
Hey there! I am looking for people who blog, outside of MFP, about their weight loss journey; struggles, & accomplishments.

I do. And you can follow me at :

If you stop by my blog, Check out my post No Number Challenge. It's what I am doing until Sept 20th. One of the things is I can't weigh in until the end of the challenge, which is sometimes very difficult to resist. But so far so good!! :smile:

Leave me your site and I will come support you too. I know it comes down to just getting out their and sticking to our plans, but having the support & encouragement helps a lot. And also reading about another persons journey can be inspiring and usefull.

Hope to see you all in the blog world! :flowerforyou:

Oh, and give me a follow on here too. The more the merrier!


  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i don't blog about my weight loss journey but i post my menu each week and occassionally a recipe. i'd love to have you stop by.
  • SabrinaM85
    Thanks for sharing. Love your concept. :smile:
  • forbiddendestiny
    I don't blog outside of myfitnesspal, but on this i blog a little about hints i've found, and recipes i've made! :3
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I am at:

    I plan of updating tonight since I fell off the wagon a bit!
  • SabrinaM85
    Welcome new friends. I have joined most your blogs already. Awesome stuff!!!

    Are there any more out there?
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Not ever done blogging before but it so interesting to read the thought in other peoples head its like reading a diary most give me a little chuckle.
  • SabrinaM85
    Haha. I used to only read blogs as well. But then I decided in order to make this weight loss experience become more beneficial for me, I needed to start blogging. The support has been more than I could imagine. If you are reading my blog, I hope you enjoy getting inside my head. And please, let me know you have stopped by.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    How do I view your blog is there away of doing it from your profile? I have been reading a few as they pop up on my homepage but unsure how to search for a persons blog
  • SabrinaM85
    I sent you a message. I hope you got it! :bigsmile:
  • SabrinaM85
    I love all my new blogger friends! You all are awesome!!

    Do we have any more out there?
  • SabrinaM85