Ideas for exercise during work (desk job)

Hi Everyone!

I just started using myfitnesspal yesterday and it has really opened my eyes! Especially with calorie numbers in foods! Yikes! I am in need of some suggestions. I work at a desk job and don't get much time to move around the office and only get a 20-30 min lunch most days. Any suggestions on simply things to do at my desk to help keep "exercising" and staying awake :) while sitting at a desk all day? Thank you for your advice!


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'd suggest exercising when you're not at work.
  • captainwinter364
    captainwinter364 Posts: 1 Member
    Eat lunch at your desk then spend your actual break going for a walk
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I wear a fitbit and try to get a walk in every hour - even if it is only to the washroom/water fountain...Do a few squats standing at your desk, and make sure you walk over lunch - it helps a lot...And then of course, do a workout of some sorts after/before work....
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    I'm in much the same boat! I work out after work on a lot of days (or, at the very least, try to get a long walk in), but doing a little extra during the day helps a lot.

    A few things I've found that have helped me personally:

    - Buy a pedometer/FitBit/etc. This will make you more conscious of how much you are or are not moving around during the day and will drive you to take a few extra steps wherever you can get them.
    - Take the stairs (if and when relevant) instead of the elevator
    - Instead of hitting up Facebook or Google News when I need a brain scrub to start on the next project, take a walk around the floor, or downstairs and back up
    - Take the longer way. Park farther away from the doors, take a circuitous route to your desk, from your desk, back to your desk. Use bathrooms on another floor, in another wing. Anything to add a few more steps and a little more movement
    - Exercises at your desk. My knees are busted, so one of the things my orthopedist has me doing are quad exercises that can easily be done sitting at the desk while I'm stuck in a neverending conference call.
    - If you have something to ask someone who works in your vicinity, get up and go ask them instead of calling or emailing. Odds are, you'll get a better, faster answer, anyway.
    - Try to take small breaks. What's your company policy on breaks? If folks get smoke breaks, you get walk breaks.
    - Get there early. Take a walk when it's quiet and before all the other folks rush in.

    It all sounds really silly, but I promise you, it adds up! It's also better for your back/neck/eyes/posture in the long run to get a little more movement in while working the evil desk job.
  • dontwishforit_workforit
    I am in the same boat! When I get the chance to stand I do toe raises - stand on my tip toes and stretch as tall as I can, repeatedly. Also like to sit in chair and extend one leg at a time straight out. You could probably look up some hatha yoga moves to do some stretching if you are in a secluded cubicle/office. I work overnights so there is no one around me, but I buzz residents back into the building and I am sure they'd get a good laugh seeing me sitting on the floor doing yoga :|
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Stand occasionally and do deep knee bends, keep a small hand weight at your desk for arm exercises, stretching and flexing. Stairs in the building? Use your breaks to wlak up and doen the stairs a few flights.
  • tolae2006
    tolae2006 Posts: 54 Member
    spend more time moving
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just started using myfitnesspal yesterday and it has really opened my eyes! Especially with calorie numbers in foods! Yikes! I am in need of some suggestions. I work at a desk job and don't get much time to move around the office and only get a 20-30 min lunch most days. Any suggestions on simply things to do at my desk to help keep "exercising" and staying awake :) while sitting at a desk all day? Thank you for your advice!

    I created this thread a bit back with an entire list of desk exercises.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    Offer to be the one to run errands.
  • UGo143
    UGo143 Posts: 7 Member
    Tiffany Rothe has a 10 min workout on YouTube that you can do while sitting. Look up her "Get Fit While You Sit" workout.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Exercise before or after work, take a walk at lunch, take the stairs in your office building (if you have them), go to a different floor to use the restroom, walk laps around the office a couple times a day....

    Also, remember that weight loss happens in the kitchen and getting fit happens with exercise. You can lose weight whether you exercise or not, but exercising will make a difference in how you look after you lose the weight.

    Good luck!
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    My biggest thing (and pet peeve) is to get up from your desk to speak with someone! Not only will this help build relationships, but will give you a few more steps here or there. My boss often calls me from 15 feet frustrating! I've also heard that sitting on an exercise ball helps (although I haven't tried it due to my inability to keep those things stable long enough to avoid falling with my skirt over my head).

    If you are comfortable enough in sharing your decision to be healthier with others, you can always try to get co-workers involved too! We often have fitness challenges around the office to give us a mental break (and burn off that catered lunch!)
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Eat lunch at your desk then spend your actual break going for a walk

    THIS!! It's what I do!
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    There are a lot of articles on this if you look it up, but I like this one (I can't do situps or running at work either :wink: )

    Good luck on your MFP journey
  • strick1982
    strick1982 Posts: 75
    You can march in place, seated or standing. I like to march with weights. Try some shoulder circles, neck stretches, arm stretches, abdominal twists, leg extensions, leg squeezes, triceps extensions, biceps curls (I keep a pair of weights at my desk), front raises, upright row, lateral raise, and shoulder presses for light strength training.
  • softballsharie
    softballsharie Posts: 176 Member
    Hey there! I too work an office job all day. I work out after/before work every day, but I can understand that you may not have the time to do that. To incorporate movement/tiny workouts into my work day, I sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair at work. It may not be much, but it helps to keep the core more engaged throughout the day. I have a friend that does leg lifts with ankle weights on at her desk as well. Also, getting up for 5 minutes to stretch every two hours was a recommendation that I got from my doctor when I was having back issues, and it helped me a lot to stay more alert and incorporate more movement into my day. I hope that helps!
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Do kegels count? :wink:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I do mini-exercise sessions 1-3 times every day in my office. I just shut the door and do them on my breaks and/or lunch. I'm finishing my 3rd squat challenge, which has been done almost entirely in my office. Otherwise I do tricep dips off my desk w/ feet in my chair, pushups, crunches, the wheel, whatever. Anything non-jumping.

    When I used to be in the cube farm, I'd go out for a quick walk on breaks and lunch.

    ETA: I still do my main workout session after work. I just do these as extras and because of a few studies I've read recently that say sitting all day can still cause health problems even if you exercise. I just try to make sure I get up and move every so often.
  • kandi810
    kandi810 Posts: 88 Member
    If you search the groups there is actually a person who posts new exercises for people in our position every day. She had me exhausted most every day for about six months! Do ten squats before you go to the restroom and ten squats afterwards. Park as far as you can from the front door. Take the stairs, if there are any. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. Good luck!
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    I take extra restroom breaks for extra steps. Every little bit helps:-)