Alcohol n weight loss? Lets be real here.



  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I was never a big drinker, but I have cut out alcohol until I reach my goal. After researching and discovering how much it can alter the fat loss process and the metabolism I said no thanks, not worth the calories. Also I drink the pretty, girly high calorie stuff - not a fan of beer or wine. Not only that but drinking makes me to want eat bad things too.

    I have my eyes on the prize...I'm almost there and I'm not getting derailed!
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I save it for days when I've earned exercise calories, and treat myself to a glass or two of wine. And I try to measure my drinks to make sure.

    You have to live your life. If that includes a tipple now and again, then so it does. I'm finding counting the calories helps me keep the units down too! I used to open a bottle of wine at the weekend, and finish it off - and my hubby would drink much less of it than me. Now, I cork it and save it because of the calories, but I know my liver is grateful too!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I drink Miller Lite and that has 100 calories per can so I can have at least 2 a day...:drinker:
  • kookanddra
    kookanddra Posts: 92
    I drink every night. Usually about 4 beers. Stuck with my brand because I love it. Since this a life style change and I don't want to give up my beer, I just make sure that Its within my calorie. I don't plan on quitting and I'm still loosing and at almost goal. Good luck.
  • JudibugDesigns
    JudibugDesigns Posts: 38 Member
    In my late 20's I had lost over 80 lbs in 7-8 months of bad eating and HARDCORE drinking...but we danced all night at the bar and stood/danced half the night partying afterwards...
    drinks of choice then...Smirnoff triple black, Bacardi breezer orange, tequila rose, insane amounts of jello shots in the best flavors(goldschlager and cherry, banana liqueur and orange, Sambuca and grape)...all hard liquor and or sugar...those were the days lol

    Seriously, it was the dancing!

    drink of choice now... 1 shot of Sambuca 80 cals on occasion Zero calories in weed :) and a walk after dinner
  • vickilowell
    vickilowell Posts: 37 Member
    Early in the morning while the rest of the house is sleeping, I get on MFP and try to plan the day ahead, always starting with dinner and adding in a glass of wine (not every day but quite frequently....we do live near Napa/Sonoma after all)....then with the calories left (half my daily allowance) I split the rest between breakfast-lunch-afternoon snack. I find that if I do this, my alcohol fits in with my allowance and I have steadily lost weight every single week so it is not "breaking the bank". I also use this as my "sugar" as I'd rather have a glass of bubbly or a mojito than ice cream anyhow. Hope this helps.
  • spiritedsaviour
    spiritedsaviour Posts: 50 Member
    i just smash beers when i need to, dont write it in the diary and just pretend like it never happened. im not saying this is good, or it works :) but its what i do