Questions about Workout and Pain in Feet

2 questions

1. I have been working out for 3 weeks now (well a week off last week)... Every time I wear shoes, I get a really bad cramp in the outer arch of both my feet. I've gotten inserts for my shoes and I still have the same issue... When I work out barefooted, I do not have any issues... But I can't go outside and walk or run. The pain is so bad that I have to quit, I've tried stretching, etc.. and it just does not go away...

Can anyone make a suggestion about this?

2. Am I over doing it on working out? I am trying to make myself workout M - F and take Saturday and Sunday off... My husband who is not supportive of my working out at all, is telling me that I have to workout every other day or I will hurt myself...he even stated I should not work out more than 3 days each week...

What do you all suggest?


  • It sounds like you may have some issues with the arch in your foot (or lack of if barefoot is more comfortable) so adding inserts could actually be making it worse. Also if you have been inactive for a long time and are just now starting you are going to have pain from being on your feet. I like to soak my feet in epsom salt bath when I get home if I have a crazy hard work out as it will help with the pain and soreness the next day.
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    I am a music teacher and do marching band... Truly, I am on my feet 90% of my work day... and during football and basketball seasons I am on my feet 18 hours a being on my feet should not be the problem...also I've tried my shoes with and without inserts... This is part of the reason why I had to take last week from workout as my feet hurt so bad almost all week...

    The pain starts at the ball of my foot and ends about the heel of my foot... Just is frustrating.... I do run in place in the house, so I'm sort of running...
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Whether your husband is supportive or not - it sounds to me like he's right on this one.
  • mrsriisky
    mrsriisky Posts: 129 Member
    Why is your husband unsupportive of a habit that will make your body stronger and healthier? If the concern is your feet, there are many low impact workouts you can do such the elliptical, upper body lifting, cycling, etc.
  • fidgit813
    fidgit813 Posts: 20 Member
    You probably need different shoes. I'd go to a running store and get fitted for shoes that work with your feet. It may simply be that you need a larger size (some people have swelling in their feet when they work out). I had a neutral shoe that causes me no problems in every day activities, but when I work out in them, I can't stand the cramp from the pressure on my arches.

    And as for how much to work's really up to what you're body can handle. If you're not in pain from 5 days a week, then keep it up. Some people, do need to start slower, but once you've been going for a while its good to increase the frequency so your body keeps changing. As long as you're not working the same muscle group on back to back days....ex. If you're lifting, you don't want to work arms on mon and tues. you'd want a day in between for the muscles to recover.

    I'm sorry to hear your husband isn't supportive. That can't be an easy situation...
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Go to the podiatrist ... they can make you custom orthodic inserts ... I did this because I have high arches and I couldn't find any sneakers(light weight, for speed) that wouldn't cause pain (yes, I went to the NB store and got fitted) and I have no more pain when running ... also helped improve my running time ... They can also tell you if there is something more serious going on like a strain, tendonitis, etc., and if you should stay off it for a bit or not ...
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    On my shoes, I went to a shoe store and got some really nice shoes...but every time I start to work out, no matter the shoe, my arches start cramping...the only time they don't is when I'm barefoot... It is really weird... and this is something I can fix just by not wearing shoes...

    On my workout schedule, I am trying to make sure I work out 30 - 45 minutes each day...targeting my abs and cardio... I have kettlebell weights; Handweights; a jump rope; a ball... so I've got a lot to really work on strength and cardio...
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Go to a podorthist or a running specialty store.
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    Try minimalist shoes. They look like a piece of rubber with fingers. I have friends that run in them.
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    If you're already active, working out five days a week isn't the problem. It does sound like you need to consult a professional about the pain in your feet when you wear sneakers though.
  • abbelou
    abbelou Posts: 1
    Sounds like plantar fasciitis...... look it up & see if symptoms match.... still might need M.D. advice
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Try minimalist shoes. They look like a piece of rubber with fingers. I have friends that run in them.

    This. A nice pair of shoes may still be the wrong pair of shoes. You could try going to a running store specifically and have them look at your gait. Minimalist shoes might be just the thing. I use mine whenever I'm running on sand or muddy terrain since I get bad back spasms in normal shoes in those conditions. They don't have enough cushion for me for street running, but they're great for off road. I know other people who swear by the minimalist shoes for street races, so it might be worth looking into.
  • Yaritza83
    Yaritza83 Posts: 19 Member
    First of all, good for you for making changes to better your life and health. It has to be tough with lack of support. To answer your question no M-F workouts isn't overdoing it. You are taking two days to recuperate. I will say don't work the same muscle groups on two consecutive days, otherwise you should be good to go. Second, I suggest that you go up 1/2 size or a full size in your shoes. When we train our feet swell and we need the extra room. Also, invest in a good pair of sneakers. It will make a huge difference!!! Guaranteed! You don't have to pay lots of money: Sports Authority, Nike Outlet, Modell's, etc have deals and sales all the time. Good Luck! If I can be of any help let me know!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    On my shoes, I went to a shoe store and got some really nice shoes...but every time I start to work out, no matter the shoe, my arches start cramping...the only time they don't is when I'm barefoot... It is really weird... and this is something I can fix just by not wearing shoes...

    On my workout schedule, I am trying to make sure I work out 30 - 45 minutes each day...targeting my abs and cardio... I have kettlebell weights; Handweights; a jump rope; a ball... so I've got a lot to really work on strength and cardio...

    Vibram five fingers. It's pretty much like being barefoot.