"Going" in the sink when the bathroom is taken

The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
Inspired by a radio call and the lovely threads lately...The caller did this when his GF was in the bathroom and he didn't want to wait. (Sink outside of the bathroom) She came out in the middle of it and freaked out. There were a surprising amount of people who called in afterwards and said they did the same.

Have you done this? Would you find it acceptable? I have to say, the thought never crossed my mind that this was an option.

ETA: To clarify, the callers did this regularly. Like in the morning getting ready and didn't want to wait. Not a during house party. I would take outside in the backyard if that was case though.


  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You obviously never went to a house party and went to the bathroom with a group of girls all at once...
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    You obviously never went to a house party and went to the bathroom with a group of girls all at once...

    I lived with my ex girlfriend, a guy and his boyfriend and there wasn't a closed door in sight.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I haven't personally done this but I've witnessed it lol. Definitely a drunken act.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    I have the whole outdoors to use.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I haven't, but my kids were nice enough to pull that crap on me at Discount Tire once. And by crap, I mean literal crap. That was fun.....
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Oh, to clarify, the callers did this regularly. Like in the morning getting ready and didn't want to wait. Not a during house party. I would take outside in the backyard if that was case though.
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Absolutely foul! Do these people have no bladder control, or simply no manners?
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I just pee in the shower when she's pooping...seriously. It also takes less water to flush your shower than a standard home toilet.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I hear urine is sterile, so........
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    When you gotta go....you gotta go.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Pissing in the sink is one thing. Pooping in the sink...not recommended. :embarassed:
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Pissing in the sink is one thing. Pooping in the sink...not recommended. :embarassed:

    When you gotta go....YOU GOTTA GO
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Pissing in the sink is one thing. Pooping in the sink...not recommended. :embarassed:

    When you gotta go....YOU GOTTA GO

    Refer to the gif above in regards to this.
  • pebbs80
    pebbs80 Posts: 102
    Have to say... if my husband had done that I would kick his butt! Those pipes are not meant to handle waste like that. Imagine the smell if you have hair or anything caught in your pipes.

    If you need to go that bad and it's just #1 take it to the yard bro
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteous
    Why can't they save it for the shower?
  • avibachar
    avibachar Posts: 47
    A friend of mine used to do this all the time when we were in university. His girlfriend lived in a strict all-girls Catholic residence where boys were not allowed in the building after 7pm. There was a communal bathroom, but each room also had a small sink for washing up. He would break the rules and sleep over there and used to pee in the sink so that he wouldn't have to walk down the hall and risk getting caught.

    It obviously didn't bother her that much - they got married right after graduation
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Gross! Are people seriously this nasty? Pee outside or if it's your significant other, pee in the toilet while they are in the shower. I'm sure there are many alternatives to peeing in the sink.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I'm sorry, but if I catch someone peeing in my kitchen sink, there were be severe consequences. I prepare food using that sink! That is completely unsanitary and disrespectful. Get some manners!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I don't see the big deal. Clean the sink after with some detergent. I've poured spoiled milk down that drain before, that has to be wosre than sterile pee. I'd rather him do that then accident on the floor, or bare his nuts in the open backyard for the neighbours to call the cops over.

    I've definitely peed in the bathtub before (not filled with water) when my girl was on the toilet.