Not so much a rant and profile pictures



  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    I have an easier time connecting at first if I see a face (size doesn't matter, but smiles speak to me). Having said that, I will also befriend cats, dogs, ducks or memes :happy:
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    But that is my Face :-)

    You have such a cute face too ......

    SAYS THE KITTY KAT. Shouldn't you be fighting with the puppy? This is something unheard of (but it's good).

    And oh, to answer your question. Yes I do think it does make a difference. The only reason I don't put up a photo is for privacy reasons. That, and I hate taking pictures. I avoid them. They come out horrible. -.-
  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    Personally, I just prefer not to post a picture that clearly shows my face. I prefer my internet activities to remain mostly anonymous - it's just the level of privacy that I'm comfortable with.

    Right now, I do have a picture of myself up, but I was careful to choose one that's not focused on my face. Generally, I use pictures of my dogs or nature or whatever. I find that some of the non-face pictures give a more meaningful idea of who a person is than just a picture of their face. I do, however, agree with the earlier poster who said that the generic blue non-picture is the only thing that I'm not crazy about. I feel like it's not that hard to just find a picture of something you like to reflect who you are, rather than just using the generic non-avatar. I don't think I'd respond any differently to a post from someone without a picture, but I do think having the picture helps.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    how do you know i'm not a cat?
    I think you're an adorable cat.

    I don't care if they have a picture or not. I want to be liked for my personality, not my looks, hence the reason for kitty pictures. I like my friends for their personalities.
  • madamstn
    madamstn Posts: 19 Member
    I like people to have real faces (and bodies) so have posted pictures of myself.

    (The only people NOT allowed to see all of my activity on here are my close family and friends, because they're "feeders" and generally unsupportive. They think I'm too skinny - 5'5'' and a solid 128 lbs, perfectly healthy - and have a "gym addiction." Sheesh, all the addictions running rampant in this world, including in my own family, and I should be concerned with my time on the elliptical? No. Just no.)

    I agree with you, however; for me it is the healthy lifestyle that i'm addicted to not the gym. If I don't go to the gym I feel that I cheated myself.
  • Maddius
    Maddius Posts: 78 Member
    Have to agree, I actually like people and connecting with them, so it's just nice to see someone's face. There's so much support on here that it just lifts it to another dimension again.

    For me I made sure I filled out all the gory detailed stuff as well, I don't mind people getting a little insight into me, and my putting detail into my profile was yet another form of self commitment from me to me (does That make sense?).

    To be honest I'm somewhat amazed at the number of folk on here with no pic and no detail on themselves? I'm guessing those folk just want some anonymity for whatever reasons and to be fair I'm thinking the ladies on here that don't show pics of self and detail may be fearful of the drongo element? That's something that blokes don't (generally) have to contend with.

    Whatever your choices, I wish you all well in your respective journeys.
  • Soyajam
    Soyajam Posts: 22 Member
    Technically, this profile picture contains my face... although it's not accurate, naturally.

    I'm more concerned with privacy and ID, really. This isn't a personal network, don't know anybody on here etc. At least while I'm a newbie I'd prefer to be a little more anon. This pic is certainly enough for that at the moment!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't really care either way :) I've played enough MMOs to be comfortable talking to/relating with people who represent themselves as something totally different visually that it doesn't bother me if someone has a picture of their pet or something they find inspirational, etc., as their profile picture.

    What does bother me is when someone is clearly using another person's photo as their identity, ex: representing themselves as the person in the photo when it clearly is stolen--hard to explain but I've caught people doing this before on here and called them out on it. It's one thing to put up a picture of Mr. Fluffypants as your profile pic because you'd rather be anonymous (or you have a really freaking cute dog/cat/turtle/whatever) and another thing entirely to use someone else's face as your own.

    No-picture is fine too but I usually just assume you're not creative because, come on, everybody has the internet here lol even if you decide to be Tard the Grumpy Cat on the forums you're at least showing some enthusiasm ;)
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    So I took you advice and posted a picture of me at least when I liked myself a bit better. At this point I had lost 60 pounds which I have now regained, so I posted this picture as motivation. I need to lose 100, but always get to about 60 and start to feel good and gain it back. I need to get past that this time. I am contemplating gastric sleeve but I am scared to death. I have lost and gained this weight so many times.

    I agree I think pictures allow people to relate to you on a more personal level and therefore help you. I know the people here have had the same struggles and I am hoping to get the friendship, support and courage I need to conquer this battle without the intervention of surgery.


    Pretty haircut Donna! Just say no to surgery! It has taken me years to finally get to this point, and I finally feel that I can keep off what I have lost: I have bad days, but then get back on the horse and don't give up or beat myself up, and making time to take care of myself and making time to exercise every day helps soooo much! I have respect for you that you are trying again and not giving up!
    BTW - I like when people post pictures of themselves. I can't connect to an abs body shot or a cartoon personally and it makes me sad that people don't like pics of themselves. I say, celebrate your beauty and individuality, make a friend take your pic until you get one you like, and post it!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I find a real face/body shot more appealing and motivational.
  • Mayor86
    Mayor86 Posts: 39 Member
    Honestly, i have a picture so my friends know its me, I dont have any friends on her yet but who i do they'll recognize me.

    P.S. Add me
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    I like seeing a picture of a face too but I will say I have some pretty awesome friends with quotes, and family or pets as their pictures.
  • Enny2405
    Enny2405 Posts: 97 Member
    I have always had photos on my profile - but lately I am using motivational pictures to motivate me and maybe others. Seeing positive sayings over and over again is a good way to start believing it and getting it into the subconscious. Anyone that I have as a friend can look through my profile to see what I look like if they ever forget :tongue: But yes -- it is nice to put a face to the name. (I am also guilty of occasionally using a photo of my most precious - my beautiful cat)
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    I run from cameras so there are very few pictures of me. I've had too many negative comments when I do get the courage to post a picture of myself. I realize I should not care what other's think, but when you have low self esteem and are self conscious to begin with...the comments only make things worse. On top of that...I am very, very shy.:blushing:
    I also run from cameras. I sometimes think I look really good in the mirror take a photo and its horrible. I can't take good pictures I have no idea why
    You safe from shaming here. You post pictures only when it's right for you. That's your decision. I am just opening up a dialog that might be affecting you. Are people with out photos treated differently than those with photos. Is the problem worse for men. Are more women stand offish is a man decides to be totally anonymous. Do you ignore friend requests from people without photos?

    Sometimes I use mine others times I use motivating ones like I have now.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    pictures are cool but to each their own
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    don't wanna intimidate anyone by posting face pics, we're all gonna make it
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If they have a photo of a face how do you know it's them anyway it could be any random pic off Google.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I feel like if somebody won't take the time to post a picture as their avatar (ANY picture) they probably won't stick around very long. In my experience, for most people anyway, if you're committed enough to log in every day and lose weight by sticking to your goals, you'll at least personalize your profile a little.

    So if someone hasn't done anything to their profile, or has only made 3 posts in a 6 month period, I tend to not take them very seriously. This doesn't apply to everyone of course, it's just based what I've seen so far here.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'm pissed that I can't have more than 18 pics on here! ... and I'm a total selfie *kitten*. Add me! :laugh:
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Wow! a provocative question!

    Yeah, I just started posting and noted that most posters have at least some photos. I only recently starting adding friends (from mfp).Previous to that, I had a couple of friends and my personal trainer from the gym. I love a good sense of humor, more than anything. I figure that we are all in the same boat, trying to lose weight or tone or get healthy, whatever--so what does it matter what one looks like?
    I also kind of look at demographics, both age and geographic and anything else that the poster and I might have in common.

    I had a gray face when I started ( October 2012) and recently posted a picture (3 weeks ago), and hope that it doesn't dissuade anyone from adding me. One of these days I will fill out "about me" stuff.

    I hope that shy people understand that we are all trying to improve and not to judge.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I post a pic and fill in all my profile stuff because I think it is important that people realise what a great guy I am:love:

    Seriously, while I don't discriminate when accepting friends against those who don't have a pic and don't fill in their profiles, I prefer to see what they look like and learn something about them as it makes it easier to make a connection. Some 'friends' you never get to know really, some you do despite it being an internet thing only, and I think that personal link is important from a mutual support point of view.
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    <----taking a leap of faith and putting up a pic of myself *hides*

    This pic is the most recent I is from a cell phone last Oct (at my heaviest) at a photo session with the in-laws. Not the best quality of pics
  • OhSnap779
    OhSnap779 Posts: 71 Member
    With so many different screen names to remember, it is nice to have faces to go with them. If there is a face I will remember who is who better, and that helps me be a better motivator and supportive friend.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I post a pic and fill in all my profile stuff because I think it is important that people realise what a great guy I am:love:
    And we realise that Ron ;-)
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    I also run from cameras. I sometimes think I look really good in the mirror take a photo and its horrible. I can't take good pictures I have no idea why
    There has been studies done that show that a person is more likely to like a picture of themselves that's a reversed image than if if it's a true image because we only really see ourselves in the mirror and we're familiar with how that looks.
    Friends are more likely to like photographs of you that's the true image rather than the reversed image because they're use to their true image.

    I don't know how I feel about people and their profile pictures. I find a hard time connecting, I guess, if they don't have any kind of picture at all, even a quote is better than that gray silhouette.
    When we go online we get to basically build our identity. We make up our own names, we get to chose the image that represents us and we chose the details we want to share about ourselves.
    I feel when a person posts a picture of themselves they're making themselves more open because there's a connection between who they are in their real life and in their virtual life.
    Kind of? Not necessarily. I don't know what I'm talking about.
  • Insathius
    Insathius Posts: 24 Member
    Love being able to see peoples progress and actually speaking to a face but I really don't mind either way, the more connections I have the stronger I feel to move forwards.
  • ladynissa
    ladynissa Posts: 1

    I use to be the picture of the sunset gal until a person that was actually interested in ME as a person and asked for much the same reasons you did...just to place a "face" with the personality. Ironically , now I don't trust a "faceless" person as readily on the web to much for whatever reason.

    The weight I carried definately deterred me from posting initially.
    I met a friend on line who posted all kinds of pictures and she was absolutely beautiful...and twice the size as I was. In short she lived her life in front of and behind the camera and SHE was happy...and I wanted happy and accepted the face God gave me since I'd have it the rest of my life and

    I finally got people will either accept or reject you for one reason or another...and I found out just how many appreciated Nissa "as is".....Nissa became one :)
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member

    I use to be the picture of the sunset gal until a person that was actually interested in ME as a person and asked for much the same reasons you did...just to place a "face" with the personality. Ironically , now I don't trust a "faceless" person as readily on the web to much for whatever reason.

    The weight I carried definately deterred me from posting initially.
    I met a friend on line who posted all kinds of pictures and she was absolutely beautiful...and twice the size as I was. In short she lived her life in front of and behind the camera and SHE was happy...and I wanted happy and accepted the face God gave me since I'd have it the rest of my life and

    I finally got people will either accept or reject you for one reason or another...and I found out just how many appreciated Nissa "as is".....Nissa became one :)

    LOVE THIS!!!
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I find that the facial expression of the person in the photo has more to do with whether or not I'm comfortable being myself when talking to them. For example: Someone who is flexing with a generally unpleasant or even smug or intimidating look on their face is not likely to have me open up to them. This is not to say that they are unpleasant, rude, smug or anything, they could be the most encouraging person on the planet, but having dealt with hurtful comments and actions my whole life I'm not likely to open up to a person who's photo I find intimidating.

    I do find that I do have more of a connection with people with photos, but again.. it all depends on what kind of photo they have.
  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member
    how do you know i'm not a cat?

    But that's the point of the internet!

    Also I find Gilgamesh more inspiring than myself. I started with a picture of me (even though I don't really enjoy how I look most times), but realized I was going to be better off channeling my inner spirit-villain.