What's your reason?



  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    • I have a wardrobe of gorgeous, well made clothes purchased from little charity shops from around the world. I love the idea of being one of those women that can wear a classic suit she has had for 30 years.

    • I put 10kg and 10cm on my waist over the course of 3 years after moving countries. Some of the clothes started to get too tight.

    • I have two sisters - one has dieted and exercised herself into a size 10, the other is rapidly heading that way - I am the tallest, but I don't want to be the biggest.
  • kmwally3
    kmwally3 Posts: 1
    I gained so much weight after having triplets, and now they are finally getting old enough to do fun stuff with so I really want to be there to do it. I also love playing tennis and want to get better at it. My husband is an Ironman and I want to be able to do things together!
  • maghenwarren
    maghenwarren Posts: 28 Member
    I had enough with my body. I wasn't happy with how I looked and knew it could be changed. I started eating right, using this app to help, and working out when I had time. I've lost about 40 pounds and I feel great.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I had chest pain and had to have angioplasty and stent. Scared me really bad.
  • startheory
    startheory Posts: 63
    I got tired of being the chubby sister who sits in the shade at the river fully clothed instead of rocking a bathing suit like my cute thinner sisters. I am too young to be fully clothed in the Summer time at the river! Oh also my daughter needs a mom that is in shape to run her around everywhere and do all the fun things moms do with their girls!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    My cousin needed a kidney and I weighed too much to give her mine. We ended up not being a blood type match anyway, and she got her kidney from another cousin, but I have two more cousins with the same disease who will need one some day and I am a blood type match for one. Plus I have an aunt whose donated kidney is failing and may need one soon. I am not a match for her, but may be able to do a partner donation or a loop for her. There is nothing more humbling than being perfectly healthy, but being too fat to help someone you love. I am now eligible to donate and am still losing and working out. I want to be a normal BMI so I am at my optimal health when I donate, which may be soon!