Anxiety and Exercise

Does anyone else find their workouts are affected by anxiety? I'm sure I'm not alone but I could use some support on this.


  • Mamalea32
    Mamalea32 Posts: 134
    In the past I have gotten through weight training and then found my mind wandering during cardio. Anxiety did occur and I did left the gym. When it happened again I began keeping my cell phone and calling to check in with whomever I was worrying about. If anxiety affects your daily routines, I do recommend Lexapro. It is amazing what meds can do.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I think you could be more specific? My anxiety has improved since exercising, I have more energy, which means I need to workout harder since excess energy makes me anxious.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I've never been officially diagnosed or talked with a doctor, but I can get hit pretty bad sometimes. It can go both ways ... sometimes pushing through and exercising will help calm me and clear my head. Other times I just want to curl up into a fetal position and can't make myself move. Same with eating ... sometimes it triggers and emotional, nervous eating (just give me chocolate and candy!) and other times my stomach is in such knots that there is no way I can eat anything.

    I have a complete home gym, so I actually don't have as many excuses as I would otherwise (social factors at a gym, I do have a fear of dogs which has curbed some outdoor walking as some neighbors were letting their dogs run wild. I've been working up my time on the stationary bike and hubby asked if I was ready to hit the road, but I don't think I ever will be ... perhaps a trail, but never an actual road.)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    My anxiety got better after starting an exercise protocol.
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    For me, my anxiety is significantly better ever since I've been exercising. During a workout is when I usually get to stop thinking about everything that is bothering me and focus on what I'm doing. I always feel better after a good workout. If you're having issues with anxiety that is affecting your daily activities you should seek professional help.
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    Yes, my anxiety has gotten way better. I used to have pretty bad anxiety and would get panic attacks. When I first started working out, I felt that my anxiety got worse, mostly AT the gym because I would get uncomfortable with the bodily sensations that mimic a panic attack (heart rate increase, sweating, etc). but once I pushed through that I have found that regular exercise has greatly diminished my anxiety. I still feel it from time to time but I haven't had a panic attack in MONTHS.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I tend to find the opposite to be true. My anxiety can be significantly alleviated through exercise.
  • degausser234
    degausser234 Posts: 157 Member
    Back when I was going to the YMCA I would have panic attacks all the time. I would actually have to stop mid-workout and just leave because my anxiety was too high.
    I still get a little anxious before going to the gym, but recently I've been doing work-out dvds like 30 day shred, body revolution, p90x. I actually find that I like these type of systems more than just going to the gym and being on the elliptical for an hour. It feels like a more complete workout to me.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Cardio makes me anxious. I think I just get worried about how long I'm supposed to be on the machine, or how far I have to go, if I can keep up with the class, etc. I found that lifting makes me much less anxious, and I actually enjoy it. I think it is the, "I only have to do this 5 times" fixed point. I'd recommend trying out different exercises to see what is right for you.
  • I am far less stressed and anxious when I am working out and eating well. It's night and day for me.
    The metal benefits for me are actually more important to me than the physical ones. Not that I dontt recognize the physical it's just that I "feel" so much better when healthy and fit.
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    Thanks for all the responses! I've been much better since I began exercising but I had a few minor panic attacks during my morning run today and didn't know if anyone else experienced the same thing.

    I'm glad you're all doing better though! :happy:
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    I think when you start working out you experience anxiety because it's something new to your body so you freak out.... it gets better with time...It's all in your head you panic over the rush it gives you.Work yourself up to a routine and increase when ready don't over do it.80% of results is your diet...I don't recommend any drug out there there are more side effects then fixing any problem....watermelon helps with anxiety,never look down when having it look up.I will walk it off because I have to match my adrenalin your body is in fight or flight mode.I also quit smoking and took out alcohol because that increased or may have been the cause of mine it seems.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Yes. In fact, today when I was on the treadmill, I kept having rushes of anxiety (unrelated to the gym or exercise) and then I became more anxious worrying that I would lose my balance and fall over. I switched to the elliptical, even though I know it's not as good a workout for me.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    After seeing a virtual army of doctors and specialists, and being dosed to the eyeballs with meds in the end the thing that beat my chronic Panic Disorder & anxiety into submission was exercise and better nutrition.

    I have only once had a PA whilst doing a run, and yes this event made me a little hesitant to run again but I got right back to it, just slowed my pace down a little at first and after a few sessions I was right as rain.

    Good luck if you have anxiety it is a terrible thing to deal with but is treatable.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    My friends I used to have crippling attacks, the recent one was 3 months ago when I started a new job. I had to pull over on the way to work I was so lightheaded and dizzy I almost passed out. Once parked I got out and vomited violently, it was a horrible experience that I'd never wish on anyone. I still have minor bouts but it's managable now thanks to something I discovered called 'a panic free life' and was created by a comedian, yes a comedian. His take on it is a breath of fresh air and it works for me.

    If you want to hear more of my store and this system then please see me at

    In the meantime I wish every one of you the best in your efforts to control the beasts known as anxiety and panic attacks.


    Dude, your "3 post and every one is a copy and paste for a website" thing is so overplayed.

    To the OP: Yes. I use a lot of home workouts - Youtube specifically. It's free, I can find both high impact and low impact exercises (I live in a second floor apartment, so I need low impact that won't shake the floor) and have many kinds of workouts and time lengths to choose from.
  • Mamalea32
    Mamalea32 Posts: 134
    I find outdoor biking super relaxing.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you are having panic attacks on runs, then you might want to think about seeing a dr.

    I had issues with anxiety and went to my Dr, who sent me to someone who specializes in Anxiety issues and they put me on buspar which has helped with anxiety immensely.