Suggestions or articles for avoiding night eating?



  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I have sleep issues also ... I have problems falling asleep, staying asleep and getting into a deep enough sleep to get the rest I need. I have been told I need to take sleeping pills but I refuse to... I refuse to believe that the body can't be healed naturally.

    I usually crave something sugary or carby right before bed (I think I am actually craving the sugar crash so I can get to sleep) but I like to believe that I'm smarter than my cravings so it becomes a personal defeat if I give in.

    some things I've tried with some success...
    1. leaving room in the calories for a protein shake right before bed
    2. Eating only protein (boiled chicken) if I have to absolutely eat something,
    3. Taking Omega 3's right before bed (flax seed oil or fish oil)
    4. Caffeine free tea ...and warm water makes you feel full.
    5. If I'm hungry and don't have any calories left I tell myself I can have something small if I do 100 situps first... usually by the time I do 100 situps I don't feel hungry
    6. Melatonin... (something our bodies make naturally) you can get it at any health food store and most drugstores carry it...3mg to 6mg of melatonin helps me sleep better but it does not make me sleepy, hungry or groggy in the morning

    good luck :)
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    I have a similar problem, snacking when I get up to feed my baby. I have found completing my days diary helps me not to snack during the evening cos it tells me how much weight I would lose if I don't eat any more so its an incentive to not eat any more. Though I do eat one biscuit at the 2am feed. But that's another day!!!
  • Bssh
    Bssh Posts: 123
    I'm a late night eater. I just save my calories for later in the day. I generally eat in an 8 hour window 2-10pm. Works for me.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Lately I've been doing really well at staying on program during the day, but struggle to avoid night-eating late at night.

    The problem is partly due to the fact that I struggle to actually fall asleep. I know that eating something will often help me fall asleep, but late night snacking is causing me to go over-calories for the day.

    Keep in mind, I don't want to use sleep medicine. I just got myself off Ambien because it caused midnight snacking. I've tried other sleep meds and all the big name ones cause side-effects for me.

    What tips do you have to avoid eating after bedtime? How can I get better sleep so I don't resort to late night snacking just to fall asleep?

    Hey bro ve started using melatonin works a treat :)
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I try to save calories for a large bowl of popcorn before bedtime. It really fills me up and I use to watch my cooking shows. Another idea is to try some sugar free popsicles for that late night eating. There are only 15 calories and it may help. re-distribute your calories to add that snack every night just in case, and then try to sleep through it. Maybe knowing you can have it and it is available will be enough help to sleep through. My last piece of advice would be to make sure you stay hydrated in the day time. It may help with later on. Best of luck. I am a serious after work eater and will destroy an entire day if I do not plan my snacks and stick with them.
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    I drink chamomile tea or sleepy time tea when I feel like snacking before bed. It also helps me relax.

    I have to co-sign on the chamomile tea.

    Even though I knew it was supposed to be relaxing, I didn't really take the claim seriously until I started making the mistake of drinking it mid-morning. I was like geez...I got good sleep the night before...what's the problem :yawn:

    Now I drink it only at night or when I want to wind down. I drink it plain and use two bags, and I'm generally ready to fall asleep within an hour. And it's a comfortable, natural-feeling drowsiness and not abrupt like what you might get from a glass of wine nightcap (not that I have any experience with that :wink:)..
  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    I have this problem in the WORST WAY! I usually will exercise a bit later, say around 7:30 or 8pm. This eats up time AND is fresh in my mind when I want that bowl of cereal that whispers to me at night. I'm less likely to eat snacks at night if I just worked hard to get ahead.

    I Also hang out in rooms FAR AWAY from the food. If i'm in the living room I know I'm too close to the food. Up in the loft (3rd floor) is my favorite spot, because it's 2 flights of stairs and I can't hear the cereal whispering to me from up there.

    DON"T watch anything on FoodTV. Seriously, I love cooking shows (and cooking, and eating) so I keep foodtv for daytime only, and even then in extreme moderation. It's not their fault, but it is my problem.

    Good luck. I know those evening demons, and they wil F*** with you hard. It's been the hardest part of adjusting to my new life.

  • PeauxPeaux
    PeauxPeaux Posts: 71 Member
    I have this too -- I use a lot of the strategies here, especially saving calories to have a bedtime snack.

    I don't like prescription sleeping pills, either, but melatonin WORKS, and you can get a huge bottle of it at the grocery store for a few dollars.
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks again everyone! Some people have privately messaged me to give me advice. Based on their suggestions, I came up with this idea:

    Classical music with nature sounds worked in! I've created a 40 minute playlist of nature sounds with soft classical music. Here is the link to my playlist.

    Furthermore, I have used the program Audacity to convert the playlist into an MP3. This allows me to edit out any talking ads that YouTube might add between the tracks. Audacity is free, but you need to get a free mixer file if you want the ability to convert an Audacity project to an MP3 for your computer. It would also be a good trick for you if you wanted an MP3 version of a song on YouTube. A feature in the program allows you to record the output from your soundcard. If you record through the playthrough you can export the sound into an MP3. Damn useful!

    But thanks again for all the suggestions. I ran out to the store today to get some Melatonin.

    EDIT: Turns out, the first video is just ocean noises, but the rest have nature sounds AND classical music.