Needing motivation!

I have lost 51 pounds. I havent touched soda, artificial sugars, or fast food in months. I feel a lot better. I have more energy.

So WHY have I been falling off track for the past week or so. Normally if I have a bad day and eat more calories than I should have, I just track it and move on. For some reason I am having a harder time staying on track recently.

What do some of you guys do when you feel yourself slipping more than you should?


  • I know for me I fear every time i have an off day that i will go back to old ways. and then if that bad day goes into two, or three- i start freaking out. Sometimes it gets me back on track and sometimes it doesn't. What usually helps me get back on track is forcing myself to being on track one day. I can tell right away after being off track how my body feels eating the way i used to. i cannot believe that was just the norm for me. Usually that one day will turn back into two and so on. But sometimes that doesn't help. I will have a few good days then backslide again. I know this is not very motivating but I guess I just want u to know u r not alone! And it seems like the longer we go off track the harder it is to start getting back on track. This is what I suggest. Start fresh. Make new goals, don't let what u have done in the past determine what u will do in your future, start with a new starting weight. Anything to make it "fresh" again:) And also remember one bad week will only set u back one week to get to goal but think of all the stuff u have learned from that experience:)
  • shelbymkoenig
    shelbymkoenig Posts: 59 Member
    First off, congrats on losing the 50lbs!

    When I feel like I need to eat more I force myself to calm down for a few minutes and really think about what I why I want to eat. Am I really hungry or is it stress telling me to stuff my face? My whole family has a problem with stress eating and yes, sometimes I still go overboard. I try not to let it get me down and the force myself to get back on track the next day, even if I have to sleep with my tummy growling. On those nights I sometimes munch on a few ice cubes to feel like I'm eating something without actually eating something.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I have lost 51 pounds. I havent touched soda, artificial sugars, or fast food in months. I feel a lot better. I have more energy.

    So WHY have I been falling off track for the past week or so. Normally if I have a bad day and eat more calories than I should have, I just track it and move on. For some reason I am having a harder time staying on track recently.

    What do some of you guys do when you feel yourself slipping more than you should?

    My standard answer is here: