Just curious how many members have cheat days??



  • Cheating on your diet is like *kitten*...it feels good at first but in the end you're only f*cking yourself...
  • I never understand what people mean by "cheat" day. I don't have any food restrictions...I sometimes go over calories, usually only to maintenance. I rarely consume a surplus of calories, but it happens every once in awhile. No biggie...I kick *kitten* on my nutrition and I rock my fitness. If anything, my muscles are jumping for joy if I have a few extra calories.

    I've pretty much lived by this since the beginning and down 35-40 Lbs and counting.
    Well, it's kind of hard to fit a buffet into your macros unless you bring a scale to the restaurant. I'm in favor of cheat meals/refeeds when trying to cut weight. I've had a few cheat days days where I just visit more than one restaurant, eat boxes of donuts and ice cream. I usually gain 15-20 pounds and then my weight goes back to normal in a couple of days. Most people can't get away with that, so I usually recommend people to have a meal with an appetizer, can't do much damage with that.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Today's my birthday. I guarantee I will have cake and ice cream tonight. I did an extra hour of Zumba last night, and I don't want frosting on my cake, but even if I had frosting and no Zumba I'd still allow the indulgence. It's a marathon, not a sprint, and I plan to have a lifestyle I can maintain once I quit losing weight.


    OP: I started to treat my calories like money..(didn't intend to)...at the end of the week if i've been under a certain amount of cals and I REALLY want something i might an indulgent meal or treat on a day, but i try not to go over too much. I'm apparently frugal because I like to try to be under and if i want something i just workout harder...so no cheat days just work hard to "save up" for a splurge. I just want to make sure i can afford to spend the calories

    Thank you!

    And what you describe sounds a lot like what I've adapted into: work very hard to be under during a week to save up the space for my splurge.
  • I'll typically have a cheat day when I start feeling a little weak. A full day of just eating what I want seems to give me a boost to get back at it strong. This usually happens maybe 1-2 times a month so it never hurts my progress.
  • The weekends are usually my cheat days, but sometimes I don't use them. Depends on what I am doing and where I am at.
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    I don't really have "cheat" days, but I will drink alcohol on the weekend and drink back my exercise calories on that day. Your body needs that little shock every once in while so it doesn't get used to what you are doing
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I've had a few "cheat meals," but even on those days I've managed to remain on track and not go over on calories.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Cheat days tend to be Thursdays and Saturdays when I work at Max Brenner. I loooove the dark chocolate fondue!!! :love:
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I just this week decided that I probably do need a cheat day, otherwise I'm just not motivated enough to actually stay under the rest of the week. I feel like maybe a cheat day (which will be on weekly date night with the hubs) will help me from feeling deprived and will be a more sustainable lifestyle.

    It's all about a sustainable lifestyle. Can you go through the rest of your life NEVER having a piece of birthday cake again? Or pizza? Eat as healthy as you can 80-90% of the time, and the other 10-20%...be human. You will still reach your goals and stay there. Promise!
  • hammbone55
    hammbone55 Posts: 73
    I don't have cheat days or meals. I work everything into my day or week and indulge when I feel the need. Everything in moderation.

    THIS ^^^^
  • mrgocubs
    mrgocubs Posts: 4
    I like to "bank" calories, more looking that my weekly average is where it should be. I by no means do 1000 under and then turn around and go weekend crazy but just this week I have banked 1500 calories for some cookouts this weekend.
  • I was going to take a cheat day but i ended up finding out two things: 1. I can prepare and rearrange my eating for the day so I can "cheat" and still fall within my calories; 2. my cheat day ended up just going over my sugar allowance. so in the end the cheat only ended up being having an alcoholic drink but I was still able to fall within my calories, just "cheated" on my sugar.
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    In 70 days I had one cheat day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I never understand what people mean by "cheat" day. I don't have any food restrictions...I sometimes go over calories, usually only to maintenance. I rarely consume a surplus of calories, but it happens every once in awhile. No biggie...I kick *kitten* on my nutrition and I rock my fitness. If anything, my muscles are jumping for joy if I have a few extra calories.

    I've pretty much lived by this since the beginning and down 35-40 Lbs and counting.
    Well, it's kind of hard to fit a buffet into your macros unless you bring a scale to the restaurant. I'm in favor of cheat meals/refeeds when trying to cut weight. I've had a few cheat days days where I just visit more than one restaurant, eat boxes of donuts and ice cream. I usually gain 15-20 pounds and then my weight goes back to normal in a couple of days. Most people can't get away with that, so I usually recommend people to have a meal with an appetizer, can't do much damage with that.

    My point is that I wouldn't call that "cheating"...I don't diet...I'm all in for Good Livin'. Good Livin' isn't about the minutia of one meal or one day or going a little overboard at my BBQ. Good Livin' is about how I live my life most of the time, not about isolated incidents.

    In the grand scheme of things, the minutia of one day or a handful of days or whatever is meaningless...so I don't know why people worry about it so much. I don't know why people have such difficulty seeing the big picture. If you ultimately live a lifestyle that involves getting your nutrition on and getting your fitness on, the results follow suite...and it doesn't matter than I consumed 8,000 calories on Super Bowl Sunday.
  • FitGirlNani
    FitGirlNani Posts: 33 Member
    I don't plan any cheat days or meals, it just happens by chance. For example, if I know someone's birthday is coming up and there will be a party with generous amounts of yummy food, I'll eat clean for the week and have a little bit of the bad stuff, but more of the healthier options. It's all in moderation. I went out to lunch yesterday with a friend and had a small chicken salad, but had 2 beers. It happens and I still dropped a pound today.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't really have what people refer to as cheat days, but I have stopped logging on the weekends. And I know I consume more calories on the weekend. I do not, however, binge or go crazy, and I still keep it mostly healthy. But I am more active on the weekends and I just don't want to worry over every calorie. So, I keep calories lower during the week (1300 - 1500) and just relax on the weekends.
  • misscharleygirl
    misscharleygirl Posts: 66 Member
    I've had one day where I went about 300 calories over...other than that, no. No cheat days.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I'm fat and cutting down calories for life, but every week I have a 'cheat day' and eat like a pig.

    I'm an ex smoker, but every week I have a 'cheat day' and smoke four packs

    I'm a recovering alcoholic, but every week I have a cheat day and get roaring drunk

    I'm in serious debt but every week I have a 'cheat day' and spend, spend, spend.

  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm fat and cutting down calories for life, but every week I have a 'cheat day' and eat like a pig.

    I'm an ex smoker, but every week I have a 'cheat day' and smoke four packs

    I'm a recovering alcoholic, but every week I have a cheat day and get roaring drunk

    I'm in serious debt but every week I have a 'cheat day' and spend, spend, spend.

    LOL. Exactly this.
  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    I have a cheat day if I'm going out to eat or ordering take out or something of that nature, where the calories are ridiculous. I try to exercise to point where I'm only going over by 400-500 calories on those bad days, and they only come so often, not weekly or anything like that. So I let them come as they do, because I don't want losing weight to make me lose my life, or cause me guilt and stress when I want to go out to eat!