Feeling like a failure ):

I started with a serious diet after attending my first class of a 9 week course with a nutritionist. I even started walking the parking structure where I work in the morning before people would start coming in. I have a VERY sedentary life style, and really do want to make my life the way it use to be. The weather decided to change to hot and humid, and being the very obese person that I am I just could not get myself to walking. I sure don't want to get hot and sweaty and go into work. And I really don't want other people seeing me walking. I have a hard enough time as it is because I have a very bad ankle, and hip. I don't mind doing the structure in the morning as long as it is nice out, but have a hard time doing any sort of walking after work in my neighborhood.
I really got down on myself yesterday because I weighed myself and it looks like the 5 pounds that I lost is back.
Thanks for the ears. Pissed in Michigan :sad:


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    did you graduate high school the first week of freshman year?
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    What kind of building do you work in? Is there someplace you can walk around IN the building on hot days if you get there early?
  • chelley_79
    chelley_79 Posts: 102 Member
    You sound like me. For me.. I get off track and then I get really down which cause a major tailspin. There are always do overs and restarts. This is like my Billionth. LOL

    Shake off the 5lb gain... and just push on to your next goal. :-) And don't be hating on yourself!! You are trying!! Good for you!! :-)

    (and I won't exercise in front of anyone either.... even my husband seeing me doing that terrifies me. LOL)
  • shelbymkoenig
    shelbymkoenig Posts: 59 Member
    Making life changes is hard and ultimately takes time. I still have problems committing to daily exercise, luckily my job has me standing my whole shift or I'd do nothing all day. I hate people seeing me workout too because it's always "Oh, you're actually doing something?" which isn't at all helpful. There are exercises that you can do even sitting at a desk that no one will notice if you're interested in looking into those on teh days it's way too hot to be outside moving around. Best wishes, I know you can do it!
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    The only way to make an actual change is to be consistent. Plus, you don't have to walk to lose weight. It has to do with calories in vs. calories out. So that means you are eating too much. If walking is too much of a burden right now then just focus on the food side. You will get results. Excuses will get you nowhere.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    All of us struggle sometimes. I have lost over 100 pounds, and I have had some 'failures' along the way too. When I started, I could barely walk a mile,slowly, and then laid in bed at night with my knees aching from just that little bit. But hang in there, it really is worth it. If you can't walk before work because of getting too hot, is there any other way? Can you walk early, before you get dressed to go to work? Or after work? One of my excuses for a long time was that I did not have time to exercise. I have four children, a full time job, and a husband who is frequently away. But when I decided it was time to get healthy, I made time. You just have to find a space where you can fit in exercise.

    Just dont give up, find what works for you! YOu can do this!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Don't get down on yourself. If you've been walking, you are putting stress on your body, which increases cortiosol levels, which leads to water retention. Aka, you gain weight. When I last saw my doctor and she told me I needed to get serious about losing, she suggested not working out at all at first. Some people see the initial jump in the weight on the scale, get discouraged and quit.

    I'm not saying don't exercise, but see that gain for what it is. My weight fluctuations up to 5-6 pounds between days (I actually weigh in daily) just from water. If I have something particularly salty, I gain. It usually lasts about 2 days, but then drops off. If my muscles feel sore, I usually weigh more (you often retain water as your muscles repair themselves).

    I hear you on the heat though. I'm in Houston, and we're having a cool day today (around 98), but with humidity it'll feel more like 107. Woohoo! There are people out running in the afternoon heat. I'm not one of them. There are apparently walking DVDs that I know some people like where you essentially walk in place in your house. Not that you really need a DVD for that, you can march in place to any show you like to watch. You can also lose without working out at all; just eat at a deficit.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    I'm the kind of gal who sweats if you look at me funny, and my knees are absolutely wrecked. I often walk in the parking structure, too. Firstly, don't worry about anyone seeing you-- I don't think I know anyone who's not a raging sociopath who would ever judge someone for getting a little movement in their day

    Secondly, does your parking structure have an underground component? Many do, and the heat and humidity is often WAY less gross there.

    But on days when I feel like I'd come in to work gross and sweaty if I walked at lunch, I made an effort to walk more during the day. I take the stairs, or I make myself get up once every half an hour, even if it's just to walk to the bathroom.

    Use bathrooms that are farther away, take the "long way" to get to your desk/office, etc. Get up and ask people in other departments things instead of emailing. Park a little further away from the entrance.

    These will ALL add up. I highly encourage you to get a FitBit Zip or even just a basic pedometer-- it will encourage you to take the longer walk to your desk.

    Most of all, DON'T LOSE HOPE! You can do this.
  • mommia0910
    mommia0910 Posts: 7 Member
    First of all, let people see you walking!! it shows you are trying to do something about your weight. I drove past an extremely obese person walking the canal in our city, i could tell he was pushing himself. I wish now that i could have pat him on the back and given him a high five. Secondly, 5lbs can come and go with water weight...KEEP IT MOVING!! you can do it. once you get going on a regular basis and watch your calorie intake, it will start coming off. Walk in your building where it is cooler. or go to the mall and just walk everyday. it is much cooler there.
  • RachelBiancaxx
    RachelBiancaxx Posts: 62 Member
    The only way to make an actual change is to be consistent. Plus, you don't have to walk to lose weight. It has to do with calories in vs. calories out. So that means you are eating too much. If walking is too much of a burden right now then just focus on the food side. You will get results. Excuses will get you nowhere.

    I agree with this. And also, if you want to walk but not outside, try just walking around your house for a little while. It's still exercise. Good luck xx
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Keep in mind that weight loss is around 80% diet and 20% exercise, so if you don't feel up for the exercise part of it right now, you can always control your food and still stay on track.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Unless you've been overeating due to improper logging of food, there's no way you really regained that 5 pounds. It's probably water weight. I myself have been up 3-4 pounds all week between a couple high sodium days, PMS and the humidity.

    To make sure you're logging correctly, I would highly recommend weighing and measuring your food, at least initially, if you're not already. Also double check the MFP listings against your food labels as some of them are rediculously wrong. You can also Google nutrition info now for most generic products (not brand specific) to give you a better idea of accuracy.

    To help with the water weight, really make sure you're getting at least those 8 cups in every day - and that's all water. You can still have your coffee, tea, etc but make sure you get 8 whole cups of water. You need the extra right now to combat the water weight.

    Ditto on the suggestion to walk around inside. You may be embarrassed to be moving in front of others but I guarantee no one's judging you the way you may think they would. Most people are going to see you getting more active and think "good for her!". I would also recommend checking out the Walk Away the Pounds videos by Leslie Sansome. You could do those at home in the morning on hot days before you get ready, or do them after work. WalMart sells them and I'm sure you can get them online too. They're a great beginner workout and Leslie is a lovely person - very sweet and upbeat.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Whoops...double post.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    You can either rant and boohoo about it...Or get over yourself and realize that this isn't going to happen in a week, a month or even a year... change is incremental and sometimes those increments are hella tiny. And you know what? You can't control the weather, making changes to your body IS going to be uncomfortable, people ARE going to see you, you ARE going to look dumb at times, but so what? The results are worth temporary discomfort.
  • GCAsMom
    GCAsMom Posts: 120 Member
    I agree with Brizoeller, you don't /have/ to exercise to lose weight, particularly if you have a lot to lose. I'd say about half of my own weight loss was strictly diet and no exercise. (I'm currently exercising only twice a week.) So right now, I'd say focus on your diet... weigh and measure everything; keeping within your calorie allotment... and you'll see results. :)
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    You're not a failure, so try hard to look at in a different light :) You are trying to do something good for yourself, and you should be applauded! Nothing happens over night, so keep working at the food logging and walk when you can. Have you considered Mall walking in the mornings before or after work? They're usually nice and air conditioned, and if you go early, you're really only around the other mall walkers, who tend to be sweet seniors :) (that's the case in my town anyways).
    Keep trying, because even if you don't see the results right away, you're making better habits for yourself, and every little bit will start to add up!
  • IAteBethDitto
    IAteBethDitto Posts: 98 Member
    As others have said, just work on getting the eating part right. There's a researcher called Levine (2002) who observed that the movements we make outside of dedicated exercise programmes are significant in terms of our energy balance.

    Just don't cut your calories too much and try and feed yourself the good nutrition you deserve.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so down but don't give up! Is it possible to work out at home maybe on a stepper until you feel comfortable to walk outside? And if you start eating healthier you can lose some of the weight that way and then add exercise little by little. I found that I was working out all the time but eating as if I never had to worry about calories and the scale didn't move. Now that I'm eating better and watching my calories I find that I don't have to workout as often though to be honest I have more energy and really enjoy working out! Good luck to you!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I started with a serious diet after attending my first class of a 9 week course with a nutritionist. I even started walking the parking structure where I work in the morning before people would start coming in. I have a VERY sedentary life style, and really do want to make my life the way it use to be. The weather decided to change to hot and humid, and being the very obese person that I am I just could not get myself to walking. I sure don't want to get hot and sweaty and go into work. And I really don't want other people seeing me walking. I have a hard enough time as it is because I have a very bad ankle, and hip. I don't mind doing the structure in the morning as long as it is nice out, but have a hard time doing any sort of walking after work in my neighborhood.
    I really got down on myself yesterday because I weighed myself and it looks like the 5 pounds that I lost is back.
    Thanks for the ears. Pissed in Michigan :sad:
    don't be Pissed. Don't feel like a failure. You need to remember that this is a PROCESS. you are a human being, not a machine. you aren't going to lose weight in a steady line, at an even pace. it will be two steps forward, one back, then one forward, then half a step, then stand in place, then five steps forward and so on. it WILL happen and it WILL even out but you need to be patient and you need to focus on food. I'm a great advocate of exercise, but I know that what needs to be done is cuting out the excess food (intake). Not saying you should stop exercising, but you need to focus on the food.

    I've been doing this for a month now (not my first diet by a long shot). I believe it works. I've lost 7lbs and i see that the weight flucuates on the scale (i'm a little obsessed with weighing myself every day), but i also see that my stomach is going down, the top of my chest (above my boobs) are going down and the back of my tush is smaller (jeans that were tight are looser). this is what matters.

    So keep moving - in whatever way you can. maybe you can walk after work where it doesn't matter if you'll be sweaty. maybe you can work out AT HOME before you go to work so you can shower after.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Everyone has the same 24 hours in our days. Over those 24 hours, we make choices about how to spend the time. We all make time for the things we think are important and we want to do. If you want to get healthy, you will make the time for exercising and you'll get over your irrational fear of people seeing you walking.

    It's not comfortable for any of us to make big changes, but we know they are necessary and absolutely worth all the initial awkwardness and pain. My health and happiness was/is FAR more important to me than anyone's reaction to a morbidly obese woman out for a walk, or lifting weights at the gym.

    You're gonna have to decide what your priorities are and act accordingly.