Amazing what happens when I track my food AND exercise! :)

30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I actually LOSE weight! Seeing a good loss this week so far but I don't officially WI until Saturdays.

Does anyone else find when they are in more control of their plan, the rest of the day seems to go smoother?


  • For sure. I try to log my food before I eat because I tend not to fall off track. I had only been working out 2 or 3 days a week but this week I am going to work out all 5 !! I think when it all comes together it is great !!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    it is amazing isnt it?????
    i recommitted to myself over the weekend and re-set "SMALL" goals for the first saturday of each first goal is 213 for 9/4....

    i was 216.6 on saturday 8/21 and in 2 two weeks time the 3.6lbs was completely attainable....

    soooo, i got back on track, exercised 3 days in a row, eat the right number of calories and types of foods, drank the **** out of my water and last night and this morning i was 214.6!!!! down 2 lbs in just 4 days....i'm still weighing in this saturday and that will be my official weight for the week but i am soooo happy.....keep on doing what your doing cause it DOES work....i'm gonna....
  • unquestionably. i think weight loss is just mind over matter anyway.
  • I planned and entered my entire day meals in 1st thing in A.M. and it really helped to me to stay on track, Nice to see where I'm at and adjust if necessary. I also know that I MUST EXCERSISE MORE!!
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