Plus Sized Push Ups Help

So I have been doing 30 Day Shred and most of the exercises I think I am catching on to form etc but the push ups... I have never before this tried a push up, always been an overweight kid, and I just feel awkward and confused. I use the version with my knees down but I'm over 300lbs and only barely 5 ft, so a lot of belly fat in the way. It feels like I'm half on the floor already and then your not supposed to stick your butt in the air...? Like I said, I'm very confused on whether or not I'm doing them right. I know without seeing you guys can't tell me, but is there a way to know I'm doing it right? Is there anybody out there that has or had this experience before and how did you figure it out?


  • Leah_Alexis
    Leah_Alexis Posts: 139 Member
    How about trying wall pushups instead?
  • rshcraig
    rshcraig Posts: 53
    Are those as simple as they sound? Line yourself up against a wall and push against it instead of the floor? Do you get the same benefits?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    I agree with "wall push-ups" - i actually think it's a mistake to be trying push-ups from knees (for anyone, overweight or not).

    so, stand with your feet shoulder width apart (or narrower if you have good "balance") and have your feet about 1' or 2' from the wall. Arms extended straight out in front, with your palms on the wall. Push in-and-out, with your nose ending up only 1" from the wall. Try one set with elbows flared out to the side when your nose is at the wall and the next set with elbows tight into your side when your nose is at the wall.

    Make sure you are SUCKING IN THOSE ABS (and every other body part) NICE AND TIGHT THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MOTION!

    You'll improve quicker than you think!

    When you are finding the wall push-ups "easy", you just need to move your arms down to a lower level (like your counter-top) and your feet out further. Keeping your "plank position" nice and tight, always.

    Eventually, you'll move down from your counter-top to perhaps couch height. Than to 2nd step or 3rd step on your staircase. Than down from there until, finally, you are ON THE FLOOR IN FULL PLANK POSITION DOING PUSH-UPS!

    you can do it!!!!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    Whenever doing push-ups (or planks) - also make sure your head/neck is in "neutral" position.
  • psykins
    psykins Posts: 76
    bump for the awesome wall pushup advice - pushups are my nemesis!
  • rshcraig
    rshcraig Posts: 53
    Wow that is so much detail, thank you.
  • jzrharv
    jzrharv Posts: 126 Member
    You could also try push up bars. These not only place the wrist in a much more comfortable position, but also effectively elongate your arm reach, making knee push ups feasible.