Wake up call!!

Mskitty86 Posts: 11 Member

Today is my first day on here, but I did keep a log of what I ate yesterday..

Wow.. that was a shock to the system! haha I've known I haven't been eating well but I never got to see that big number of what my intake actually was..

BUT today is a new day..

I'd love to make some new friends on here.. someone to tell me to DROP that bag of chips and slowwly walk away :)


  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Feel free to add me. I try to motivate and help my fellow MFP friends when needed--we all need a little push now and then :)
  • silywabt
    silywabt Posts: 3
    Hello! Today is my second day on myfitnesspal. I actually don't eat over my calorie limit (so far) but my sugar and fat intake has been over both days. I'm a snacker too and I'm starting my workout routine today. So I know exactly how you feel! I'm not one for sticking with exercise but I really want to succeed this time and stick with it. The hardest part is keeping with it until you start to lose weight because it takes at least 6 weeks minimum. I wish us both luck and success!
  • RescueMom59
    Hi! When I logged the first couple times I couldn't believe how many calories I was taking in and how they could rack up so quickly. I try to log and post daily so please feel free to add me. Would love to keep each other motivated :)
  • keithgoode
    keithgoode Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah. I think a lot of people THINK they're eating just fine. But when you start tracking it, it is a bit of a shock how every little thing adds up. Before I really started seriously working out, while I was mostly sedentary, my caloric intake was around 2200 per day. I thought that wasn't too bad, but then I had a hydrostatic body analysis done and found out that my resting metabolic rate was only around 2050 calories per day. Thus incremental weight gain rather than weight loss. The numbers don't lie as long as you don't lie about your numbers. Good luck!!
  • MustangUSN
    MustangUSN Posts: 28 Member
    I have been using MFP for the past 4 months, as of today. Gained weight over the past 10 years due to a medical condition that was only diagnosed and treated in the last 2 years. Was used to being skinny without worry, size 1 until I had kids in my 30's and size 6 thereafter until I hit 50.

    My mantra is that I don't deny myself anythng, I just make better choices. Yes, the healthier the eating, the better for our bodies; however, there is mental health to be considered as well. If I have chips, I choose more healthy, GF options THAT TASTE GOOD and I record what I eat.

    My nutritionist shared she believes I am setting myself up to SUCCEED in that I am eating what I will be eating going forward even after I achieve my goal weight/size. For example, I will NEVER give up hotdogs...or "tube steaks" as they are called in my family. However, I no longer eat the 260 calorie one my husband chooses or the 220 stadium bun to go with it. I LOVE my Hewbrew National 45 calorie dog and my 60 calorie Sara Lee bun. I only ever eat one hotdog...and still do...now I could even eat 2!

    Married to an Itlanian man who COOKs (there, I said it, I'm spoiled) there will always be pizza in my future, and lots of other things Italian. I just pair up the salad (love it with craisins and roasted sunflower seeds) or save up my calories to spend on the things that I want to eat!

    I'm a technie and MFP has made it much simpler to track, love having my app so I can record AS WELL AS look up foods while I am out...doesn't take a ton of planning to do either, so you don't feel chained by it...I actually feel empowered and liberated! Good luck on your weight loss and maintenance journey...just like every other improvement...it truly is, ONE DAY AT A TIME!.