What's your reason?



  • ADixie4You2Know
    ADixie4You2Know Posts: 47 Member
    Beautifuly said! I could't agree with you more!:flowerforyou:
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    very inspiring.
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    LOL - I have a whole bunch of deeply depressing emotional **** but I'm also another one of the fat clothes wouldn't fit anymore and I simply refused to buy another set of even fatter clothes.

    Seriously, I was down to two (TWO) pairs of jeans that I could squeeze into and then I popped off the deeply riveted button on one of them. Wake.Up.Call
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    My reason back in 1987 was being called Big Bertha by a group of boys who were friends with a boy I had a crush on. They decided to do this across the cafeteria so that everyone could see/hear. in the same week, we all had to go down to the nurse's office to get weighed. Everybody in my home room knew I weighed 192lbs. This was back in the 80s when the whole world was skinny. I was in 9th grade.

    What's my reason now? Because I promised that young girl who worked so hard to lose the weight that I wouldn't let her down. Also, diabetes and heart disease run wild in my family, as well as my dad having an abdominal aortic aneurysm, as a result of years of him not taking care of himself when he was younger. I don't have insurance. I don't have kids to take care of me when I'm older and sick. It's a scary place to be!
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    I will make this short I saw a picture of myself at my youngest's first birthday party and all could think was fluffalump! So I go on the scale and I realized that was 204lbs and I weighed more than my husband. Ya that was just the kick in the *kitten* I needed. 34 down and 36 to go. I will not give up...
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I got stuck in the bathtub. I set the water too hot and once I got in, I couldn't get to the faucet to turn it off because I was off balance. I got a good burn on my legs.

    So embarrassing!!!
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    These are inspiring!!

    For me it was mostly because I was tired of failing.. My husband and I were trying for baby #3 and after 3 years I went through two surgeries, 1 ectopic pregnancy and one miscarriage. I had managed to gain a ton of weight just because we were 'trying for a baby' and I was depressed. My clothes never fit, I was buying from the plus size section and people were constantly asking if I was expecting.

    I just decided I had had enough. I may not be able to have another baby and I accept that. But I don't have to keep gaining weight, there's no reason for it and its one thing I can control.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I had hip and back pain that restricted my walking...so I'd also limited my beloved hiking, which led to yet more weightgain. Then I developed carpal tunnel on top of that and was advised that losing weight would help, and I was willing to do anything reasonable to avoid surgery (it worked! in combination with the right physical therapy and yoga.) My GERD had returned. I had to wear long, loose tops over my size 20 pants because they were so tight the snap kept unsnappng. But I'd gotten so big, these long, loose tops were either going to be a hing of the past or I needed to buy new ones.

    wrist is fine. Hip is much improved. Hiking is on! GERD is gone. Down to size 14. I had my checkup today and my doctor and I were talking about what a disincentive to weight loss it is to be healthy! But I have 37 more pounds to go to get to normal weight (I've gone from severely obese down two categories to overweight), and that's the plan.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I got cancer and diabetes and I don't want to die. Doing what I can to be healthy.
    Good for you, strong person. May all go right for you!
  • Bubbles110lbs
    Bubbles110lbs Posts: 3 Member
    I have a brain tumor which is located on my pituitary gland, which means that my hormone levels are currently at zero. So my doctors tell me it's completely impossible to lose any weight. But I know that's not true because last Summer I lost 20 pounds. and my levels were just as low then as they are now. So I feel like the doctors are just daring me to prove them wrong!!!!:) I'll need loads of support though, I still have 2 years of chemo, and I'm sick most of the week so it'll be very difficult. Good luck to you, and wish me luck!!!!!
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    I realized that I had been gaining 1 lb a year for 20 years (and I didn't start out tiny) and the Dr. and I agreed that while I wasn't in the danger zone yet--by age 65 (20 more years) I would be in big trouble if I didn't fix it now.

    Plus, I religiously deleted all photos of me as I hated how I looked

    Plus, all my clothes were too small and I was out of sizes before moving into Plus sizes

    Plus, I am going to Vegas and Costa Rica and don't want to be all covered up in the sun

    Plus, I wasn't sleeping well (or at all sometimes)

    Plus, I hated feeling my stomach touch my thighs when I drove the car
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I was in a bad car accident in May 2012 and was paralyzed with lower back injuries and internal bleeding and was homebound for some time to heal. I gained a little over 35lbs. Today I am able to walk and bend and back to pretty much a normal life. So I decided to do the Insanity program to rebuild all the muscle I lost and to lose the fat I gained.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I had to have a custom made track suit made for riding my motorcycle at the track. The people making the suit said they had to kill two cows to make my suit! They were kidding of course but it struck a nerve. I'm around mostly men that ride motorcycles and being like brothers I've been teased for a while now. I'm a little over half way to my goal and can now fit in regular sized leather suits/jackets/pants at least, but I need to be smaller to be faster at the track so I can kick their *kitten* now! HAHA
  • athyraslove
    athyraslove Posts: 145
    I want to get fit before I have a second child to help the pregnancy go as smoothly as possible. I've never been a very confident person, and I discovered working out helps boost my self esteem and makes me feel good about myself. If I feel good about myself, I look good and other people notice too. I've also always wanted to wear a two piece swim suit that wasn't a tankini. I'm hoping to get a retro style one shortly...

    Also for health reasons. All kinds of crazy health issues run in my family and keeping my body healthy will help keep them at bay. I also want to be able to play with my kids and not just sit on a bench and watch them.
  • littlelady2b
    littlelady2b Posts: 104
    I wanted to just feel better - stronger. I had been out of work for a couple months and put on like 25 lbs... maybe more - to the point that i could feel my muffin top when my arms were at my sides.... I was in the Marine Corps (many years ago) - this was unacceptable - i felt weak
    I started going to the gym a couple years ago but never really watched my diet. I did lose 30 lbs - but have more to lose...
    I have horrible body image issues... some days I dont even want to leave the house - I feel just fat and frumpy - I am hoping that by taking better care of me and feeling physically better that the mental part will come.

    When you were a marine you must have been told to walk straight and hold your head high you were a marine and that's something to be proud of to this day. Your outside image doesn't project who you are you do. So walk proud hold your head up today is a new day and believe in you. Love yourself because no one is going to take care of you like you will. The person you are inside is what is most important and the fact that you are taking care of your body should make you proud of yourself. I'm pretty sure the only one that is judging you harshly is you and by doing that you are only hurting yourself. You had the strength to survive the core so I believe if you really think about it you have the strength to not only do this but to have a life you deserve. So don't give up, you got this. Good luck to you
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I honestly just snapped one day and said "no more". I haven't looked back since and my numbers prove it
  • c_faulkenburg
    c_faulkenburg Posts: 158 Member
    I got tired of being tired.

    THIS. And I have parents who have weight related health problems. And I want to set a good example for my kids. And I don't want to be fat.
  • ecdce
    ecdce Posts: 129 Member
    I realized I was turning down invitations, avoiding see friends I hadn't seen in a while, and generally hiding from life, all because I was fat. That's a terrible way to live. I have been self conscious of my body since I was 13 and got hips, even though its only been the last three or four years that I've been fat. I don't want to be self conscious anymore.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    I have always kept my weight under 135, my whole life, even when pregnant. But I spent a year after my dad died not caring about my weight. One day I realized I was not in any of the family photos for the past year. I was avoiding having my pic taken. Then I went to the doc, and they weighed me. I was blown away! I couldn't believe how much weight I had packed on! None of my clothes fit right and I kept changing my shirts when I got dressed because I thought the shirt made me look pregnant! I finally realized it was my weight doing it! Then the final straw. My cholesterol was at 240! I woke up the next day and said NO MORE> And here I am over 40 lbs lighter and feeling much better. I got a ways to go. But it feels awesome!
  • droppinlbslikeangels
    Gosh well I'll certainly never run out of reasons!

    • My family all lost a SIGNIFICANT amount of weight
    • I've always been a fat kid, I don't want to be a fat young adult now as well.
    • I spent a year around 200 lbs, always thinking "Okay just 70 more lbs... i can do that." Until I woke up one morning and those 70 lbs to go turned into 100 lbs to go. yikes.
    • I can't run for more than 2 minutes without my chest tightening. I can't jog a mile in under 16 minutes. I am 18 years old and this is just unacceptable. My 54 year old mother can do LAPS around me. Now I'm not very competitive but /dang/