Tips for increasing strength on bench press?

I know women are genetically stronger in the lower body than upper, but for the love of Bob, increasing weight is sooooo damn hard for bench press.

Does anyone have any tips for pushing through it?

I don't have a spotter (not a regular one, though I wouldn't have a problem asking someone at the gym) and right now I'm stuck at 70lbs (5x5). I'm pretty sure my form is correct; I've watched tons of videos and done lots of research.

Is it just a lift that's gonna progress slowly? I'm kicking *kitten* in squats and deadlifts but I feel like such a puny weakling doing bench press and even overhead press lol.


  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    have you tried 3x5?
    push ups? plate raises?
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I think it's just a matter of progressively adding weight, and I do think it's going to progress slowly. Does your gym have 2.5 pound plates? I move up in small increments. I've made great progress with 5x5s - PRed at 145 for 5 reps today :) I'd suggest staying the course.

    You could also, if you've been stuck at 70 for awhile, deload for a week or two and then build up again; I've had friends break through a plateau that way.
  • When I get stuck at a weight for several workouts:

    a) Drop the weight 10% and continue up again

    b) If after trying option a 2 or 3 times and I am still hitting a ceiling, then I would consider
    1. Changing reps and sets
    2. Changing exercise

    Cheers, Donk
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Don't just rely on bench pressing to get your numbers ub, try exercising your delts, biceps and triceps at the same time, this will give you that little opphm in your arms to get that bar moving.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    With SL aren't you supposed to de-load some % if you miss on a lift 3 times? I'm not sure...I think that's what I recall though.
  • ggarpez
    ggarpez Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Bonita,
    Secret to increasing weight on the chest press for me has been to start out below the weight you are currently lifting, in your case 70lbs, so go 65 lbs. set 1 15 reps, rest 30 sec set 2 12 reps at 70 lbs. set 3 10 reps at 75lbs. You'll be surprise at the change in what your able to lift. As the cingle87 said work on the others smaller muscle group as well.
  • AngelRobbie
    AngelRobbie Posts: 153 Member
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Yeah I guess I should've given more information in my original post:

    I keep dancing around between 65 and 70. I deload when I can't move forward; then I move forward and stall again. I don't do the same weight for more than 3 workouts, though.

    Thanks for all the replies so far!
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    So You Think You Can Bench:

    Focusing on proper technique might help you. This video series is pretty good at hammering home key points of the bench press that lifters, from novices to the more advanced, might not be employing (or forget to employ) in their technique.

    Also, performing dips has a carryover effect for the bench press and overhead press.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Work on technique. Here are few pointers-
    1) Use leg drive. Keep your feet on the ground and bring them towards you so you can use them to drive
    2) Keep your butt on the bench but have a slight arch in your back
    3) Don't bring the bar to your uppershoulder but instead to the lower/middle chest
    4) Grip the bar tight.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member