
I am finding it so hard to lose one ounce much less one pound of weight due to the setbacks the hypothyroid conditions hands us in life. I have found that burning sugars is extremely hard and just as hard to keep low in food choices. So, I have gotten back on board with MyFitnessPal to assist me with encouragement to trudge along and not give up. My niece has done such a wonderful job being dedicated to this website with fabulous results due to her hard work and dedication. So here I am with my hypothyroid condition and Hashimoto disease self hoping for great results and a healthy life:smile:


  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    I have it too, but lost 30 lbs last year. It can be done! Good luck and welcome.
  • debbiep2012
    Hi I have just joined and i also have a under active thyroid , it is very hard to lose weight and feel we have to work extra hard but when we are in the right frame of mind as we both must be as we have joined this site we must try and keep motivated, good luck to you .
  • weloveddisney
    I also have hypothyroidism and it sucks. We do have to work out longer and harder and I myself get more and more fustrated with minimal results. I am determined although to lose 60 lbs. I'm in it for the long haul.
  • NurseandMom1981
    NurseandMom1981 Posts: 101 Member
    Hashi's here also!
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Me too. I have been hypo since 2006. We have to work twice as hard as most people but it can be done. MFP is a great place to start. Lots of help here.
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    Hypo here. My results are there, I just have to really really count every calorie, and work out pretty hard in order to lose. I have 15-20lbs to go.
  • JulieBFit4Life
    I am going to the doctor tomorrow to find out about my hormones. Everything points low progesterone and possibly hypothyroidism. How did you know something was wrong?
  • sharonvree
    sharonvree Posts: 46 Member
    I'm right with you all. I've been tracking faithfully for 2 weeks (just getting back on track after a rough fall) and have worked out 6 days in a row with no loss yet, but I know that if I persevere it will come. Right now I just feel proud of myself for being faithful in tracking and only having one day over on calories. I'm proud of having a good first week of working out. And I'm feeling better just because I am making healthier food choices and am recognizing that I can physically push myself further than I thought I could. We will do this. I hav 70 pounds to lose. I'm not looking for anything to happen quick. That 70 pounds crept on over the past 15 years. If it take 15 months to get it off, that o.k. I will celebrate every pound!
  • delekium
    delekium Posts: 40 Member
  • weloveddisney
    When I found out I was always exhausted, cold, my hair and nails were brittle, weak and breaking off. My mood swings were going here and there DAILY. Constant thirst and the weight even though I was working out back then just would not budge. If anything it stayed on and invited some friends to stay with them. Some people have goiters or swollen glands I haven't had that yet. Oh yeah and dry skin whew major dry skin. I have been on the medication for around 7 years now. Good luck at the doctor tomorrow. This board is a wonderful wealth of help and support.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I have found that burning sugars is extremely hard and just as hard to keep low in food choices.

    This really stuck out to me. Hypothyroidism is a pretty bum wrap; it slows everything down, not just fat loss, making life pretty annoying if not treated properly. And then getting it treated properly is a pain what with fluctuating levels, different drugs/doses being better for different people, and even different normed scales.

    However, "keeping low in food choices," if you're meaning, "watching food intake," is all you. It's often surprising to me how many people will overeat but chock up weight stalls/gain to "hormonal" issues. It's hormonal when you do everything right, down to a regulated tee, and you lose less than a person without issues. It's not the thyroid when you don't track for over a year, or overeat (not to say that excess hunger isn't hormonal, but the decision to eat is still with the individual), etc., etc.

    I'm not saying that you're saying hypothyroidism caused this... but as your niece recommended, try tracking here and seeing if that makes a difference. There's groups on here, too, for these conditions.

    And to the other questions on here: I was a super athletic, thin... but incredibly tired, depressed, and cold (we lived in Florida) twelve then thirteen year old until my mom noticed the huge bump sticking out on my neck... which then didn't go away when drained... which then got the whole thing removed! All in a four month time frame! :ohwell:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism and it sucks. We do have to work out longer and harder and I myself get more and more fustrated with minimal results. I am determined although to lose 60 lbs. I'm in it for the long haul.

    You don't have to work out longer or harder. Some endos feel you should watch certain foods (goitrogens), and others recommend staying lower carb (but not seriously low; under 180g, for instance).

    You can eat the same amount and workout the same amount... it just takes longer, regardless. But becoming physically fit and with a sustainable diet isn't "working out longer," it's figuring out good things anyway, but with results coming a bit slower. Good luck.
  • Mandy_SD
    Mandy_SD Posts: 29 Member
    I realize this thread is a little old but I'm just wondering how your test results came back? I have hypothyroidism and extremely low progesterone levels. After trying to conceive for over a year (i'm 33) with out any luck I went to see a PA that specializes in thyroid and hormones. I also had symptoms of being tired and run down, foggy headed, being cold, constipation and not sleeping well (night sweats). I started on Armour Thyroid and progesterone cream and feeling SO MUCH better.
  • sarahwilliams942145
    sarahwilliams942145 Posts: 8 Member
    Just starting on here-- I'm hypo as well, and have been on synthroid for about 1 year. If anything, I feel worse than I used to. When I get home from class or work, all I want to do is lie down in bed. I have no energy.