Fighting those last ten pounds

I was wondering if there were anyone else out there who also is trying to lose those pesky last ten? I've lost five a few months ago, got over sure of myself, and have now gained them right back.

I am looking for "friends" who are also in this situation and hoping we can motivate, help, and be there for support for each other. :)


  • alw141
    alw141 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm fighting the last 15 lbs. Frustrating but still working at it! Always great to have more support. Sending you a friend request now!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I have 15 - 20 to go. I would lose about 2, get too happy and complacent, start eating over calories then binge then gain all that back PLUS MORE. It's important to stay diligent! We can do this :flowerforyou:
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
    This is where I am too - was making progress, gained them back over the last few months so back to the last 10 again.
    Sending friend request :) THANKS FOR THE POST!
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    Well, I'm in the same position and worried as hell, because last chunks of fat are really hard to fight. Feel free to add me.
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    It is so great to know I am not alone in this! We can do this with support and hard work :)
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    I have 7 more pounds to go (and I will be at exactly half my size when I get there) and they do not want to leave me. Although there may be some light, I weighed today and was down a pound. I am not going to log it though, I wait a couple of days to make sure I stay at that weight before I log it, but I have been sitting at 146 since my last weigh in on the 10th. A little frustrating but I have to remember the last few are the hardest to lose and if I stick with it I will get there. I mean, being half my size is a huge motivator for me. Good luck to all!
    You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    We're pretty much in the same boat. We're just about the same age and I have about 8lbs to go depending on which day! But it is the same 8lbs the last few months and won't budge. I've gone from very sedentary to very active since January 1 so thought it would go faster than this..not sure if it's the age or what but man it is stubborn! Feel free to add me :)
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    yep. I've gained and lost the same 10ish pounds for the last 5 months. :/
  • tessiebear40
    tessiebear40 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi. I'm in the same boat. 10 1/2lbs to go and haven't moved in last 2 weeks despite just finishing day 10 of 30 day shred. I shall try send you a friend request. I'm new to this :bigsmile:
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    After I got under 200, I realized that it's not about the # on the scale. Just getting the scale to say 10 pounds less doesn't mean I'm going to like my body any more. I'm working to build muscle, tone shape. There is amazing results of people who have actually gained weight, but look so much better because of exercise, especially women who are strength training. :)
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Been fighting these last 5-7 pounds for a few YEARS now.
    need all the help/support I can get.

    trying IF 16:8 right now, on day 3; let's see how this goes.

  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    I am fighting my last 12 pounds...Its talking time...I am sure I will lose them in next 4 months...
  • sarajeanelles
    sarajeanelles Posts: 55 Member
    Same here, lost 15 lbs since mid april and have been stalling for the last 2 weeks, I have 8 lbs to go before I'm back at pre-baby weight.
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    "I have 7 more pounds to go (and I will be at exactly half my size when I get there) and they do not want to leave me. Although there may be some light, I weighed today and was down a pound. I am not going to log it though, I wait a couple of days to make sure I stay at that weight before I log it, but I have been sitting at 146 since my last weigh in on the 10th. A little frustrating but I have to remember the last few are the hardest to lose and if I stick with it I will get there. I mean, being half my size is a huge motivator for me. Good luck to all!"

    That is awesome!! Good for you on your weight loss, and even though these last few are going to be hard, since our bodies don't want to fully give up the fat and weight as easily now, I think we can do this!
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    We're pretty much in the same boat. We're just about the same age and I have about 8lbs to go depending on which day! But it is the same 8lbs the last few months and won't budge. I've gone from very sedentary to very active since January 1 so thought it would go faster than this..not sure if it's the age or what but man it is stubborn! Feel free to add me :)

    I know exactly what you are talking about! I know I was gaining muscle, which made the scale not budge much, but thankfully I took measurements and that helped to see I was changing my body in the positive way. I have to do that again I think :)

    Age is so fun ;)
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Pick me! This has been my story for the last 1+ years. I know it's not supposed to be about the number on the scale but when the scale reads two pounds lighter, mentally I feel better. My scale is a way to keep track, I need the actual #.

    I'm sure this topic is here as a way to "get me going" since lately I've been struggling with "Is this good enough?" Should I just be happy where I'm at? I'm older than you and now battling a thyroid issue so maybe this is just what I need, add me please.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Consider a fluid only day once a week, maybe?
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    After I got under 200, I realized that it's not about the # on the scale. Just getting the scale to say 10 pounds less doesn't mean I'm going to like my body any more. I'm working to build muscle, tone shape. There is amazing results of people who have actually gained weight, but look so much better because of exercise, especially women who are strength training. :)

    You are so right about this! That's why measuring yourself is a huge key for me. The scale didn't move much, but the inches did, and that felt great! Congrats to your big loss!!
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    Pick me! This has been my story for the last 1+ years. I know it's not supposed to be about the number on the scale but when the scale reads two pounds lighter, mentally I feel better. My scale is a way to keep track, I need the actual #.

    I'm sure this topic is here as a way to "get me going" since lately I've been struggling with "Is this good enough?" Should I just be happy where I'm at? I'm older than you and now battling a thyroid issue so maybe this is just what I need, add me please.

    Well I'm glad I posted this then :)
    WE can all do this, I'm sure of it!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Yes, I am in that last 12-17 pounds. I started at a 2 pound weight loss a week. And the last month I have slowed to 1 pound a week lost.

    I am happy with that, because I am comfortable where I am, so even if it takes 3 months to get to goal, I am not hating my body now. Every pound lost is icing on the cake for me now. :)

    I am expecting to be at my ultimate goal which is 135 by the end of the year and no sooner. I know it is much harder at the end, and I am fine with that.