40ish and making changes

Hello all -

I'm Cathy and I'm fat. That's the short story. Long story - been on the weight loss journey for many years. I've had my ups and my downs. I am hoping that this is my low point, and I can be serious about changes I need to make.

A few things about me:

- I'm a middle school math teacher
- I don't like to exercise, I wish I did, but I don't
- I'm getting married on 12-13-14 (I teach math, had to be a cool date)

I'm looking to find a real group of supporters on here. I would like to develop "friendships", pen pals, etc. I need more than generic "atta boys" to keep me going!

I'm looking for friends! I will start logging food tomorrow, and will have an open food log.

Good luck to you all -


  • kiwijo95
    kiwijo95 Posts: 25
    Hi Cathy and welcome.
    Im new to all this as well and I loathe excersize, after a full days work I just wanna sit on my backside and read or watch telly.
    I also realise I have to make changes but finances are very restrictive currenlty so Im just concentrating on making small changes that I can live with (that dont cost much).
    Ive added you as a friend and am looking forward to getting to know you better, and to sharing the journey to better health with you.
    Have a great day (its evening here in the UK)>
  • machjen
    machjen Posts: 1
    Hi Cathy and Jo, I also am in my 40's ( still seems weird to say that). I just got out of a seven year relationship and looking to loose some weight. I hate exercising too and have to watch my money very close would love to chat with you girls. Good luck to you both.
  • churchchipmunk
    churchchipmunk Posts: 83 Member
    Hi ladies! I can identify with you all! I would love to share in encouragement! I lost about 35 lbs on MPF a few years back and (unfortunately) got lazy and gained it and then some back. So...I have learned two things...(1) need MPF for accountability and logging of food and (2) can't get lazy and quit logging and maintaining friendships just because I've achieved success! Feel free to add me :) Cindi
  • Butterflygrl1967
    Hi Cathy...Welcome to MFP. My name is Tammy Thompson. I am with you on the exercise. I just got married last month and am looking forward to a 1 year anniversary in Hawaii next May. So that is my motivation...You are right about needing "support" and that is what I have found on here. I am adding you as a friend and want to say Good luck to you... Tammy
  • wilcoxsonk0429
    wilcoxsonk0429 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am also 40 and fat. I've lost weight before, a couple of times, but it always crept back up. The last time, I was down about 50 lbs, but then I got pregnant, any used that as an excuse to eat everything. My daughter is 3, and I am now back up to my absolute heaviest, about what I weighed when I had her. I'm 5'7" and 250 lbs. I want to lose 100 lbs, and need to do it in the next 2 years. I just went back to school and will graduate in 2016 with a bachelors in dietetics. I can't be an obese dietician. I'm hoping using MFP along with finally learning some real nutrition information will make this stick for good, this time. I hope we can all be supportive of one another.

    Oh, and I hate exercise, too. :-)
    SHEEZLUVLLY Posts: 33 Member
    Hi All,
    Cathy love the wedding date that's so cool. I know you want to look awesome in your wedding dress and I think if you stay on this site and meet friends you will succeed. I am so surprised that the community of people here and the support really makes a difference. I am sure you will feel the way I do just knowing that you are not alone and people here want to see you reach your goal. The site really heps me to stay focused talk out my feelings and get o the root of me being fat. welcome and lets be friends
  • BTlulu
    BTlulu Posts: 9 Member
    Mid 40's here & happy to be friends so we can offer support both ways & get to know each other on our journeys.
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    Hey all :) I'm also 40ish (closer to 50), and have been logging my food and exercise for a few weeks, but this is the first time I've looked at the community portion of the site. I would love to make some friendships and give/receive encouragement for sure. :)

    At my heaviest I was 226, I'm down to 196 and hope to hit 160, I'm 5'7". Right now my motivation is my oldest sons wedding in August. After that I have no idea what I'll use to keep the weight off and lose more... yikes!

    Cathy, congrats on the engagement!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Hello!! I'm 46, have at least 50 more pounds to lose & begrudgingly do exercise on occassion but the slightest hiccup can change those plans for the day lol. I log my food daily and would love more friends if you'd like. I'm in Nova Scotia Canada :)
  • sueozzy
    sueozzy Posts: 68 Member
    44 (45 in September) looking for ladies my age for motivation support as well!

    5 months before my 40th birthday I started to "run" well it was terrible at first but I fell in love with it! You never know..... with a great support system around you may be surprised and actually find something you enjoy.

    My newest love is biking :-)
  • carlogs619
    carlogs619 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome to MFP add me I log on everyday we can go on this journey together and motivate each other.
  • Cathy121314
    Cathy121314 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for all the responses!! I think I sent friend requests to you all, but if I missed you, please hook me up!!

    Day One went well. I got back into the pool and it felt great. Maybe exercise isn't that bad if I stick to what I like.