old and I am back on the wagon! I am 5'6", my current weight is 179.2lbs and I am going to lose about 2 pounds a week for the next four months or so, losing 30 pounds total! Who is with me?!

I'm hoping that we can keep each other accountable and inspire eachother!

Highest Weight ever: 185lbs
Current Weight (CW): 179.2lbs
Goal Weight (GW): 150lbs

I just want to feel comfortable, healthy and strong, and sexy too ; )

Who's with me?


  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    Feel free to friend me...

    Im 23 5'4 and have got AT LEAST 30 lbs to lose but i would feel much happier with a 40 lb loss
    I had a baby 8 months ago and havent figured out the weight loss thing since... ive been through this exact same roller coaster before at the time HW: 180 GW: 145 and i got down to 135 miserable that i gained it back and determined to get back in shape.

    HW: 212 (pregnancy)
    CW: 170 (and holding steady :grumble: )
    GW: 140

  • Hey.

    My name is Judy and I am getting close to the big 40......and would love to lose 30lbs myself.
  • hbford
    hbford Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies - Most def need to loose 30 pounds. I am 33 yrs old and mother of three (16, 14, and 1 1/2 yr old)
    I am 5'7.. Highest weight was after my son was born in Nov 2011, I was 249 lbs.... as of today I am 198 lbs but need to be at atleast 170-175.
  • cweaver1981
    cweaver1981 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi everyone- I am 32 years old and I am looking to lose about 35 pounds, maybe more after I get through the initial 35. I am looking to get into really good shape. I don't want to be super skinny-more muscular and fit.

    Starting weight -191lbs.
    current weight-185lbs (I haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks so it might be lower than that)
    1st goal weight-150lbs
    2nd goal- no specific weight, more of just an overall toned, muscular look

    I would love some additional support from the people on MFP.
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    We're pretty similar! Here are my stats:

    27yrs old
    HW- 186
    CW- 173
    GW- 150
    UGW- 145

    Looking to get as close to my goal as possible by October- getting married then :)

    I'll request you.
  • virgo1978
    virgo1978 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 5' 5" and looking to lose 30 lbs. I signed up a few years ago and did really well...lost 20 lbs. Well, I gained it back. Friend me if you'd like...I could use all the motivation I can get!
  • jessmashburn
    jessmashburn Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 29, I've already lost 20 pounds and just joined this site to help me lose another 30. I need accountability and to be able to see my progress. HW-195 CW-175 GW-145 Looking forward to seeing some more progress!
  • msladydove
    msladydove Posts: 33 Member
    I am new here too. It sounds like you have a healthy goal there..:) Feel free to friend me if you want to. ..
  • soniyas
    soniyas Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in! I'm doing low carb and have 30+ lbs to lose. f/36/5'3" CW: 186.6 GW: 130. Friend me if you'd like!
  • echeverria1973
    echeverria1973 Posts: 5 Member
    Same here!
    39 yrs old
    4'9 tall ( if you can say that, hehehe)
    140 lbs currently (have lost 15 lbs so far)
    130 lbs my goal

    Definitely motivated and looking forward to working out hard.
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    Add me as a friend!

    I've been on and off the boards, and on and off fitness programs, for years now...my weight has been varying within 5-10 pounds. I'm 5'6" tall, 31 years old, and recently engaged! My deadlines are for engagement pics in September, dress shopping in December, and then the wedding in Fall, 2014!

    I currently weigh 195...I spent a good period in my early 20's around 175 and felt much better there, but around 160-165 is what I think is actually very fit for me--I'd be around a size 8/10 at that weight. The weight starts coming off whenever I stick to my calories, but I've been SO inconsistent, that it goes right back up.

    I've been doing a morning bootcamp workout a few times per week for a couple months now, and I'm starting to see some physical changes, but the scale is still stuck. It's all about the eating for me, I have to stick to it!
  • halesss3
    halesss3 Posts: 31
    Right with you ladies! 22 years old, weighing in at 177 at 5"5'. I'm looking to lose about 40lbs (although any weight loss would be fantastic lol) MFP is definitely a great motivator We can do this ladies! Feel free to add!
  • long2smith
    long2smith Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 22yrs old and mother of a 3yr old and 10mth old. I am ready to shed off the baby weight. I lost 30lbs after giving birth last August and have quickly begun gaining it back again. But now I am ready to do this all the way.
  • Sounusual
    Sounusual Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Elizabeth!

    I am with you. I currently weigh 221lbs, and my goal weight is 150lbs. I'm going to get back down to that weight by my birthday January 4th 2014!

    Let's do this gals!!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Add me!! I am a 37yo married mom of 4.

    SW 190
    CW 170
    GW 160
    UGW 150

    I'm 5'9" and I've been with MFP since April.
  • samcarn21
    samcarn21 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 25 and 5'8" looking to lose 30 pounds. It's been very slow going and I keep telling myself I'm working toward a specific date, ruin it, lose encouragement, then pick a new date and start again. I have a cruise in October and don't want to look like this on the beach. I would love to feel confident in a bathing suit again and be able to wear jeans without my muffin top hanging over! We can do this!
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    approaching 32 yo and 5'3". Currently 182.8 with my initial goal being 155. Feel free to add :)
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Going to be 30 next year, needing to lose a least 30 lbs!
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    I'm with you! I'll friend you.

    I'm 19, 5"7 and 215.

    I want to get down to around 180 meaning I have to get my butt in gear and lose about 35 pounds!

    We can keep each other motivated! :)
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me.


    HW: 260
    CW: 165
    GW: 135-145

    My diary is open (although just ended a 3 day juice fast yesterday) and have set me calories and fat/protein/carb ratio based on: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    I've done some 30 Day Shred, JM Killer Buns & Thighs, and P90x. Plan to start P90x again July 8th, :-)