Losing last 8lbs HELP PLEASE!!



  • RATTY92
    RATTY92 Posts: 9 Member
    I don't know how you guys are replying to peoples posts individually so I'm having to reply vto you all at once lol! I'm so glad I'm not on my own and that other people are frustrated too! And yes I don't eat red meat cos I choose not to and I haven't for years somone just mentioned to reduce it to lose weight but since I don't already eat it there would be no pint someone saying that on here if that makes sense? And yes maybe focusing on measurements would be a better idea. Thanks again :)

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    And when increasing calories just as long as the food you choose is healthy you shouldn't gain weight unless you go way over board.

    Thank you very much thats what I needed lol! Such an idiot sometimes lol! And yeah so obviously as long as its not filling on 500 calories of things like crisps chips and chocolate.
  • RATTY92
    RATTY92 Posts: 9 Member
    Absolutely eat more! Do not eat less than your BMR!

    Try increasing your protein intake and decreasing processed sugar if you use it.

    Add a protein snack a few times a day...cheese and crackers or fruit. Greek yogurt. Cottage cheese and fruit. Almonds?

    Thank you very much so yeah just try and eat more but of the good things :) and itl help boost protein too
  • RATTY92
    RATTY92 Posts: 9 Member
    For my last 10 I found that I really needed to tighten up on logging accuracy. I started using my food scale for everything (even fruits/veggies). I set MFP to "lose .5 lbs/week" and ate back at least half of my exercise calories.

    Brilliant thank you very much, that's really helpful I'll defo change mfp settings and try to increase some calorie intake :)
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • mdamronjr
    mdamronjr Posts: 4
    Do a refeed, it'll help boost your leptin and aid in your weight loss.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    I say the opposite of AGericke on your calories - when you have little to lose, you need to eat more calories. Yes you can lose 1-2 pounds a week if you are overweight, but if you are in a healthy weight range, it is much harder to lose weight and it will (and should) be much slower. Set your MFP target to lose no more than 1/2 pound a week and eat your exercise calories back. Depending on how tall you are a woman should still be able to lose weight slowly on 1700 calories a day (unless you're very short). Also maybe you want to get a body analysis test done. Maybe you are already at the right weight for you and you don't need to lose 8 pounds? I don't know, just a thought. I also recommend this blog: http://gokaleo.com/

    I hope this helps!

    Body Analysis! I am trying to figure out what my real "target weight" should be. Can you elaborate on Body Analysis? Like, at a doctor's office?

    Good question. A body composition analysis measures your body fat, muscle mass and water weight, and can be done with various types of mechanisms such as a skin fold caliper, hydrostatic water submersion, a DEXA scan or with a bioelectric machine. Some doctors and gyms have them and they have different levels of accuracy. I just did a google search and this is the first article I found: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-body-composition-analysis.htm

    I didn't consider getting tested because I thought it was too expensive. I am a 5'7" woman and my healthy weight range is 120-160 pounds, so I picked 140 as my goal weight because it's in the middle and also because online calculators that used my measurements said that 140 was good. But I was stuck at 143 pounds. Then someone told me about a service near me that offered a biolectric impedence test with the InBody 230 machine that uses 8 points of contact and is highly accurate. It was only $40 so I jumped on it. Hopefully there is a place near you. The place I went is here: http://fit-fax.com/. I was surprised to find from the analysis that I was only 21% body fat and had a lot of muscle. The analyst told me to stop losing weight.

    I hope this helps!
  • Momma2fourunder5
    Momma2fourunder5 Posts: 98 Member
    Do a refeed, it'll help boost your leptin and aid in your weight loss.

    At the risk of sounding like an idiot...what is a refeed? Never heard of it, and always looking for ways to help aid weight loss :)
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Do a refeed, it'll help boost your leptin and aid in your weight loss.

    At the risk of sounding like an idiot...what is a refeed? Never heard of it, and always looking for ways to help aid weight loss :)

    A refeed is basically eating around maintenance calories for a day to a week, before going back down to your weight loss calories. It can be more complex if you are like a bodybuilder or athlete or something, but that's the basic idea.
  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    I asked this same question on a different forum. I had about 10 pounds left to lose. The advice I got was to eat at my maintenance level for light or moderate activity and not eat back my exercise calories. I increased my calories, significantly increased my protein intake, stopped cardio, and started at-home lifting of small weights (I can't do heavy weights yet.)

    Results: My weight has started dropping much faster (as of today, I have about 5 pounds to go) and it's fat not muscle - my stomach is shrinking like crazy. And bonus (!), I'm really enjoying eating a more normal quantity of food!
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    If you're not losing weight, you need to lower calories, simple as that. As for strength training, if you're a beginner, focus on heavy compound lifts: Bench press, bent over rows, shoulder press, squats, dead lifts, leg press, pull ups(assisted). Also, there's nothing wrong with red meat, eat it up

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