Woman dumps cat in garbage, becomes Internet villain



  • Kelle29
    Kelle29 Posts: 14
    It is not legal in uk to do that to an animal ,that is why she is being hounded out !

    I am on loads of different forums and everyone is talking about this ,yet this is the only forum where people have found it amusing !!!! What is amusing about it ? Strange how some peoples minds work !

    I found it disgusting! How anyone finds it amusing I do not know. She should be locked up for it]
  • caryn2010
    caryn2010 Posts: 50 Member
    Knowing there are people in the world who do that sort of foul thing is hard enough for my spirit to attempt to absorb.... seeing it made me really sad and even cry. I think that people who are found to be intentionally cruel to ANY animals should face harsh fines & punishment & have their faces plastered all over the internet & billboards all around the towns they reside in so that whenever they go anywhere people give them crap over their cowardly cruel behavior. They deserve far worse. I have no understanding of people like that.
  • ppennington
    Well said, Trisha!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Okay, as a person with cats, however, there have been a few 2AMs where I've considered locking my animals up.... I haven't yet, but I'm just sayin'
  • StaceyDanielle90
    I saw this on the news. Its just so cruel. There was just no need for it!
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    I saw this also on the news also, so Disturbing!!! "Do unto others. . . . . . . " I know that quote didn't include animals, but maybe she should spend 15 hours in a filthy dumpster!

    I completely agree!!!
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I see nothing amusing or funny about that at all! and it's scary to me that people actually find it funny..Abuse is never funny in any form

    Could not agree more! Its despicable.

    My response to people who think it is funny is lets shove her in a trash can for 15 hours. Oh, wait. That wouldn't be funny? Well that don't do it to that poor cat!!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I see nothing amusing or funny about that at all! and it's scary to me that people actually find it funny..Abuse is never funny in any form

    In complete agreement!!!