help me out here please

Okay I am eating right , I am exercising. I feel my body is changing but the scale remains the same. I previously lost 4 lbs now back to my starting weight. What am I doing wrong?


  • StarrTrisha
    StarrTrisha Posts: 16 Member
    Nothing! Sometimes you gain muscle and you end up gaining the lb's back but the good thing is that they aren't fat! I would try to get someone to take your measurements so you don't have to be so reliable on the scale because it can be very discouraging to not see numbers move when you're actually losing inches. I was discouraged once too. Hope this helped and good luck!
  • Peejer2001
    Peejer2001 Posts: 18 Member
    I have the same situation Diyamommy Don't think we are doing anything wrong, just keep working hard.
  • fazilas
    fazilas Posts: 4
    Same for me too! I was losing about 2lbs a week for the past 6 weeks. Now the scales won’t budge but I’m trimmer and much much fitter. I definitely have more muscle definition, but it is frustrating when the scales dont change. I reckon if you keep going the excess weight will fall off. I started off with high body fat percentage, hopefully this is now being replaced by muscle..Keep at it!
  • Diyamommy
    Diyamommy Posts: 56
    I try to record everything I eat, but at times I miss some. I try to make sure I eat 1200, if I am still low at dinner, I will eat some carrots with 1 tbsp peanut butter.
    I do have a fitbit to measure how much I am burning.
    I hate the scale, I think its broken.

    1. You're not eating enough. Save for the past few days, you have netted under 1,000 calories per day for the past week or two (didn't go back further). You need to NET at least 1,200 calories (most likely more, depending on your height, current weight, and activity level) per day.
    2. Your calorie burns may not be accurate. I noticed that your calorie burns were consistently 120 calories per day. It's pretty difficult to burn the exact same number of calories every day. Do you have a HRM? If not, that will help, though they aren't 100% accurate, either.
    3. Don't rely on the scale as your only indicator of progress. Take progress photos and measurements--especially if you feel like your body is changing.
  • Diyamommy
    Diyamommy Posts: 56
    I was just talking to a co-worker of mine, his wife is a body builder. He was telling me I should eat about 6 meals a day and eat the maximum protein and carb during breakfast and eat little to no carb thru out the day. I am willing to give that a try, see if that helps.