Implanon implant & weight gain



  • jessica_1205_
    jessica_1205_ Posts: 21 Member
    I had the implant for 18 months and managed to lose 21lbs in that time.

    I actually found it to be easier to control my weight with the implant than with the pill.
  • I got the darn thing last august. Since then, I've gained about 35 pounds and went from a size 4/5 jean to a 7/8. I work out 5 days a week and since i started being very consistent a couple months ago i went from 146 to 132... But man o man. I've NEVER weighed over 120 pounds before. I was probably 15% body fat, very active track athlete, Now i'm around 23-25%... HELLO BELLY FAT, BYE BYE ABS.
    The ONLY thing I like about Implanon is how you can't forget to take it cause its always there... Other than that. I HATE IT. It makes me extremely bloated, cranky, packs the pounds, makes me nauseous if i touch it wrong. UGH.
    I'd have the thing removed if I wasn't so young. I'm 18 and married and want to do everything right and wait to have kids until we are both ready.
    If anyone has had great luck losing the weight, please please please share!!
  • NatzC123
    NatzC123 Posts: 150 Member
    This is my 4th year on Implanon and was told by my doctor the average weight gain is about 5 lbs per year. This is obviously different for different people. I put on about 50 lbs over the last three years but that was from me being lazy and eating everything in sight... not from the Implanon. I have successfully lost 37 lbs whilst having the Implanon inserted so its not a problem for me. Each case and person is different i'm sure
  • I have been on the implant for almost two years now. Since then I have gained over 10kg and my diet wasn't the best but it wasn't terrible either. A similar thing happened when I was on the pill but I only gained about 5-7kg that time.
    When I first started I had my period for about 2 months straight. Since then I only get them once every three months.

    It is really up to you. As everyone says everyone is different. Personally I am going to talk to my doctor about getting the injection.
  • sroy84
    sroy84 Posts: 1 Member
    I do think its different for everyone, just like every other contraception/hormonal drugs. I had the implanon rod inserted Oct 2012 and I bled for about 3 months straight, 3 weeks on, 1 week off. Then in Feb no bleeding, then in March, bled for 3 weeks. Very annoying. I have gained weight, not too much (about 5 kgs) but what I am noticing more is the bloating, its like I have pregnant belly. I don't blame implanon for the gain, as I did go on holiday and then ate my way through Christmas, but i have been trying to shift the excess weight and its near impossible. In fact, as I am cutting out sugar and exercising like mad I gained another 2 kgs! So I am considering having it out because of having completely lost my waistline, and also for the mood swings and depression. I haven't had it in for long, but I already know its not for me.
  • neha_basu
    neha_basu Posts: 11
    I've been on Implanon for the past 3 years and I'm getting it removed next week. I've never really had any problems with regards to periods, acne or headaches. But I have suffered from mood swings and weight gain. I was a lot slimmer prior to getting it and then after a few months the weight started piling on (1 stone) despite my eating habits and lifestyle not changing much. Then after the first year I really did eat everything in sight so that extra 7lbs was my own fault but 3 years down the line and the weight is nearly impossible to shift! I really hope I lose if fast for the summer now after getting it removed haha.
  • krazyclare
    krazyclare Posts: 7 Member
    I had implant fitted in dec 2013 so far I have gained a belly and around 20lbs of weight im so not happy :(
    I am a fitness freak so im up the gym 5 times a week I run around 3 times a week normally averaging between 5- 10 miles a time I do double spin x2 a week also yet I have gained loads I also suffer from bad water retention which has been worse since being on this as in my job I stand for around 13 hrs a time so cant say I dont use my kcals up lol yet everytime I weigh myself im heavier only good side is I hardly get periods and im not pregnant
  • I am a 19 year old girl, on the implant. I had an tubal pregnancy when i was on the pill, which happened because i was not able to take it at the same time everyday and also because i would forget, this was my fault, and they had to remove my right fallopian tube. I have been on 5 or 6 different birth controls and i have only gained maybe five pounds on one of them. A week after my surgery i had the implanon implant put in and in 1 and a half months i gained 25 pounds. I went in to have it removed and they told me now because i did not have it in for a long enough time, keep in mind on top of the weight gain i was on my period for five months straight. Now it's been about almost 8 months with the implant and i have out on 31 pounds. I went from being 146 to 177, i work out, disc golf, and spend the majority of my time outside. I am getting it removed on tuesday. It has been a pain to have, and an even bigger pain to try and get removed.
  • Chellbelle81
    Chellbelle81 Posts: 2 Member
    I had the implant inserted 8 months ago, Nov 2012, I too had weight gain, I've always been able to lose weight when I put my mind to it, so I upped my exercise and watched my calorie intake and all I could do was maintain my weight. So 9 days ago 4/6/13 I had my implant removed, I haven't changed my eating habits and i'm still exercising, not as much tho as my arm was a little tender and I replaced it with a coil the same day, so so far I have lost 6lbs! I tried to convince myself for months that it wasn't the implant and that I was doing something wrong. So glad I had it removed, best decision I ever made! Removal was easy and very quick, still have slight bruising but nothing to worry about.
  • fionafish
    fionafish Posts: 3
    Well, as a lot of people on here I am inconclusive, I have gained around 3 stone in the time period of 8 years of implant use. The weight gain could be all sorts of things, but it would be nice if some of it was the implant as it might go away more easily now. I have in the last year lost the 3 stone with very hard work and determination.

    I have had the implant out in favour of using far less reliable birth control methods as I suspect that the implant has been reducing my sex drive massively and putting it on to zero. So look every so often at possible side effects and evaluate if it is right for you. It was the dream birth control method for me, not pregnant, very easy, no tablets and my periods were a dream on them. That said, I am waiting with interest to see if removing it makes weight loss easier and increases my desire for sex.
  • katt281
    katt281 Posts: 1
    Thanks for all the updates on Implanon. It looks like weight gain has been a issue for some on this one as well. I have tried almost every birthcontrol. Almost every pill, depo, nuva ring, and now have Mirena and have been looking for alternatives, due to steady weight gain over th past three years its been tough. I am pretty active and do not consume more than 800-1000 calories per day, eat gluten free and vegatarian and still contiue to gain. So when Dr's and other people tell me to eat less, that it couldn't be the birth control, it makes me crazy. I understand everyone is different so comparing what works for one doesnt always work for another. I was thinking of going off birth control all together, but the thought of that freaks me out too, because I am done having kids and do not want to get pregnant.. I even looked into the essure tube implants, but I have a nickle allergy and that wont work either. I may just have to go in an get my tubes tied instead.
  • I've had Implanon since April and I have actually lost about 25 pounds and on a steady decline.
  • mrsgosch
    mrsgosch Posts: 55 Member
    I had the Implanon put in in Oct 2012 I gained 30lbs since then I worked out everyday and counted calories and lost a few lbs but could never get any lower....I had it removed in May I was so disgusted with myself about all the weight i weigh more now than i did when i was pregnant!!!! I lost 5lbs the first week i had it im struggling again I've changed the workouts I do and eat less calories and cant budge any weight...worst mistake ever to get on implanon :(
  • Ive been on it since Oct of 2012 and found out that its so strong that its pretty much poisoning me. before I got it I was losing my baby weight like it was nothing now Iweigh more than when I did when I gave birth. My ob/gyn said its because. I completely stopped having a cycle at all. I'm having it removed in the next two months I'll. Update what happens so we'll. See hopefully. I lose it
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    The implanon is different for everyone - just like every contraception. I had the implanon twice as I didnt know of any other contraception I could have as i cant take pills. I gained weight from the implanon and noticed it majorly messed up my happy hormones - thought that was just me, but have spoken to a few people who have also had this side affect. I started to feel really down so i removed the implanon, lost a stone and my happy hormones have balanced themselves out all on their own.

    Depo is the way forward!

    Depo uses the same hormone.
  • I had the implant just over two years ago, I had spotting or periods constantly for the first 9 months, they then settled down to one a month before then becoming irregular, some months I somehow have two periods, then a couple of months without. The week leading up to my period I bloat badly and gain 7lbs which falls off after. Overall I gained 2 and a half stone since I had the implant. Some of this weight I have lost through exercising and mfp but I get so far then ways stall at about 1st more than I was before the implant. constant hunger and the extreme fluctuating because of periods doesn't help. I hope when I have mine out I can control and loose again easier. at the moment some weeks I gain even when I'm sticking to 1200 calories and going to the gym. iv had enough. on top of that I have bad acne and my hair constantly needs washing. it has so taken me 7 trips to the doctors in the last year to finally now be having it out as they tend to try every other area before they take it out. everyone responds differently to different hormones but I really regret having the implant.
  • Hi,

    I got my implant in March 2013, I have put on over a stone in five months. No matter what I do I cant seem to lose the weight, this week I should be getting the implant out.
  • bexalicous
    bexalicous Posts: 66 Member
    Implanon implant made me gain 3st in first year.

    I'm sure implanon is no longer in circulation due to being undetectable (in UK we now only have nexaplon)

    Had the nexaplon for 4/5months no weight gain at all.
  • I'm not sure I believe any contraception makes us put weight on. Sure, the effects on our hormones make make us feel a little more hungry but could that account for a massive gain? I don't think so. I think people use it as an excuse.

    I put 40 lbs on at the same time I had the Implanon fitted, I also started losing that weight when I had it taken out. I started Uni when I had the Implanon fitted, I drank heavily and ate lots of junk food whilst drunk/hungover. I graduated around the same time as having the Implanon removed, cut out the massive party lifestyle and lost weight. Pretty sure the Implanon did not contribute to this and that in actual fact, it was my student lifestyle. :tongue:

    I've also noticed that it's a lot of young people that complain about weight gain with contraceptives. Girls in their teens/early 20's. I think this is more to do with a person not needing that many calories anymore as they're fully grown and no longer developing but still eating like they did when they were growing.
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    I personally don't think that any form of birth control will make a person gain weight. Yes, hormonal birth control changes your hormones and your body so you may feel hungrier than before but it all comes down to how you deal with it.

    Continue to eat well and exercise. If you find yourself hungrier drink more water, break up your meals into smaller ones to allow for healthier snacks. Have things on hand like apple slices, celery, cucumbers etc pre-cut to make snacking easier and make it so you are less likely to turn to the "bad" things.

    Things you read on the internet aren't always the truth. People may say "I haven't changed a thing and gain 50lbs on this birth control" however I'm betting they have changed things. Don't believe everything you read.

    Keep tabs on your diet and exercise. Continue on and you should be fine. It takes 3-6 months usually for your body to get used to the hormones.


    I never gained weight on BC and never struggled to lose on BC. Pill or depo.