Anyone freezing?

I am *always cold* these days. Some of it makes sense - most buildings are kept really cold - but our house is at 74 degrees which should be fine.

I'm about to go outside and exercise to get warm. While the extra motivation is nice, I hope I'm not doing something bad to my body here... could this have something to do with weight loss, diet? Anyone else getting this?


  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Have you lost a lot of weight recently???

    When I got down to a very low weight......I always felt tired.......AND COLD!! It was horrible, I hated it. Always drinking hot drinks to warm up, heating on full blast etc

    Doctors done blood tests on me, You should up your iron intake... or could be anemic?? I know what was wrong with me, I wasn't eating enough, and working out way too much
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I just lost around 8 pounds in 6 weeks... is that enough to have made a noticeable difference in coldness?

    Edit: that was 6% of my body weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    How's your iron intake? When folks "diet" they tend to cut out a lot of foods that provide iron to your body because they think that being healthy is all about eating a lot of fruit and veg and nothing else. If you've substantially cut out a lot of meat, dark meat poultry, whole eggs, etc then you are probably not getting enough iron. Coldness is a symptom of iron deficiency. Women tend to be iron deficient anyways. I'd get some blood work done and also monitor intake of iron on MFP.
  • MichelleAnn10
    I have the same issue. I am never warm...winters are unbearable. I must have 2-4 layers on and I was drinking around 9 cups of hot tea everyday just to stay warm. It makes me loose all motivation to do anything because all I want to do is stay in bed or under a blanket. I also had blood work done with no results. I hope someone has some answers, because at this point all I can do is move to somewhere warmer, ideally that doesn't use air conditioning....Mexico? Lol
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    It can be due to iron deficiency. However, I have lost a lot of weight and I get cold a LOT more than I used to. I am sitting in my office right now wearing a coat, and it is the middle of summer in Texas! I was concerned about it at first, but I had a physical in November (around when the problem started) and my blood work was all good. My doctor said that sometimes after you lose a lot of weight, it takes your body a while to get the hang of regulating your temp. So if you have lost a lot of weight, that could be why.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Since losing my weight yes, I am cold all the time. I have had blood tests done for thyroid, iron etc and all came back normal.
    I used to be so hot all the time and dreaded summer time, I couldn't stand the heat, but this year, I am looking forward to summer. It has been really hot here lately and I have just been comfortable while my husband has been sweating. I am sure it has a bit to do with dramatic weight loss, but with 8lbs loss I wouldn't think that would cause it?
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member

    But I had this issue even at my heaviest so I doubt it's related to my weight loss.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I thought of posting the same topic earlier as I sit shivering at my desk. After looking at my food intake, I believe I might be anemic. Normally I can tell by my complexion but it is summer and I spend as much time as possible outdoors - combined with my cherokee blood I'm pretty dark right now. Will purchase supplements and maybe I will be comfortable. Great thread!
  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    How's your iron intake? When folks "diet" they tend to cut out a lot of foods that provide iron to your body because they think that being healthy is all about eating a lot of fruit and veg and nothing else. If you've substantially cut out a lot of meat, dark meat poultry, whole eggs, etc then you are probably not getting enough iron. Coldness is a symptom of iron deficiency. Women tend to be iron deficient anyways. I'd get some blood work done and also monitor intake of iron on MFP.

    I learned something on MFP today...who knew it was possible?? (Slightly kidding)

    Seriously, thank-you for this!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Fat is another issue. When people "diet" they also tend to cut out dietary fat because they think that fat makes you fat. Appropriate amounts of fat are necessary to balance your hormones, absorb nutrients, organ and brain function, heart health, etc.

    Dietary fat also regulates body temperature. If you're not getting at least 20%-30% of your diet in healthy fats then you aren't getting enough fat. I'd suggest olive oil, avocado, nuts, nut butters, fatty fish like salmon and tuna, etc
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Yes, I'm always cold.
    As I type this I'm sitting in my office wearing a jacket I keep here because I can't stand the a/c.

    I had blood work done in May and no iron deficiency. Just naturally cold.
    My hands are the worst, I have to wear gloves at my desk all winter.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Will purchase supplements and maybe I will be comfortable.
    Please get tested before purchasing supplements, too much iron can be worse than too little.[/quote]

    and as one the above posters said, make sure you get enough dietary fat. :)
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Another issue could be you're eating too little. Your goal is set to 1200 and you're not always eating back your exercise calories. According to the BMR calculator at using the info on your profile and guessing a height of 5'4", your BMR is around 1400 and lightly active TDEE is 1935. Your body needs fuel to keep itself warm.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks guys :) I added iron to the nutrients I'm tracking, and sure enough, I'm always low. I'd already seen that I was low on fat, so that could be part of it, too.

    I'm working on concocting a high iron truffle with dark chocolate, blackstrap molasses, and cream cheese... with cayenne and cinnamon. Don't have the molasses yet but so far what I've concocted is pretty yummy :) Maybe add some fat in there too... coconut oil?

    Thank you! :D
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Or you could turn your A/C up and save some money. I'd be freezing at 74!
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    > Or you could turn your A/C up and save some money. I'd be freezing at 74!

    Haha, totally agreed. I would if I could, but 74 already took negotiation with the husband. :)

    Maybe it was the iron, and fat. Weighed in low today but had a bowl of grape nuts (90% iron) and more like maintenance calories (I'm going to need to work out to eat dinner tonight :D), and I'm not cold today. Hmm..

    Edited to say: could be either the iron, the fat, or more calories in general. Down to 3 variables? (darn it, if I could only tweak one variable at a time...)